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The end of a thrilling decade.

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And the outbreak of coaster sims/games: No Limits, Hyper Rails, Scream Machines, Ultimate Ride, and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 and the lesser-known Roller Coaster Factory games


Yeahhh!! That´s right!!


Also the boom of coaster models:


- Knex Coasters (Roller Coaster, Screaming Serpent Roller Coaster, Rippin Rocket, Serpents Spiral roller coaster)


- CoasterDynamix Coasters (Scorpion, Dragon, Comet, Phoenix)


I guess that is the golden decade for the model roller coasters!

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Ring Racer opens in Germany and takes over the title as world's "fastest coaster" speeding in at 134 m.p.h.


Sadly we'll have to wait until the next decade for this to happen. Ring Racer ran once at the German Grand-Prix as a showcase, but not at its full speed. After 2 explosions (for which the ride's software has been blamed), the project was shut down until at least next year.

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Ditto all the plug n' play remarks.


So, stuff that happened in my state:


-Six Flags America gets two-world class coasters at the start of the decade, and receives next to nothing ever since.


-New Outdoor FEC opens, and a Wild Cat arrives that used to be at BGW.


-Trimpers Rides continues to be the coolest park in the state, though it's future unfortunately continues to look shady.


-Jolly Roger buys Ocean City Pier rides.


-The original Jolly Roger changes gets a new coaster every year (and closes one every year).


-Wisp resort builds a mountain coaster.


-Six Flags America continues to get slandered all over the coaster-nerd world.


-More and more residents start to go to Six Flags Great Adventure instead of Six Flags America (even non-enthusiast are getting the point)

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Also what I think one of the greatest preservation story in the industry's history.


Conneaut Lake Park closed October 13 2006


Ballroom fire Febuary 1st 2008


Hotel and Beach Club get leased out and reopened


Ghost Lake Starts


Lisko Entertainment reopen the rides at Conneaut lake Park

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The loss of two of Texas' Greatest Icons,


The Texas Cyclone

The Texas Giant


And probably sometime soon, The Rattler as we know it. In the next decade we can expect all of the SF woodies to meet the same fate.



The deaths of countless professionals, including Steve Colloway. Six Flags over Texas former GM, and in my opinion, one of the people most capable of saving Six Flags.


The first major fatal collision on the Disneyworld monorail.


Submarine Voyage / 10000 leagues under the sea, nuff said


Finally getting to the point were rides are surpassing the social limitations of technology.


Air Racer is finally scraped, the end of the first gen free fall towers.


Chance chaos described as most unreliable/faulty/ ride and is ripped out of numerous parks when it becomes uninsureable in some parts of the world.


Disney fires a shot across GEs bow after purchasing Marvel.


Rumors of the Hanna Montana rock n rollercoaster are confirmed.








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- The entire Hard Rock Park saga and Jazzland/SFNO as a case study for the amusement industry to use for decades to come.


- The death of the simple sit-down looping coaster as a big attraction for parks. The need for "gimmicks" such as floorless trains, on-board audio and launches replaces the need to just turn people upside down.


- Orlando's first decade since the 1960's where no massive theme park is built. The area takes 10 years off of building parks with no new ones in sight.


- The lose of surprise within the theme park industry. I mean rumors and building permits are online before a park can announce a ride. Or in the past, you only had word of mouth review or a badly shot video to know about a ride. Now you have full blow POV in HD quality. It seems a lot of the surprises in the industry (and all industries) is gone.


- The beginning of steel coasters meeting the end of their operations. While some rides were lost in the past, more and more steel coasters are being replaced at high numbers. It makes one wonder where the first few B&M coasters will be in 10-20 years.

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Paramounts Great America opens the first flying coaster then removes it less than 10 years later.


We lost many classic Schwarzkopf Coasters


The Santa Cruz Giant Dipper turned 80 and the park turned 100


B&M Hypercoasters get a new train design


D.H. Morgan is bought by Chance Rides


The Stratosphere opens two insane rides that send riders off of the side of the tower, and removes the High Roller roller coaster


Bonfante Gardens against all odds manages to continue to operate

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I'm kind of stunned, and even saddened a bit to see so much negativity here with this thread- Yes, it's sad that we lost some truly great rides in the past 10 years- (BBW, TC, TG- to name a few)...




Ten years ago we'd have choked at a 120 degree drop.

We wouldn't be able to fall 459 feet on a coaster track

The idea that simple parks would have hypercoasters as a STANDARD installation- let alone GIGA installations would have been laughed at-

Dollywood would get a Dolly-woodie that's worthy of top-10 status-

A floorless coaster with TEN seats across? HA.

We would be able to ride things via HD Video despite our inability to travel distances easily.

Coasters of the past being rebuilt- and in many cases better than ever.

Ravine Flyer II would actually OPEN.

A park would have enough guts to take on a Wooden Bobsled (OK, so it's not open. Yet. At least they're TRYING to do something classic again!)

Smaller parks could afford a big thrill- without breaking the budget.

We'd be riding some of Schwartzkopf's Greatest rides today (See also: Whizzer- for as long as we can!)


We've seen the passing of a great many, both rides and great people out there, many of whom we fondly remember. I hope (and pray) that the one's we lost would want us to think of how far we've come, and how great things are- and to look forward to the future with great hope- and not so much sorrow for what we lost.


In Memory of Steve Urbanowicz, whose riding what Anton is building

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Also most importantly....


9/11/2001 Our nation faces the worst attack on our own land since Pearl Harbor. Which cases most parks attendance to drop and Disney closed its gates for a few days for security reasons..... And our economy has been on a down turn which cost us some of the greatest parks we once visited....

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In my country, Mexico, this can be considered the golden decade:


New Parks:


- Six Flags Mexico

- Valle Fantástico

- Parque Bicentenario Queretaro


New coasters, used an new:


- Batman the ride (Vekoma SLC)

- Medusa (CC Woodie)

- Superman el Ultimo Escape (Chance-Morgan Hyper)

- Dark Knight Coaster (MACK indoor wild mouse)

- Montaña Infinitum (Schwarzkopf coaster with 3 loops "Magnum Force)

- Tsunami (Schwarzkopf coaster with 4 inversions. "Zonga")

- Montaña Rusa (SBL Loop and double corckscrew coaster)


This is a general recap of the most important things that happened in the Mexican amusement industry.

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Busch and B&M reinvigorate the Dive Machine with SheiKra sparking a trend in coasters going beyond vertical. Also assisted by the Eurofighter concept as well.


Top Thrill Dragster and Kingda Ka prove to us that a large phallus doesn't make for a fun ride.


Sea World becomes more of a theme park this decade and expands with Aquatica and Discovery Cove. Before JTA and Wild Arctic (I know 1998, but close enough) there was no really big amusement attractions.

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