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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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In the back row it was still pretty smooth, only a slight rattle like most old B&M floorless coasters have near the back of the train. And I love the jo-jo roll, the drop is actually really fun, and the first turn was pretty forceful when I rode it. Other than that, it's pretty forceless. But it's still a really fun ride, it's just not mind-blowing.

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I must only be riding Hydra when maintenance has just finished with it, don't know what all this rattle about rattle is about.


Seriously if Hydra had a rattle and/or was rough it might actually be less boring than it currently is.

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^ I am curious to know what you think also.


Isn't your road trip coming up soon? What's the itinerary again besides KW & CP? I'm excited for you. LOL

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^ I am curious to know what you think also.


Isn't your road trip coming up soon? What's the itinerary again besides KW & CP? I'm excited for you. LOL

Less than four weeks out now! Kennywood first, 1.5 days at Kings Island, and a while at Cedar Point. Getting pumped. lol

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I think people are a little hard on Hydra. Don't get me wrong. When I think forceless I think Hydra (and Intimidator at Carowinds... I mean do something) but it's a fun ride. You're right though, it's nothing special. The funny thing is that B&M really tried with Hydra. Hydra broke all the rules. People got on B&M for uninspired, boring layouts and they tried something crazy and unique. A barrel roll before the lift hill, a turnaround as the first element, the first 3 inversions are basically barrel rolls. There's no vertical loop, no dive loop, no midcourse. They tried something unique, broke all of their rules, they heard the complaints and decided to prove everyone wrong and...





they ended up with the most forceless inverting coaster ever conceived. They tried, they got themselves all psyched up, they tried something crazy and it just failed miserably to do anything interesting.

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Hydra is my favorite ride at Dorney.


To be fair that's like saying it's your favorite Owen Wilson movie. It's nice... I guess. But the pickings are slim.


Full Discolsure: People only think Talon is so amazing because it's surrounded by such mediocrity. It's the same reason ugly people find uglier people to hang out with. Here comes Boldikus to talk about how amazing Posessed is... lol

Edited by coasterbill
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^ LOL it's totally true in the case of Possessed. I'm sorry but I just love that thing. Its one of the most intense coasters there and it just does it for me. The forces going up and back out of the spikes - the holding brake, that they fake you out on the launches.


I really love Talon because I love Talon. I gotta big hardon for B&M inverts but they are usually just so freaking intense they are not re-rideable - except in the case of Talon. I've said this before. It's just the right level of intensity, and the layout is great. I love the first run of elements, the 2nd drop before the photo, and the last corkscrew and turn, the pop of air into the brakes. It's just the perfect invert to me. I love the others I've done but they're all balls to the wall forces and that's totally awesome and all, Talon gets it just right for me.

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I must only be riding Hydra when maintenance has just finished with it, don't know what all this rattle about rattle is about.


Seriously if Hydra had a rattle and/or was rough it might actually be less boring than it currently is.


That's how I feel when people complain about Thunderhawk. Thunderhawk runs fine for a woodie of its tenure. Hydra, for a B&M, is an embarrassment.

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LOL @ that airtime hill. I get more airtime when I fart.


You guys are making super excited to ride Hydra to see what all this is about. I can appreciate an intensely mediocre coaster as much as anyone.


Fair warning. If riding Hydra gives you an overwhelming urge to leave in disgust and drive to Knoebels, don't fight the urge. It's perfectly natural.

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LOL @ that airtime hill. I get more airtime when I fart.


You guys are making super excited to ride Hydra to see what all this is about. I can appreciate an intensely mediocre coaster as much as anyone.

There's obviously a lot of over-exaggeration going on here. Especially when you get boldikus and coasterbill looping in an echo chamber on top of themselves. I wouldn't call Hydra mediocre or an embarrassment, personally. As with any coaster, ride it, then form your own conclusion.

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I can see why people think Talon is gassed up only because its surrounded by everything mundane (Besides Possessed and Demon Drop). But I for one, think that Talon is a great coaster. As I've stated before, I love Inverts. Now, is it Montu or Alpengeist? Not even in another dimension on its best day but it is still a great coaster. It has great forces along with being re-ridable. Also I like the fact that it doesn't kill you with inversions. I find it vastly superior to Great Bear.

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