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The Official TPR 2010 Trips Thread

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Hey everyone!


This thread will serve as our "FAQ" for TPR's 2010 Trips and the place to download the trip flyers. We will also keep this thread updated with any news about the 2010 TPR Trips.



2010 Trip Flyers (Scroll to download flyers)

Download the flyers below, and if you have any questions, please email elissa@themeparkreview.com


The deadline for all trip initial deposts have now passed. We are still taking deposits to be put on the wait list for UK, Mid-America, and IntimidaTOUR.


We have spots OPEN for the Europe trip.


UK Trip - June 18th - June 28th, 2010

$300 Initial Deposit will put you on the trip wait list.


Europe Trip - June 28th - July 5th, 2010

$275 Initial Deposit will reserve your spot NOW!


Middle America Trip - August 5th - 16th, 2010

$250 Initial Deposit will put you on the trip wait list.


IntimidaTOUR - August 16th - August 23rd, 2010

$200 Initial Deposit will put you on the trip wait list.


To make your initial deposit you may use PayPal - account name: trips@themeparkreview.com


**NOTE** BE SURE TO USE ECHECK OR "ACCEPT PAYPAL FEES" OPTION!!! Otherwise you may be required to reimburse TPR for any PayPal fees deducted from your payment.


You may also send in a payment via postal mail by filling out the registration form on the flyer and mailing in a check. Details are found on Page 2 of the flyer.




Trip FAQs and Live Chat Transcripts

Below you will find the audio portion of our October 7th LIVE Chat. There is a streaming version and a downloadable version so you can listen to it on your iPhone/iPod.


Scroll down to the second post for the chat room text trascript. (Thanks Dave & Tyler!) NOTE! The text transcript below now includes text from both the October 7th and November 3rd chats.




TPR 2010 Trips LIVE CHAT! October 7th, 2010. DOWNLOAD THIS! Unzip. Drag into iTunes. Listen on your iPod/iPhone!


TPR 2010 Trips LIVE CHAT! October 7th, 2010. Streaming Version


TPR 2010 Trips LIVE CHAT! November 3rd, 2010. DOWNLOAD THIS! Unzip. Drag into iTunes. Listen on your iPod/iPhone!


TPR 2010 Trips LIVE CHAT! November 3rd, 2010. Streaming Version


TPR's Middle America & IntimidaTOUR Trip Flyer


TPR's UK & Europe 2010 Trip Flyer


Edited by robbalvey
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Q: For the Europe trip, how will the airports work?

A: There will be 2 different airports. We will fly into Milan and fly out of the Amsterdam airport. Once signed up for the trip, we will organize flight info on the private trip forums and will help people book flights.


Q: What are the hotels like?

A: Hotels are not “sketchy” on American trips and are usually Holiday Inn Express or something similar. On the Europe/UK Trips we will stay on property a lot of times as the resorts are within walking distance.


Q: Are you able to go on trips if account has been suspended?

A: Sorry, but you won’t be allowed on the trip.


Q: What are the ages usually on the trips and do they vary by destination?

A: The age of participants does vary based on destination – slightly older average for international trips. The US domestic trips have more 18-24 year olds. Every trip has a diverse makeup though.


Q: How do we initially meet up?

A: Usually there are designated meeting spots at the first hotel and directions are given on the trip board AND in the trip guide – which will be mailed to you.


Q: Any plans to go to Ghost Town in the Sky on the IntimidaTOUR?

A: We have time built into the schedule to hit the park if the coaster is open.


Q: Where will the Middle America trip start?

A: Trip will start and end in Minneapolis.


Q: Will there be an Edmonton add-on for the domestic trips?

A: We will see how many are interested in an add-on and it would be before the Middle America trip.


Q: What do you suggest for spending money for the trips?

A: A lot is already included in the trip fee such as group meals, etc. It really depends on if you want souvenirs. $40 a day would be a good estimate for someone on the Europe trip if you want to drink, etc.


Q: What is the alternate plan if Ring Racer is not open in time for the trip?

A: We could substitute other parks if closed. There is plenty to do and regardless, it will be an awesome trip!


Q: What are the included meals like?

A: We almost always have breakfast included (at hotels) but typically we can have 2-3 meals included each day.


Q: Where could I park my car if I plan on driving to Richmond to meet for the IntimidaTOUR?

A: We usually arrange something with the last hotel where you can park your car for free or cheap!


Q: Will there be events at some of these parks where non trip participants can meet up for ERT?

A: We are definitely going to try to put at least one event together on the Middle America trip and IntimidaTOUR.


Q: Any plans for something like the Tony Hawk Challenge from the West Coast Trip on future trips?

A: Any time we get the opportunity to do something different and fun, we will do it! A lot of times, this sort of stuff isn't planned and just happens spontaneously.


Q: Is the airfare included between the Middle America and IntimidaTOUR trips?

A: No, it is not. If there are enough people interested, we can organize group flights between the two destinations.


Q: Where will the UK trip start, and can I get there by Eurostar?

A: The trip will start at a London Heathrow hotel. It's very easy to get to the airport from the train station or other arrival point.


Q: How can I guarantee a spot on the trip? Does a deposit guarantee it?

A: There is a good chance that the trips will sell out. Get your deposits in ASAP after the flyers come out. If there are more deposits than spots open, then a lottery will take place.


Q: Will Europe be one bus or two?

A: We would like all future TPR trips will be one bus, but we do need to evaluate this on a case by case basis.


Q: Will there be any alpine slides or rope courses on the Europe trip?

A: We will find stuff like that! If the S&S park opens, we would be able to bring the bus onto the race course!


Q: Will Tom jump over a car?

A: If Tom goes on the trip, he will be required to jump over EVERYTHING!


Q: Are the parks for the trips set in stone?

A: We have looked at all the parks surrounding the area, and have picked the parks that will work best slight changes may be made based on different circumstances (operation schedules, ride openings, new ride announcements, etc.)


Q: Can we meet up with the trip?

A: TPR members are always welcome to meet up with the tour, however unless the day is officially opened up to non-tour participants, you would not be able to take part in any perks that we've orgnized. (Exclusive Ride Time, backstage tours, meals, etc). Those are ONLY for tour participants. We also recommend that if you do want to meet up with the tour that you either come with someone or know someone on the trip that you are meeting up with. People on the trips usually form their own groups, and while we don't mean to sound "clique-ish" or anything, it is hard for a complete stranger to a group to try to "hang out" when everyone has been traveling together for several days at a time. We will try to do meet-ups, or a "Bash" at some point on every trip so that locals in the area can come and hang out and take part in our ERT sessions, tours, etc.


Also, Robb & Elissa tend to be very busy on these trips. Keep in mind that these trips are actually "work" for Robb & Elissa and many times are having to help the park coordinate events on the fly (ERT sessions, backstage tours, lunches, evening activities, etc) and when they aren't "working" they do try to have a bit of a vacation themselves with their family, and that doesn't always allow time to meet up with people for the day. Not to sound rude or anything, but they are more than happy to meet up with members, take a ride or two, but don't expect that by coming to a park when a TPR tour is there that automatically means you'll be hanging out with Robb & Elissa for the entire afternoon.


We are just trying to set realistic expectations here.


Q: Do you room with the same people for the whole trip? If I don’t know anyone on the trip, how will I find a roommate?

A: If you don't want a roommate, a single supplement room is an option (it costs extra, of course). The private trip boards really help everyone to get to know each other. If you still don’t have a roommate, Elissa will look at your bio and preferences and room you with someone that’s very similar.


Q: If you turn 16 during the trip, can you go without a guardian?

A: This is handled on a case by case basis, and Elissa will have to discuss this with you and your parents.


Q: For the Europe trip – is it a possibility to get an oversees flight for less than a $1000?

A: If you fly from a major city (like NYC) you might be able to get a flight around $700 – best case scenario. Flight prices fluctuate and need to be looked at all the time. We will try and help people with flights after the private trip boards open.


Q: What parks in Europe have the “never in America” attractions?

A: All of them! Europe parks have all sorts of crazy attractions you would NEVER see in the US!


Q: On the Mid America trip, St. Louis has a cool museum (City Museum) – is there a chance we could stop there?

A: Absolutely! We put it on the schedule tentatively. We always try to add a couple fun, non park attractions. We also will stop at some cool restaurants.


Q: Will DJ Lance appear next year?

A: We'll let people vote if they want to hear the “Snack Song” next year. (The vote was YES!)


Q: What sort of hygiene policy will be enforced?

A: We have had an issue with this before. Please shower and use deodorant. If you smell, we will force you to the back of the bus!


Q:Are you able to bring brothers/parents on trips?

A: There have been many families on TPR trips. Everyone will have a great time!


Q: Can you explain trip deposits?

A: Flyers will be out soon. Deposits differ for each trip. It is refundable until February. You need to get that deposit in ASAP to try and guarantee your spot. A lottery will be used if too many deposits are sent in.


Q: I'm only 14 how would I fit in to a TPR trip?

A: You would need a parent or guardian to come along. You would still have a really good time and there will probably be one or two kids your same age on the trip


Q: For the ERTs, do you have to ride or are you given a choice?

A: No you don't have to. But you DO need to be with the group during that time.


Q: What are the dates for the IntimidaTour and the approximate cost?

A: IntimidaTour Trip: August 16 – August 23, 2010, $1275


Q: How do UK parks do with staying open in all sorts of weather?

A: Better than Cedar Fair Parks!


Q: If the weather does not permit visiting a park during the trip, will the money put towards visiting that particular park be refunded? What will trip attendees do on that day, instead?

A: The weather has never stopped us from visiting a park, we may rearrange dates or still go (remember, we're not going to Cedar Point here!!!) There is not an option for partial refunds as all group tickets are purchased ahead of time.


Q: If I'm interested in two trips, but will only go on one, how would the deposit/lottery system work? Give two deposits and eventually get one back for the trip I don't end up going on?

A: Yes, put in your deposit for both, but let me know your 1st and 2nd choice as I wouldn't want to turn someone else away for a trip you probably wouldn't do.


Q: How likely is it that the add on to Edmonton will happen on the Middle America trip?

A: No idea at this point. It is being strongly considered and we will have more information after sign ups for Middle America are complete.


Q: Do the UK peeps get first dibs on Europe?

A: No, everyone has equal opportunity. That being said if you want to do both, we will consider that as 'one' in the lottery and you'll get all or nothing. You wouldn't get into one trip and not the other.


Q: What kind of toys does KidTums like?

A: Gift Cards!


Q: I don't know much about geography but how possible will it be to do a trip to Paris (and DLP) either before or after the Europe trip?

A: We've had a few people already inquire about adding on DLP. It is totally possible and we're happy to help you arrange it. Keep in mind it would add at LEAST three more days and a decent amount of money.


Q: Do the buses have power outlets? My laptops battery sucks...

A: Almost never. Bring an extra battery or be social and talk to people on the bus! We also play games and watch shows/movies to pass the time.


Q: What do you usually do with restaurants and people's special dietary needs?

A: If Elissa can survive, anyone can. That being said, we will let a park if we have any vegetarians, but other than that you'll find stuff and you'll be fine!


Q: Will you be doing payment plans? And if so how do they work?

A: Please email elissa@themeparkreview.com for info on the payment plans, or listen to the live chat transcript.


Q: Does having season passes (ie. Cedar Fair Platinum) result in any price adjustment for tour participants?

A: Sorry, we do not offer any sort of Season Pass discount on our trips. When we work with the parks we buy package deals from them including admission, meals, ERT, perks, skip the line passes. etc. They do not offer us a season pass discount so we cannot offer you one. We do sometimes offer discounts for season pass holders on our single day events.


Q: On the UK tour will the water park be included at Alton Towers?

A: It was included on the last trip and will be included again next year. The only problem was it was only open the same hours as the park and not a lot of people took advantage of it. We will try to talk to them again for this upcoming trip and arrange some after hours time there!


Q: Any Luggage restrictions for the tour?

A: We don't impose any, but we do have suggestions of one medium sized rolling duffel per person and one carry on bag or backpack. That being said, if you're flying somewhere you may have much stricter regulations. Especially if you're going to be flying BA next year. Also keep in mind that not all hotels will have elevators and you need to be able to handle your own luggage.


Q: For the "Backstage Tours" does that mean like behind the scene coaster stuff or what?

A: When we say "Backstage Tours" we mean stuff like this:



Q: When can we expect the flyers to come out?

A: Flyers will be out right around October 20


Q: Are there any planned multi-night stays on the Europe trip?

A: Yes! We have multi-night stays planned at Gardaland Resort and at Europa Park Resort


Q: Whats the average cost for the UK Trip?

A: UK Trip looks to be right around $2475


Q: So you need 200 deposit for the IntimidaTOUR and then how is the rest deposited?

A: You will pay the same way, check, money order, paypal, bank transfer at specific dates throughout the year. The dates will be detailed on the trip flyer.


Q: is it a good idea to wear my Terminator shirt to Disney parks?

A: You should always wear your Terminator Shirt including while you sleep and shower.


Q: First day of school is the 24th of August... is the 23rd actually a park, or the day the trip ends?

A: Last park day is Sunday the 22nd so no problem with school!


Q: What is the average bed size we can expect at the hotels, length wise?

A: The hotels all vary quite a bit, and it also depends on the trip. In America you will have a Queen or Double bed. In Europe the beds may be smaller. In Asia even smaller.


Q: Is trying to add Disneyland Paris to UK/Europe an idea even worth thinking about?

A: If this is your one trip to Europe ever and you are into Disney then go ahead and add it on, you won't regret it. If you're only casually into Disney and you intend to do another Europe trip in the future (possibly with TPR), then wait.


Q: Where can we exchange money on UK trip?

A: I always recommend that people exchange their money (at least some!) BEFORE you get to the destination. Most US banks offer currency conversion at a good rate (and a rate MUCH better than any airport will give you). If you're hell bent on not doing this your best bet will be to try and use an ATM when you get to the country as that will give you a better rate than a currency conversion place.


Q: Do you want the deposit now?

A: It's probably best to wait until the trip flyers come out, as they have all of the information on how to pay and the dates.


Q: Do you visit parks for more than one day?

A: It depends on the trip and the park. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. For example we will spend more than a day at Alton, Europa, and then some parks we will have a split time like an evening, night ERT, then morning ERT and some morning time before heading out.


Q: When are deposits expected for the Middle America trip?

A: All deposit info will be on the flyers, but again flyers should be out on October 20 and then you'll want to get your deposit in ASAP but no later than the date listed on the flyer for the possible lottery (most likely November 13)


Q: Will having the deposit paid help in the lottery if it came to it?

A: The only way to have a chance at the lottery will be to have your deposit paid! You MUST send in a deposit to have a spot on the trip!


Q: Will there be a sightseeing day in London on the UK trip?

A: There is one full day planned for sightseeing on the Thursday before the trip starts, and a sightseeing day on the Friday before the trip.


Q: Will there be any TPR events in non-California parks?

A: We are planning on doing events in different places this year, including at non-US parks.


Q: How soon will you have to book your plane tickets?

A: The private trip boards should be open next week, and you can start looking at flights after that. There will be a topic on the trip board about flights, buying tickets, looking for people to travel with, and so on.


Q: If you arrive early for a trip, will you do a booking for the hotel, or is it on your own?

A: Once we see how many people are arriving early, we'll either do a group booking, or we will give you the information you need to book your own room, usually at the group rate.


Also, it's important that if you're traveling from a long distance to try to arrive a day early, given airline and travel delays.


Q: Will you be organizing the flight for between the Mid-America and IntimadaTOUR trip?

A: We might do that, or do like we did on Deep South/Texas last year, and provide people with a list of flights that work with the timing of the trip.


Q: If a trip does go to a lottery, and we don't get in, then will we get our deposits back, or will you hold them so if people do drop out then we can get in?


A: Great Question! If you do not make it into the trip due to a lottery you will have the choice to have your deposit immediately refunded or we will keep it and you will be on the wait list in the order your name was pulled. Keep in mind that we have never had a trip with less than 10 drops so even if you're number 10 on a wait list you have a super good chance of making the trip! It is a VERY good idea to let us hold your deposit to keep your spot on that wait list. Then on the next big deadline we will evaluate again where everyone is on the list and if deposits need to be refunded or if you still have a chance of making it!


Q: How secure are the hotels?

A: We stay in safe hotels. If you're worried about something being stolen, it's always a good idea to travel with stuff you're not afraid of damaging or losing.


Q: Is there a back up plan if Freestyle Music Park does not open?

A: Yes, we will make sure there is something to do on that day.


Q: What park would the Mid-America bash be held at?

A: This cannot be announced at this time.


Q: Will there be an add-on to the West Edmonton Mall?

A: If it is offered, it will be a pre add-on to the Mid-America trip. We will discuss this on the Mid-America trip board, and see how interested the group is in doing it. It would be a 2-3 day add-on, doing the mall and Calaway Park.


Q: Is there anything set for West Coast Bash yet?

A: We're working on it, but cannot announce details at this time.


Q: What if we cannot get our deposit in before Friday?

A: People will be added as deposits are received. If the trip is full, you'll be added to the wait list.


Q: Has anyone ever lost their luggage on a trip, and what are the plans to help them?

A: No one has ever lost their luggage during a trip, but people have arrived with their luggage lost by the airlines. This is another good reason to show up a day early. People on past trips that have had their luggage lost have done things like buying clothes locally, washing their clothes at night, and taking advantage of the free TPR tour shirts!


Q: What about using cell phones internationally?

A: We HIGHLY recommend the iPhone! You may want to look at renting a phone through your carrier or another provider. This is stuff that will be covered in depth on the trip boards and guides.


Q: Have you ever thought about releasing a TPR cookbook?

A: Never thought about it, but that's a really good idea! We just won't be reprinting anything featured in “Cooking With Joe”!


Q: When will private trip boards open?

A: We will go over the trips this weekend, and the boards will probably open a week to ten days later.


Q: Why is Disneyland Paris not on the Europe trip?

A: We did a complete Europe tour in 2008 that included Disneyland Paris. This trip is meant to be a bit cheaper and shorter, and anytime a Disney park is added, it adds significant cost to the trip. It will be on a future itinerary.


Q: Is trip insurance a good idea?

A: We recommend www.insuremytrip.com, which will let you customize the insurance plan that would work best for your situation. We usually don't recommend it for a domestic trip for a US resident. We do think you should look into trip cancellation insurance, as if anything happens and you can't go on the trip, TPR cannot refund your money. And we do recommend taking a look at insurance if you're on a foreign trip.


Q: Should people with glasses bring a second pair?

A: It's a good idea, as people have lost them on trips before.


Q: Is there a certain age to go on a trip? And can you bring your kids?

A: There is no age, and kids are fine. If you are between 16-18, you'll need permission to travel on your own.


Q: Which trip will have more Intamin coasters, UK or Europe.

A: It's probably close, but most likely Europe.


Q: Any Visas needed for US people traveling abroad?

A: Not at this time.


Q: On the IntimidaTOUR, will we be able to go to Colonial Williamsburg as a group, or is that something we should plan to do before or after the trip on our own?

A: There will not be time built into the tour to hit up Colonial Williamsburg. Williamsburg is a very nice city though and I highly recommend that some people arrive early and tour the place, then meet up with the tour at Busch Gardens on the first day!


Q: Will there be shark movies?

A: If you can track down a copy of “Tornado In New York”, we will watch as many shark movies as you want! (NOTE: Dave has already tracked this down, so prepare for shark movie awesomeness!)


Q: How are room mates assigned?

A: We have threads on the trip boards where people can talk about this, plus when we put up the trip survey there are all sorts of questions about rooming. The main thing is: don't piss Elissa off, or you'll get someone horrible!


Q: What about drinking?

A: We go by the legal drinking age in whatever country we are in.


Q: How many buffets on the Mid-America trip?

A: Lots!


Q: How full are the trips?

A: We will probably have to go into a lottery situation. Get your deposits in now for the best chance!


Q: I'm looking for a date. How many women will be available for me?

A: There are actually a decent number of women already signed up! You won't be dating any of them, of course.


Q: How many trips has Kristen signed up for, and has she paid all her deposits?

A: Kristen has paid for all her trips in Monopoly money.


Q: How much usually is the single room supplement, and does it affect your ability to get to know the group?

A: It won't affect your ability to get to know people at all. The exact prices will vary, though the Europe single supplement will likely be pretty high, given that we will be staying in three resort hotels.


Q: Are there any parks that might close after the UK or Europe trip?

A: Nothing that's been announced.


Q: Any ERT for the UK trip?

A: Nothing to announce, but there will be ERT.


Q: Is there any way to get a reduced cost, like using season passes?

A: No. With all the things that are offered, there is no way for you to get a better price.


Q: What's the best way to exchange currency?

A: We recommend buying it in advance, likely through your bank. DO NOT GET IT AT THE AIRPORT! You will get a TERRIBLE exchange rate. We advise to never arrive in a foreign country without the local currency. Do not trust that your ATM will work, always bring some cash with you.


Q: Is there any updated status on the Nurburgring? A: Nothing at this time, but we are going to try to get updated information as soon as we can.


Q: Will we be stopping at any of the smaller parks along the way in Europe?

A: We will try to hit as many of the small parks as we can, so look forward to lots of butterfly coasters and other unusual things like ropes courses. And we do plan to do a “Weird Parks Of Europe” trip at some point, which will be nothing but parks like this!


Q: Will it be easy to meet up with the Europe trip if I arrive by train?

A: Yes, this will be possible.


Q: When there is another east coast trip, will Great Adventure be on it?

A: Yes. We're working on an itinerary for 2011 that will include Great Adventure and Cedar Point. And we're not doing Cedar Point on the Mid-America trip due to logistics.


Q: Will all the countries on the Europe trip use the Euro?

A: Everywhere but Switzerland, which we are only passing through, so you may want to have some Swiss money with you.


Q: Could national security situations affect trips?

A: It is possible, so this is why we do recommend trip insurance. This is a worst-case scenario, of course.


Q: For middle America what does the stop "Wisconsin Dells" include, and are there water park stops that have nothing else to do for those not interested in them? A: Wisconsin Dells at this point means AT LEAST Mt. Olympus. Most likely it will also include at least one ride on the Coaster at Timber Falls. Also there will be time for you to go off and explore other attractions in the area on your own.


At this time there are no water park only times or parks on the trip. There are lots of parks with included water parks so all of you aquaphobic people can keep riding while we cool off!


Q: Is it possible to get kicked off the trip once you're on it?

A: We have had to almost remove people from trips, and have had to refund someone's money that caused problems on a previous trip and would have been a liability on another trip. If you don't do anything illegal and are not a giant idiot, you'll be fine.


Q: If I'm going on UK/Europe, how will the lottery work?

A: You'll either get put on both trips, or none. We may ask for volunteers to drop/change a trip to better get everyone on a trip they want to do.


Q: Will we need a passport to go to Canada if there's an add-on there?

A: The rules keep changing, but it is likely


Q: How old is Jeff Johnson?

A: Jeff Johnson's true age cannot be calculated by science.


Q: If we are somewhat late with the payment schedule, are we out of the trip?

A: If you have a problem, email us, and we can set up payment options, but it needs to be set up in advance.


Q: Is there a lot of partying? What if I'm not into that?

A: People tend to hang out and occasionally drink in the evenings, but it's not something you have to do.


Q: Will there be a chance for a beach party on IntimadaTOUR?

A: We will look into it and if it's possible, it will happen!


Q: How big will the beds be in Europe?

A: They are usually double beds. Sometimes the rooms have different configurations, and may have something like a sofa bed or a bunk bed in the room.


Q: Can we watch Adam's Bar Mitzvah video on the bus?

A: Not only will we watch it, but we should have people act it out on the final night of the trip!


Q: How many under 18 people are usually on a trip?

A: We have some on every trip.


Q: What's the best way to get laid?

A: Not be Tyler! Or call into a TPR Trip Chat Session!


Q: What's the craziest food planned for UK/Europe?

A: Potted meat.


Q: How close are the estimated costs to being final, and if there's a large increase, will we get our money back if we can't afford it?

A: The estimates are usually pretty close, but we have had situations where there was a major price increase (due to fuel surcharges), and we did give people the option for a refund. Usually the increases are only around $50 or so from the estimated final cost.


Q: Any information on back stage tours?

A: Too early to tell, but we'll try and set them up depending on what's available.


Q: Will we be passing through any countries on UK/Europe that are not listed on the flyer and will need a visa for?

A: We will only be visiting/passing through the countries listed.


Q: If we take Robb & Elissa's flights, will we get that discount too?

A: We don't get any discounts on our flights, sadly!


Q: What airport would we have to fly into/out of for IntimadaTOUR?

A: Richmond, VA


Q: Will there ever be a TPR cruise?

A: We'll probably try to do one in late 2010


Q: Have you considered doing a water park trip?

A: Yes we have, and try to include them when we can on any trip.


Q: Will we be going to Six Flags America on IntimadaTOUR?

A: This doesn't work out logistically, but it will be added to a future trip.


Q: Will you be doing Australia?

A: Planned for spring 2011.


Q: When might you do the Weird Parks Of Europe trip?

A: Nothing planned right now, but probably in 2012.

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I had a previous engagement and got home to log in apparently just moments after the audio failed. However, I just listened to the entire thing, and I was blown away! I think future audio chats would be a tremendous idea, especially if it's possible to post them on the site afterward for people like me whose schedules tend to be unpredictable.


Thanks, Robb and Elissa, for adding yet another layer of awesomeness to TPR!

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Be careful because ATM currency exchange fees have gone up. I know back in 07, WAMU didn't tack on anything other than the standard Mastercard 1% and whatever the ATM itself added, but now its listed at 3% with 2% going to Chase. Higher rates make an ATM withdrawal a little less of a great deal these days compared to exchanging at a bank.

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I was planning on listening in live but for some reason I actually fell asleep at a reasonable hour last night so I downloaded and listened to the mp3 on the way to work this morning.


I really liked the live chat! Kind of reminded me of those talks on the last bus ride of a trip where we'd talk about future trips! Seemed pretty organised too and was very informative. Hope you guys enjoyed it and will consider of these again in the future if its appropriate.


Quick question about hotels since I bit of a hotel geek, are you planning on staying at any of the same hotels on Mid-America that we did on Midwest?


Just want to say thanks for doing this and I can't wait to send in my deposits for the two US trips and Europe!

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The "Ask Robb and Elissa" live chat was, IMO, even more helpful than the fliers or threads I have seen in the past, I think. Nothing against either od those means or the people who put them together, mind you; it was just very cool, informative and loose to hear Robb and Elissa respond in realtime to questions and give their stamp on it, personally and policy-wise.


well done




(If Mohegan Sun is still open next year, which it should be, it's a lead-pipe cinch I will be on the Middle America trip...)

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I really enjoyed having the live chat!


Sometimes, in past trip chats, it has been difficult to follow the actual Q&A portion of the chat. (i.e. people cluttering the chat with off-topic stuff) But, with the live chat I was able to focus on Robb and Elissa's voice and get all the important information I needed over all the chat clutter.


Thanks again for doing this and I am sure things will run smoother with each attempt!

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I really enjoyed the live talk chat, was a bummer when it went down. Think a monthly/weekly show is a must. I don't have a job at the minute so can't see me affording a trip next year but the chat definitely made me want to go on a trip asap. Keep up the good work.

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Heya Guys,

I've just got a quick question and because of different time zones etc I couldn't ask last night:


I am going to a music festival from the 23rd to the 27th of June and I was just wandering what day are you planning on going to either thorpe park or chessington so I can meet with you guys during the day?




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I am aiming for Japan 2011 depending on how I am doing financially of course.

Something to keep in mind for a Japan trip. We have never done a trip to Japan for under $2500 and that was for our "Tokyo Only - No Rail Pass Required" Japan trip.


The longer Japan trips are closer to $3000 - $3500 (which is what the proposed 2011 trip would be.)


Flights from anywhere in the US are going to be at least $800 and you'll want some spending money (lots of capsule toys to buy!)


So when planning 2 years out for a trip, these are all things to think about!


--Robb "Japan is NOT cheap!" Alvey

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I have a question that goes off some other questions.


For the IntimidaTour, you said the last park is the 22nd. Well, I'm not sure, but I may start school the 23rd. Are you attempting to get back to Richmond on the 22nd, or the 23rd? And if it is the 23rd, will there be any way to get back to the airport by myself on the 22nd?


BTW, the driving question I asked was really leading up to a Florida trip if there will be one, not necessarily this trip.

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Well, I guess I'm out for this year. I really wanted to go on one of the europe trips, but that would collide with my exam week and the end of the year.


I was really hoping to get on to another trip, as the East Coast and West Coast Tour in 2008 and 2009 are one of the best things that happened to me.


That said, any plans for 2011?

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I am aiming for Japan 2011 depending on how I am doing financially of course.

Something to keep in mind for a Japan trip. We have never done a trip to Japan for under $2500 and that was for our "Tokyo Only - No Rail Pass Required" Japan trip.


The longer Japan trips are closer to $3000 - $3500 (which is what the proposed 2011 trip would be.)


Flights from anywhere in the US are going to be at least $800 and you'll want some spending money (lots of capsule toys to buy!)


So when planning 2 years out for a trip, these are all things to think about!


--Robb "Japan is NOT cheap!" Alvey


Thanks for the info Robb. That's why I decided not to do a trip next year. I know the Japan trips cost a lot & I've wanted to go to Japan for a while. I've already started a small savings account for Japan. I knew I'd be paying at least 4k for that trip.

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BTW, the driving question I asked was really leading up to a Florida trip if there will be one, not necessarily this trip.


I asked about driving to Richmond, as that is what we are planning on doing, to avoid airfare for 5 people.




Maureen "still trying to figure out how to come up with $25,000 for a Japan trip" O'Donnell

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