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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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I'm actually really excited for opening day! Also, DP is having a first rider on Thunder Hawk thing on Wednesday online. So basically you go to the season pass portal on the website a claim you want to be the first rider. If you get it, you get a package and will be one of the first rider's on Thunder Hawk's new trains!

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Saw this bad boy up at the warehouse today.


What is that? I'm inclined to say lift motor for Talon, but there's wheel assemblies on it.


I know musik express can get a line out of the queue a lot.


Not when I was operating it!

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Saw this bad boy up at the warehouse today.


What is that? I'm inclined to say lift motor for Talon, but there's wheel assemblies on it.


It's a B&M track inspection car. It's motorized vehicle that can move slowly along the track, while staying in an upright position all the time.


You can see it in action here!


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Saw this bad boy up at the warehouse today.


What is that? I'm inclined to say lift motor for Talon, but there's wheel assemblies on it.


It's a B&M track inspection car. It's motorized vehicle that can move slowly along the track, while staying in an upright position all the time.


You can see it in action here!



That's awesome! I had no clue something like that existed.

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looking at the new PTC trains. Curious, anyone know the difference between the articulating cars and standard cars?


I believe that the articulating trains are able to handle curves and twists better whereas the standard trains are more intended for out-and-back coasters or coaster with less twists.

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