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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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With SeaWorld struggling, I'm not shocked the chain is looking for more opportunities to capitalize on the Sesame Place IP.


With the struggles of the SeaWorld parks it really would be a good move to open a new park or two that could help generate revenue for them that don't involve animals. That's not too say they wouldn't continue to improve those parks but using Sesame Street would be good for all groups really.


And Sesame Place next to Busch Gardens would be great for families that maybe have younger kids who wouldn't get as much out of Busch Gardens, especially if most of their time would be spent in Forest of Fun anyways.

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A baked potato eatery?


I bet one would have a full belly throwing back one of those with a couple of Guinness pints!


Thanks for the report, Chuck. I hope that the issue with the glasses gets straightened out as I would be blind as a bat if I had to take my glasses off. Although I usually wear contacts into a theme park, I have been trying to stop wearing them because they irritate my eyes so much.

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Here’s something to ponder...if I’m not mistaken, if this Sesame Place becomes a reality, will Grover’s Alpine Express become the first coaster to leave one park and be added to another without moving an inch?

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Just got in from a wonderful day at BGW. Rode Nessie, Verbolten 3 times, Tempesto 3 times, and Apollo’s Chariot 6 times. Got denied at the test seats for Alpengeist, Griffon, and shockingly InvadR I was legitimately surprised by that one. I thought I was a lot more likely for that than Tempesto. Ah well such a great park with fantastic operations. The San Marco marketplace is really nice I do wish I hit up the pretzel shop though.

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Just got in from a wonderful day at BGW. Rode Nessie, Verbolten 3 times, Tempesto 3 times, and Apollo’s Chariot 6 times. Got denied at the test seats for Alpengeist, Griffon, and shockingly InvadR I was legitimately surprised by that one. I thought I was a lot more likely for that than Tempesto. Ah well such a great park with fantastic operations. The San Marco marketplace is really nice I do wish I hit up the pretzel shop though.


wait.. unless something changed HUGELY since we were there a couple of years back, both Alpengeist AND Griffon have "big boy" seats. I rode both coasters in those seats.

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They still have the "big boy" seats. They're in rows 5 and 6 of Alpengeist, and there are two in the middle of each row on Griffon (the seats with the double belts).

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I got into Griffons test seat which is the two-strapped seat and the belts where less than an inch from the buckles. I probably could of gotten a ride op to really push down on it and get it buckled but I figured I'd save myself the embarrassment of a potential WOS.

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I got into Griffons test seat which is the two-strapped seat and the belts where less than an inch from the buckles. I probably could of gotten a ride op to really push down on it and get it buckled but I figured I'd save myself the embarrassment of a potential WOS.


what I'm saying tho. . is the test seats are the "standard" seats. (I think).


the two coasters have specific seats for larger riders tho, once you get to the station.


if you get a chance to go back, go to the station and ask, rather than just trusting the test seat.

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Got denied at the test seats for Alpengeist, Griffon


That's a bummer since they're easily the two best in the park, but they're a really tight squeeze for me in the front/back. I have no idea where the big boy seats are.

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Got denied at the test seats for Alpengeist, Griffon


That's a bummer since they're easily the two best in the park, but they're a really tight squeeze for me in the front/back. I have no idea where the big boy seats are.


PSSST. . . Chuck just told you three posts above

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Got denied at the test seats for Alpengeist, Griffon


That's a bummer since they're easily the two best in the park, but they're a really tight squeeze for me in the front/back. I have no idea where the big boy seats are.


PSSST. . . Chuck just told you three posts above


I know. I was making a joke about only riding in the front/back.

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Got denied at the test seats for Alpengeist, Griffon


That's a bummer since they're easily the two best in the park, but they're a really tight squeeze for me in the front/back. I have no idea where the big boy seats are.


PSSST. . . Chuck just told you three posts above


I know. I was making a joke about only riding in the front/back.


and I haven't really had coffee yet, so missed you being snarky. . LOL.. . sorry!


I've lost a ton of weight since we were at BGW, and having to ride Alpengeist in the middle of the train (in the big boy seat) is probably why I hated it so much (I had no view of the track, so couldn't brace against the transitions). I'll give it another shot later this summer, and will see if I like it better in a front row seat.


(I'm guessing I will).

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Alpengeist in the front is indescribable. I loved it a few years ago but our rides two weeks ago were absolutely phenomenal. The push from the train through the elements, mother of god. Also this time it was cold so the freezing blast of air in our faces was an appropriate thematic addition.

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Luckily I've ridden Griffon and Alpengeist in years past so they would not have been new to me. InvadR though was new and the denial truly a bummer. At least I got some new credit hotness out of Tempesto though (shockingly I literally thought there was a 0% chance I could ride that) The seat was huge and comfortable but the sensor for the lap bar just wasn't forgiving. Griffons test seat was two red belts which I believe indicates the larger seats.

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I got a front seat ride on Alpengeist in the pouring rain once. We were laughing at the kid on the end getting water dumped right onto his nether regions going up the lift hill but we forgot all about him soon after; when we were getting pelted with rain drops. Painful but hysterical.

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So interesting question. I heard on another forum that InvadRs test seat is really wonky and some people who can't have its light shine green ever can usually get on the coaster itself no problem. Wondering if anybody here has had this happen with them as well? I was amazed I could not ride InvadR according to the test seat when I was there last week.

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Just wanted to put this out there, the audience of the last show of Celtic Fyre was able to ride the new ride, Battle for Erie. Opening should be very soon, in fact i would assume it would open next weekend.


Edit: Rumor has it that the new ride, “Battle for Erie” will open this Friday, April 13th.


Also, if you didn’t know, the park will be open April 16th (a Monday) that originally wasn’t on the calendar.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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