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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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The only rides in the park worth getting excited about are the log flume and Demon Drop.


I had totally forgotten about Demon Drop! You're right, there is at least one thing in the park worth being excited about then! (Not saying the Log Flume may not be great as well... And at least they still have a log flume!)


Steel Force is still a better hyper than Titan, and I haven't even ridden it. Seriously Titan is garbage.

Having ridden both, Titan is a much better ride. Titan has great intensity, the way a hyper should.


If by intensity you mean throwing random blackout helixes into a 250 foot kiddie coaster then sure


I literally lol-ed!


The drop into a tunnel (I'm always a sucker for a tunnel) is the only thing I remotely care for on Goliath at SFMM...

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The only reason I have any plans of going to Dorney this year is because I got a platinum pass for Kings Dominion, Cedar Point and Kings Island. With the three superior parks all within a couple hours drive there's no way I'd go out of my way to Dorney but since it's free and I have the dining plan I pretty much have to go. I'm always down to ride a good invert and even if the other coasters range from mediocre to absolute crap I dont really care, any free visit to a park is a good visit.


I'm also kinda interested in riding Demon Drop. I'll admit I'm too young to have gotten to a first gen free fall before they were all removed so that's icing on the cake. Oh and Thunder Creek Mountain too.

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The thing that makes the flume cool is that it's a 100% terrain flume including the drop. It never really leaves ground level which makes it really unique.


Wow! That is awesome! I love anything terrain hugging to begin with, and while I may not be as ardent of a fan as you, I do really enjoy the old Log Flumes!

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Dorney's flume does look like a really cool one.


I've only been on two log flumes and they were both the Texas SF flumes. One of which is the original log flume and the other of which is almost entirely hidden above the park which is cool. Log flumes are fun.

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You will be very interested once you see it in person.


It's very intimidating. The structure looks like some sort of mutant Oil Refinery.

It gives me this sketchy carnival ride feeling when I see it. Haven't ridden it yet because I have no guts, going to try it tomorrow if I can. What does it feel like when you're on it?

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Its has a very old school vibe to it, no seat belts only OSTR's. The climb up is pretty slow, once you reach the top the car rolls out onto a platform where you sit for a few seconds until you hear a buzz and off you go. The ejector airtime is serious, the whole experience itself is awesomely terrifying.

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Its has a very old school vibe to it, no seat belts only OSTR's. The climb up is pretty slow, once you reach the top the car rolls out onto a platform where you sit for a few seconds until you hear a buzz and off you go. The ejector airtime is serious, the whole experience itself is awesomely terrifying.

Sounds awesome and terrifying. I will make sure to get on it tomorrow if it doesn't break down or something.

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Once you flatten out, keep your head forward. The ride utilizes a fair amount of slamming and crashing in order to lower back into an upright position. It adds to it's awesomeness though.


Sometimes, I feel like you're a clone of me, because you ride things at CP the way I've been doing, and advising people to do, since the 90's! I guess great minds and all, eh?


Regarding the feeling on Demon Drop, until the day of its removal, I considered it the scariest thing at CP, and this is coming from a hardcore thrill enthusiast, who'd like to Sky Dive someday! That anticipation when you rolled out, and knew you'd drop soon... And then the absolute pit in your stomach as you go into complete free-fall... If that drop ride was as tall as Power Tower, I think I'd legitimately be terrified of it! (But ride it anyway!)

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At this point there are really only 3 rides that scare me.


1) The Conneaut Lake Blue Streak because someone IS going to die on that thing sooner rather than later.


2) The 300 foot Skycoaster in Kissimmee


3) Demom Drop, seriously. It's insane.

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It took me a couple of years to work up the courage to ride Demon Drop at Cedar Point when I was younger, but once I did, it was a must ride just about every visit until they moved it to Dorney. The sad part is that I haven't ridden it since it has moved there...I might need to change that this summer.


I really wished that they would have put it on top of the hill versus in the valley though.

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It took me a couple of years to work up the courage to ride Demon Drop at Cedar Point when I was younger, but once I did, it was a must ride just about every visit until they moved it to Dorney. The sad part is that I haven't ridden it since it has moved there...I might need to change that this summer.


I really wished that they would have put it on top of the hill versus in the valley though.


I agree, it's very difficult to see just how tall it is when you're at the top of the park. The top of the tower is maybe 30 feet above you when you're in Hydra's station.

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Just been today - as I have been warned by many it's pretty weak.

Operations were pretty slow compared to other parks also.

I'm only mildly disappointed as I didn't expect too much.

I'll have to pick Hydra as the highlight of the day. If I was into water rides, White Water Landing might take the cake...

PS Stinger wasn't running so didn't get to sample that one.

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