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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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^^ Easy solution move the fireworks launching area to the empty area by Ride of Steel and the island would be free space for a flat ride, a shop, or food stand/restaurant. As for the haunted house by Ride of Steel during Fright they can move it to Galaxy Theater (if they're not going to use it anytime soon or ever!)

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^^ Easy solution move the fireworks launching area to the empty area by Ride of Steel


I'm not familar with the park at night. Do the fireworks usually launch after the rides close? Specifically, I'm wondering if launching that close to Ride of Steel, while the ride is operating, would be allowed by the authorities/management/insurance.

Edited by larrygator
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  • 2 weeks later...

Last year I didn't make it to Darien Lake once, and it is my home park... I'm planning on getting a season pass again this year and I hope that the changes HFE will really change my view of the park.


Excited for Space Shot, I feel like it will be a good addition to the park. I feel like Darien Lake has needed a shot and/or drop tower for a while.

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Closure in the lawsuit of the legless Iraqi war veteran tossed from Ride of Steel




Lawsuit over Death of Iraq War Veteran killed in Amusement Park Settled

By Ed Reilly

January 8, 2013Updated Jan 8, 2013 at 7:24 PM EST


BUFFALO, N.Y (WKBW) The lawsuit against Darien Lake Amusement Park regarding the death of Army Sgt. James Hackemer of Gowanda has been settled in US Federal Court.


While terms of the mediated settlement are confidential, published reports say Hackemer's 4 and 5-year old daughters will receive a 7-figure amount of money.



"All of the proceeds from the settlement are going to go to the two girls," added Denis Bastible, attorney for the estate of James Hackemer.


Darien Lake Amusement Park issued a statement after the settlement saying "It was important to us to ensure his children were assured of a secure future."


The death of Sgt. Hackemer was very heartbreaking for this area because the 29-year old soldier had spent three years trying to recover from injuries he suffered while serving in Iraq.


In March 2008, a roadside bomb explosion left the Gowanda man with traumatic brain injuries and caused the loss of the two of his legs and part of his hip.


The injured soldier would return home to hero's welcome in October 2008.


Over the course of the next couple of years, intensive therapy helped James Hackemer learn how to eat, speak, and walk with prosthetic legs.


In July 2011, the double-amputee was at Darien Lake Amusement Park for a family outing.


While riding the 208-foot "Ride of Steel' roller coaster, he was ejected and fell to his death.


"The restraints couldn't hold him him because he didn't have the body mass or legs to hold him in," said Genesee County Sheriff Gary Maha, days after the accident.


Three months after the tragic death, a lawsuit was filed on behalf of Hackemer's estate.


"We allege their was inadequate training of the seasonal personnel who decided who gets on the rides there and that there was operator error," commented estate attorney Denis Bastible.


Hackemer's two daughters, Kaelynn and Addison, are now living with their mother in Virginia.


Under New York State law, because they are minors, they cannot have access to the settlement funds until they are at least 18-years old.

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^It's about time that they settled. I feel like it was both the park's and Hackemer's fault. The operaters were negligent and let Hackemer ride, while Hackemer refused to take the guide for people with disabilities at the gate. Besides, it is just common sense for both sides. Why would you let a person without a lap ride a coaster that holds you in with a lap bar.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw on the Facebook page just a little while ago that they're planning on adding something "rad" to the park in 2013, Along with that i saw people suggesting either a Coaster, a BMX show or a Re-Theming of Ride of Steel. Anyone have any ideas? They said they would announce it next week but I figures like Cedar Point's GateKeeper, someone has to know something...

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