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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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^I doubt that would work, because that would mean that the boat ride would go under Skycoaster, which would probably be a major problem in the event that the cable breaks, which could mean that the fatalities of such accident could potentially double if the three falling bodies land on a boat. Plus, I don't understand why one would want to do that as it wouldn't free up any real room anyway.


Well, the only opition is to get rid of SkyCoaster or the boat dock since they can't really have both over Fun Lake without having a problem!

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How close to the water do Skycoaster riders come? Kennywood's Skycoaster is over a lake with paddleboats in it, but unlike ours, it looks like DL's boarding area seems quite close to the water level. If that's not an issue, there is no other reason I can think of that boaters shouldn't be allowed go under it. I respect DL's judgment, but I'm a bit confused here.

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^ I know all of the lakes that are in Darien Lake (the theme park). There's Sunshine Lake which is where the "public" picnic area is, Elk Lake which is between SplashTown and the Ride of Steel, Fun Lake which is where Skycoaster is and they used have a water ski and high dive show in there during the 1980's, Willow Lake which is by Mind Eraser and Rowdy's Ridge, and there's the lake that the park is name after, Darien Lake which used to have a beach (the beach was there before the theme park) and a paddle boat ride in 1980's.

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Sadly I think the drop tower would be an improvement over raging seas. DL doesn't have a drop tower yet and raging seas right now is in a very bad state of disrepair and doesn't give a good ride at all. If you are concerned about rarity Mack still makes this ride and there is the same ride at Marineland unless there is something about Darien's that would make it special and unique from the new models that I don't know about. Overall I don't think it's that rare, not like the silver bullet where there is only one left in the whole world I think, and boy what a ride it is. Also the sleigh ride is very similar to raging seas so they have that base covered. The drop tower would bring more variety to the park and would remove what I hate to say is an eyesore, plus they would have a new ride to advertise. It's a no brain-er really, I would rather ride a nice condition drop tower than a bad condition flat.


I know raging seas is still running, and when I was there it ran the same as it did 10 years ago with the same what feels like 30 second ride cycle as far as I can remember. So as my previous thoughts its not that bad in that it still runs but maintenance is likely becoming an issue and it might not pass inspection next year without a serious overhaul. At least they didn't let it get to the SBNO point.


I would REALLY love to ride a troika and I do think DL needs to bring back the scrambler. I will probably return to the park next year at some point since l had a really good time the year.

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^ This past season they opened Shipwreck Falls late and it might just happen again in 2013 or they might end leaving SBNO and remove it in 2014 due low ridership this past season!


As for Thunder Rapids, the ride isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but sometime in the future it they would get rid of it for something new.

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^ Shipwreck Falls is getting old as with any ride that over ten years old its reliabilty is going downhill so expect to see Shipwreck Falls closed more often or SBNO in 2013. At least Thunder Rapids and Grizzly Run are more reilable than Shipwreck Falls. I wouldn't surprised if Darien Lake replaces Shipwreck Falls with a new ride in 2014!

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A part of me would like to see RoS replaced and I know that would not be a popular decision given it's the signature ride there. The ride seems to have bad karma or something.


The Ride of Steel isn't going anywhere. A part of wants the Ride of Steel to get rethemed to something that isn't a "shell" of Superman!

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^^Wha...? Replace RoS? That one guy last year was a complete idiot. Yes, people still talk about it today, but it doesn't stop them from riding it. And virtually everyone but us enthusiasts still remember that first accident when it opened. Ridership is still massively huge, and will be for an incredibly long time; they will not take out the park's signature attraction when that one accident was purely from (egregious) ride operator and rider error. They fixed that issue by making the "DO NOT RIDE IF..." signs all around the park very very huge and apparently they go over the rules with the staff at the start of every shift. It is still safe and the ride functioned perfectly, but simply was not designed to restrain a man with one third of one leg. No way is it going anywhere. New paint scheme and new name? Most likely, but primarily because the paint is famously faded and the ride just flat out needs a new name.

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