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If you could tear down one coaster

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For all the people that say "Shockwave at Kings Dominion", have you seen the line lately? I agree that this ride is horrifically bad and one of the worst coasters in the Northeast, but for some reason that I'll never understand people eat up stand-up coasters and this ride always has a long line.


As far as what I'd tear down I'd agree with the poster above me that Mind Eraser at SFNE needs to die. Even on busy days it's rare that it gets a line... move it to Great Escape or something where people don't know any better and replace it with ANYTHING else. Ideally I'd love a Batman clone but we all know that won't happen... I think something like Dare Devil Dive at SFOG would be a good low-cost option for this park that people would really enjoy. Plus you probably wouldn't be able to choose your seat on it so it would fit in perfectly at SFNE .

Edited by coasterbill
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^^^^^^ I think that the reason Shockwave has a decent line is due mostly to its location (and not because it is a stand-up). It is in a well-traveled area of the park, it is highly visible (more so than, say, the Grizzly, especially before the dinosaurs), and of course, the typical park visitor isn't an enthusiast, but rather just the GP. For someone working their way around the park (people who only visit maybe once a year or come from other areas), Shockwave is hard to miss (it also has a really cool paint job - much as I hate it, it is pretty).

Sort of like Mantis at CP - it always has a line, but I think that also boils down to it being in a prominent location, and people must pass by it before they hit MF if they are coming from the front of the park. The GP may take a while to get back to Maverick at CP or Grizzly at KD (if they even get back there at all, depending on crowded the parks are), but they will always stop for a ride on what many of us consider to be old, crappy stand-ups.

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Twister II. Mildly entertaining, but just doesn't seem to live up to its predecessor; the fact that the double helix was heavily modified and now practically forceless is the biggest reason why.


If anything, just give us a good helix that actually gives some force. I'm fine with the rest of the ride, just fix the butchered helix.

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It would be great if they would really consider it (although I know that's very unlikely). I'd give up Stinger and Possessed to get Laser back.


Laser for Stinger really is the biggest downgrade I can think of at any park in recent memory. Laser was easily the 2nd best coaster in the park after Talon... Stinger is the worst coaster in the park. Plus, every coaster at Dorney is pretty much forceless (even Talon which I like) and Laser was incredibly intense.


In addition to that Laser was extremely reliable and Stinger routinely valleys and strands riders for hours at a time. Plus on opening day this year they had to run it with half of the train full of water dummies so they were only loading a maximum of 12 people per cycle and it was STILL a walk on.

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I know I'm in the minority on this but I don't share the Mean Streak hate. Maybe I'm just not well traveled enough to have experienced better wooden coasters located elsewhere but I like Mean Streak for a few reasons. Generally there's not much of a lineup (even on days where the 'good' coasters have a 2 hour wait, Mean Streak seems to be 20 minutes or less) and while the ride isn't overly thrilling, it's still fun. And of course the structure is beautiful.


However I absolutely HATE Mantis. I mean there's some coasters where my head bangs around a bit, but the kind of abuse the body/head take on Mantis is just brutal. I doubt it gets replaced anytime soon since it's only of mid-late 90s vintage. I think it's actually newer than the Raptor (which is an outstanding smooth ride). For some ungodly reason, Mantis seems to get long lineups still. Maybe some people like the abuse. For that reason, the park probably has no reason to get rid of it.


A few pages ago, somebody mentioned modifying Mantis as a traditional sit down roller coaster. I'd definitely be up for that idea. I think only the train would need to be replaced right, and maybe the station to facilitate climbing in. Would any other modifications be necessary? I don't dislike the layout, just the pain. Of course since the ride is still busy, the park has no reason to invest the money to make this change.

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A few pages ago, somebody mentioned modifying Mantis as a traditional sit down roller coaster. I'd definitely be up for that idea. I think only the train would need to be replaced right, and maybe the station to facilitate climbing in. Would any other modifications be necessary? I don't dislike the layout, just the pain. Of course since the ride is still busy, the park has no reason to invest the money to make this change.


Ha! Imagine if they made Mantis to do both like this. http://rcdb.com/1219.htm Doubt it would ever happen.


Any Chinese knock-off coaster.



I'm going to agree with this one. They just look so poorly designed and has some of the most awkward looking transitions that I've seen on any roller coaster.


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Plus, every coaster at Dorney is pretty much forceless (even Talon which I like)


Talon is not forceless, not even close. I have never gotten a forceless ride on it. Half the time I come off with my head spinning. Also, Steel Force has great airtime under the right conditions.

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It would be great if they would really consider it (although I know that's very unlikely). I'd give up Stinger and Possessed to get Laser back.


Laser for Stinger really is the biggest downgrade I can think of at any park in recent memory. Laser was easily the 2nd best coaster in the park after Talon... Stinger is the worst coaster in the park. Plus, every coaster at Dorney is pretty much forceless (even Talon which I like) and Laser was incredibly intense.


In addition to that Laser was extremely reliable and Stinger routinely valleys and strands riders for hours at a time. Plus on opening day this year they had to run it with half of the train full of water dummies so they were only loading a maximum of 12 people per cycle and it was STILL a walk on.


Technically speaking, Stinger didn't replace Laser, Possessed did. Stinger replaced an old building where they used to have one of the haunts, if memory serves. So it's not quite that bad, Possessed is a fairly forceful coaster in its own right. Not that I wouldn't take Laser over it any day of the week. But of course the basic idea of your post, Laser rocked and Stinger sucks, I wholeheartedly agree with.

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