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What color should the Medimadyon's water slides be colored?

Which option looks best?  

166 members have voted

  1. 1. Which option looks best?

    • Option 1
    • Option 2
    • Option 3
    • Option 4
    • Option 5
    • Option 6
    • Option 7
    • Option 8
    • Option 9
    • Bright pink with glow in the dark hello kitty sticfilled with medicine and goos!
    • Other (Please specify)

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The other day I was walking around the (regular)park and eventually stumbled across the local waterpark, Meimadyon, which is one of the two leading waterparks in the country. The park was closed, what with it being winter and all. But while walking around the outside of the park I did stumble across a guy who turned out to be the park manager.


I immediately geeked-out and started talking to him about waterparks and amusement parks.


Before leaving I mentioned I'm a cartoonist, and that one of my goals is to draw a park map for a park. He told me they just drew a new park map, but he did have a project for me. The park is going to repaint it's slides, which have been a rotting olive green color for as long as I can remember, and seeing how his architect disappointed him with his suggestion, he asked me to illustrate a new color scheme for them, which I think might look good. I decided to bring it to the next level by photoshopping a picture of the slides to show the new color scheme.


I ran with the idea and came up with a whole lotta options. I'm going to present him with them all but first I want to ask you all what you like the most.

This is your chance to help me play real life RCT for a day.



Keep in mind the following:

1. I asked him what he prefers, solid or non-solid. He said he'd prefer solid. I'm not sure exactly what he meant by that, but he did say he doesn't mind the slides being different colors as long as they work well together.


2. The park has two magor slide towers: This one, and the Kamikaze slides, which he also asked me to suggest paint jobs for. Other than that there are no big slide towers so whatever gets chosen will be the dominant color in the park, so while black might look cool for one slide tower, consider it will dictate the mood for the entire park, which might look a bit grim or monochromatic.


3. The slide on the left is the most extreme one, the one in the middle is somewhere inbetween, and the one on the right is tame, but they're all pretty extreme for slalom slides.


4.While multiple colors might look nice, when all the slides are the same color they turn into one big spaghetti bowl, which is also nice.


5. Like I said, I also need to suggest colors for the Kamikaze slide tower(on the right) so I'm open for suggestions!





First two pictures are what the slides look like now. After that are my suggested color schemes. Let me know what you think and feel free to suggest changes. I really want to do a good job on this.


Option 9


Option 8


Option 7


Option 6


Option 5


Option 4


Option 3


Option 2


Option 1


Another view.


This is what they look like now.

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I am definitely in favor of painting the inside of the slides, but not to the egg color you have suggested in a few of the options. I also like the inviting colors instead of the menacing black because it sounds like they are family(ish) slides and black just seems so dark. That leaves me with my pick of option 4.


However, if the inside colors are going to allow light inside, I would opt to go with the inside painted black to keep them dark on the inside. With that in mind, I would maybe suggest the colors on the outside, and perhaps black on the inside.


Good luck!

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Does the park have a theme? What does the name mean? What does the name of the slides mean?


I think I need a bit more info before making an educated choice.


Also, are there any colors that are taboo or shouldn't go together in your culture?

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^^No theme. Just a regular waterpark.

And loosely translated "Meimadyon" means "Water-adium" (like stadium, emporium, etc.)



I'm not sure if they have a name other than "Slalom slides". Slalom slides being the curvy, long opposite of the short and straight forward speed slides. I think it's also what they're reffered to in english but I'm not sure.


The speed slides, however(which can be seen hiding on the right side of the picture) are called the Meteor slides.


And no colors are really taboo(no more than they are in other parts of the world, anyway). Though anything just White and blue would be kitchy, not just because every other waterpark has that color scheme, but also because it's the Israeli flag's colors, so they're slapped onto lots of things.





If it's any help, this is the park's website:


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^^The point isn't that people will vote for all the options. It's so if you like, say, 3, out of the bunch, you can vote for 3. Or if there is one or two that you really hate, you could vote for everything except those two, thereby giving them a "negative vote".



^Yeah, Mitch's poll is a good comparison.

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I love the colors in Option 2. However, I'm curious how it would look with the green slide in the middle. To me it seems that the purple & the blue are too similar to each other compared to the brightness of the green, and it would therefore look more balanced with the green in the middle. Then again, it might look totally different in person to the point where which slide is which color doesn't matter.

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^Isn't it sort of similar to Mitch's Poll in a sense? It values the overall consensus of an option being good or bad over which option is more peoples' favorite.

Not at all. On Mitch's poll you rank the options in order of preference.


In these online polls if I voted for every single option, it carries the exact same weight.


This is why usually when we do polls here we only allow people to choose 1 to 3 options so that you are forced to make a choice and the leading option can come out ahead.


In theory, the way this poll is set up, everyone can vote for every option which means by the end of it you could, in theory, have an equal liking or disliking for every single option.



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