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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Yeah I don't even think they should do fright fest, the park is fine during a normal operating day but fright fest is a disaster. Also it's too cold here in Oct. some rides can't run in the cold weather, it's hard because the weather sucks this time of year in WNY and one rainy weekend could kill it for the park, not to mention it could be rainy every weekend. It's not even worth it to be open IMO. Honestly what is even there that is different, they have 1-2 Halloween attractions, put up some decor and call it a Halloween event.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Well when I went this past summer, there was no mention of Viper's 30th anniversary at all anywhere in the park! You'd think the first coaster in world with five inversions would have a "celebration" for its 30th anniversary, man Darien Lake should have done something for it!

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  • 1 month later...

A friend of mine has recently e-mailed Herschend Entertainment telling them how displeased he was with the fact that Dollywood and Siver Dollar City are getting new coasters all of the time and Darien's last coaster was only for families. They said:


"Hello and thank you for your email and your comments.


I appreciate your loyalty as a season pass holder and absolutely understand your

desire for a new coaster or one of a kind ride. These types of rides however

take large amounts of capital investment and complex financing. Since 1999,

both Six Flags and PARC Management tried to do many different things to our park

that made changes on the surface level, but neglected some much needed

infrastructure updates. Since Herschend Family Entertainment has assumed

management of the property, many of these issues have been identified and we are

in a multi-year plan to bring our beloved, aging park back from the issues that

it has had. While we are not installing hyper-coasters, which may only appeal

to a certain group of our guests, we are doing many things that improve every

guests overall experience and trying to place new and exciting elements in the

park whenever possible, including our new launch tower, Blast Off and the

massively upgraded Laserblast show, Ignite the Night, in 2013. New coasters are

never out of mind, but the list of renovations is long and we are doing our best

to work through that list as quickly and as economically as possible.


Have a great day today,


Mike Schuler"


So here you go anybody who keeps wanting a new coaster. It is pretty much out of the plans any time soon.

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So here you go anybody who keeps wanting a new coaster. It is pretty much out of the plans any time soon.


I didn't see anywhere in the article that mentioned that they wouldn't be adding a new coaster in the future. He just stated that they were currently more focused on upgrading the overall experience of the park that had been somewhat neglected by the previous owners before shifting any attention to adding any big coasters.


2013 plans are already set in stone, so how do we know based on this memo that they might not already be planning a coaster for 2014? He's obviously not going to come out and spill the beans to someone that's b%tching about the park not getting an Outlaw Run or Wild Eagle. These parks are also not known for "getting new coasters all the time." When was it that SDC and Dollywood last got new coasters before these two...at least four years or more, right?


Personally, I think the changes they have made thusfar to improve the kiddie area, water park and hotel in recent years have been welcome improvements. Improving a laser show (that needed it badly) and adding a drop tower next year are great additions for next year.


I also have way more faith in this park surviving with Herschend owning it than I did with the two previous owners. I think we just owe them some time to add some character to this park so it can shed itself from what many might consider to be an "oversized amusement park" or a "not quite a theme park" label. I think they would eventually like to turn it into a distinct family destination (aka Dollywood/SDC) versus more of a local teen hang-out or a cool place to go to a concert.


I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see them add a decent coaster in the future. Granted, I don't see them adding another hyper, a giga or a world record breaker, but I could certainly see them adding a decent family-style coaster or (okay, I'm dreaming here) a Mega-Lite!

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Don't expect to see a Wing Rider, or a record-breaking thrill coaster for Darien Lake in 2014. They should add a coaster for the 46" and taller group like a Vekoma family suspended coaster with Arrow style trains or a Gerstlauer spinning coaster (with a custom layout).

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So here you go anybody who keeps wanting a new coaster. It is pretty much out of the plans any time soon.


I didn't see anywhere in the article that mentioned that they wouldn't be adding a new coaster in the future. He just stated that they were currently more focused on upgrading the overall experience of the park that had been somewhat neglected by the previous owners before shifting any attention to adding any big coasters.


2013 plans are already set in stone, so how do we know based on this memo that they might not already be planning a coaster for 2014? He's obviously not going to come out and spill the beans to someone that's b%tching about the park not getting an Outlaw Run or Wild Eagle. These parks are also not known for "getting new coasters all the time." When was it that SDC and Dollywood last got new coasters before these two...at least four years or more, right?


Personally, I think the changes they have made thusfar to improve the kiddie area, water park and hotel in recent years have been welcome improvements. Improving a laser show (that needed it badly) and adding a drop tower next year are great additions for next year.


I also have way more faith in this park surviving with Herschend owning it than I did with the two previous owners. I think we just owe them some time to add some character to this park so it can shed itself from what many might consider to be an "oversized amusement park" or a "not quite a theme park" label. I think they would eventually like to turn it into a distinct family destination (aka Dollywood/SDC) versus more of a local teen hang-out or a cool place to go to a concert.


I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see them add a decent coaster in the future. Granted, I don't see them adding another hyper, a giga or a world record breaker, but I could certainly see them adding a decent family-style coaster or (okay, I'm dreaming here) a Mega-Lite!


I never said that they would never get a new coaster. I said "any time soon". I understand that even wouldn't be room to put a Wing Rider or other massive coaster, but the park should get a new coaster so thrill riders keep coming back. I am at least happy about the drop tower plans.

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[Personally, I think the changes they have made thusfar to improve the kiddie area, water park and hotel in recent years have been welcome improvements. Improving a laser show (that needed it badly) and adding a drop tower next year are great additions for next year.


I also have way more faith in this park surviving with Herschend owning it than I did with the two previous owners. I think we just owe them some time to add some character to this park so it can shed itself from what many might consider to be an "oversized amusement park" or a "not quite a theme park" label. I think they would eventually like to turn it into a distinct family destination (aka Dollywood/SDC) versus more of a local teen hang-out or a cool place to go to a concert.


I could not agree more! It seems those who want a new coaster seem to forget it's going to take baby steps to get Darien Lake up to the potential it has and where Herschend wants it to be. Dollywood and SDC didn't get to where they are overnight or in two years. Rowdy's Ridge was a major step in the right direction and even though I'll be missing my Raging Seas next summer I look forward to the new drop tower and renovation to the area around it.


Darien Lake already has a rather considerable coaster collection for its size even though most are clones found elsewhere. They will eventually get a new coaster and seeing the quality of rides Herschend has added to its properties as of late it will be a worthy addition, even if it's a family coaster. Now if they would just get rid of Batman's rusty remains so that the GP will quit asking for them to rebuild it.

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I find it amazing how the park evolved into what it is today. It started off as a small campground with a few rides. Then the thrill age sparked with the Viper, Ride of Steel, and Predator. Then there was the troubled times when Six Flags sold the park. Now it is adding more family rides and shooting down the idea of thrill rides (with the exception of Blast Off). The park is going at a rate of, well, a roller coaster (please excuse my pun).

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Darien Lake has some of the worst fan-boy following of any park right now. I'd say the previously mentioned friend was just a tad arrogant to be contacting the park just to complain that they haven't added a big roller coaster in the past few years. Look at the tremendous slew of investments that have been made in the park in the past few years. I don't think anyone can argue that the park isn't being picked up and turned around from where it was just a few years ago, and at a rapid pace as well.


Furthermore, pointing out that DW and SDC have both gotten major coasters recently doesn't even make sense seeing as DL isn't even owned by HFEC, it's just a operated by them on a management contract basis. I think it's clear that HFEC has some input on the additions the park makes, but they aren't the ones who are going to be putting up $15+ million for a new headlining coaster when the time comes for that.


DL's management team has shown tremendous wisdom in their recent investments, and it looks like the park is doing very well with them. Adding another major coaster now would probably be the worst thing they could do to keep the park heading in the right direction. SF proved that too many times.

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I think that they could either this year or next year. The building is so awkward with no sea lions in the pool out front, the picture being torn off by the wind, and the entrance looking so themed without being open.


Thus the reasoning behind Herschend having to spend a ton of money just to update all of the run down areas of the park.


To be honest, when I first visited this park as a teen back in the 80's, I even wondered if the park would be able to survive due to the location out in the middle of what seemed to be a corn field or dairy farm. The fact that it hung in for all these years means that there is obvious potential for Herschend and they felt the initiative to invest despite the fact that this is not a heavily wooded, mountainous, touristy area similar to Branson or Pigeon Forge.


I still believe that they could theme it to cultures in WNY and Canada with an outdoor-sy feel and can make it work despite the fact that it isn't the most scenic friendly park that they own.


I am very excited to see what this company has up their sleeve for this park in future years...I feel that they are definitely off to a great start!

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Personally, I would rather see Predator get an overhaul than have a brand new coaster. Maybe even new trains for Mind Eraser and RoS.


I used to work there during the Six Flags era, and I agree with the reply letter from DL. There needs to be a substantial upgrade to infrastructure. Things got neglected that shouldn't have been during Six Flags' reign.


My other wish for Darien Lake is to see the picnic area in the parking lot upgraded. That place is naaaasty!


Other than that, the additions to the park the past few years have been great. No complaints from me. And the 2013 additions are a huge step in the right direction.

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The Predator needs an overhaul for sure! As for Ride of Steel, the ride is begging for a new name and paint job that is totally unrelated to Superman. The Mind Eraser just need a new paint job and the mist to be back on it. On an unrelated note, the Barracuda Bay area needs some work like removing the end pool and que line for Floodgate Falls and putting a sun deck and a bathhouse there. The sea lion pool in front of Galaxy Theater should be removed as well if the sea lions aren't coming back to Darien Lake.

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MotoCoaster does have the appearance of being a "let's get a new attraction in quick" due to the location its in.


I do forsee the removal of several more older attractions before a big, new ride is added, especially since most of the Huss rides the park has are no longer being manufactured.

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