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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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I'm a little behind. Is a new train for Ride of Steel official? If so, any word on what type? This intrigues me quite a bit.


Yes official, no on type.


So it's also official it will be running 2 trains? Sorry also a little behind on this thread.

Doug mentioned that there will be one train this year and another one added in 2017. To answer ThrillSeeker4552's question, Doug also mentioned that they will be like the trains on Bizarro/Superman-The Ride at SFNE (But will most likely lack the on ride audio part).

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I'm a little behind. Is a new train for Ride of Steel official? If so, any word on what type? This intrigues me quite a bit.


Yes official, no on type.


So it's also official it will be running 2 trains? Sorry also a little behind on this thread.

Doug mentioned that there will be one train this year and another one added in 2017. To answer ThrillSeeker4552's question, Doug also mentioned that they will be like the trains on Bizarro/Superman-The Ride at SFNE (But will most likely lack the on ride audio part).


Thanks! Looking forward to 2 train ops in the not too distant future

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My guess with the extremely mild fall that we had and how early they closed this year, they had more than enough time to do any work they wanted. I would think that ME is fully painted at this point. I have not been by the park in a few months while it is light out, but they definitely had the time and the weather to do it. On top of that, if they were going to be doing any other in-park improvements this off season, they should have gotten a good jump on most of that too.

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What if Darien Lake added an S&S freespin (like Batman at SF Fiesta Texas)?


I would love that and for a park that may be a little tight on space that seems like a likely fit


Darien Lake already has that space that was occupied by 'Cuda Falls all they need to do is move Slingshot and remove whatever's left of Floodgate Falls And maybe they'll room for an S&S Freespin (like Batman at SFFT) or a Premier Sky Rocket II (like Superman at SFDK).

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I wonder if Six Flags New England is sending their old "Bizarro" trains to Darien Lake? (minus the audio system)

Since SFNE isn't getting new trains, this sounds 100% reasonable! I can definitely see it happening!


Also considering, if I remember correctly, it was announced that these would be NEW trains and Darien was working with INTAMIN, not Six Flags...

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What if Darien Lake added an S&S freespin (like Batman at SF Fiesta Texas)?


I would love that and for a park that may be a little tight on space that seems like a likely fit


Darien Lake already has that space that was occupied by 'Cuda Falls all they need to do is move Slingshot and remove whatever's left of Floodgate Falls And maybe they'll room for an S&S Freespin (like Batman at SFFT) or a Premier Sky Rocket II (like Superman at SFDK).


I worked in dariens waterpark for a few years and floodgate cannot really be removes, its built into the hill, and holding up part of the hill believe it or not. if they were to remove it that section of the hill would collapse/mudslide/cave in. this has been discussed in park meetings. they aren't just leaving it there cause it looks pretty (it doesn't, believe me). if they were gonna remove it they would have with cuda. your only options are fill it in with dirt/fill/concrete, or level the whole hill.

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Somehow, I think I have heard this before on this thread. On the flip side, my initial guess would be that when they decide to use that area for expansion, Floodgate Falls will get removed and the hill will get reworked into something to provide elevation for the entire new expansion area. Plus, if they did want to keep the hill, they technically could pull out floodgate, move the dirt elsewhere, and then move it back. It sounds like a lot of work, but with a few bulldozers it really isn't that much, especially if what they put there is worth the effort...

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Maybe it's just me but it looks like Dariens social media pages have been pretty quiet recently. In the past two weeks there's only been 3 posts. Compared to what Doug was doing just before then, maybe we're inching closer to an announcement of sorts?

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^ I'm actually leaving Darien next week for a different opportunity. Trying to button up some other priority projects before my last day, which is why we've been quiet on social.


Stay tuned though! I think this summer is going to be another step in the right direction for Darien Lake.

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^ Sorry to hear that you are leaving DL, Doug.


You were a calm voice of reasoning in a thread that is known for being rather ummmm...."different".


But, best if luck in your new endeavors and thanks for all of your input into the thread!

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^ I'm actually leaving Darien next week for a different opportunity. Trying to button up some other priority projects before my last day, which is why we've been quiet on social.


Stay tuned though! I think this summer is going to be another step in the right direction for Darien Lake.

So who is going to fill Doug's spot? Will this thread recieve an equivalent in the near future?

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