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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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I'd bet they didn't have the right one in stock and wanted to keep running the rest of the train. The wheel works, and was ready to go. No sense in running with less capacity while they waited for the replacement from S&S.

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The block brakes basically weren't trimming at all. The crown trimmed some but not as much as some seasons. The cobra roll was a lot more smooth ad a result, and there was basically no rattle. It was awesome.


Unfortunately like I said Apollo was running sluggish though. It'd be fun to go when both are hauling!

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Ate some good stuff at BGW's Food and Wine Festival today--gyoza from the new East Asia booth and the gumbo from the new Bourbon Street booth really stood out.

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I've never found Alpengeist to be a "painful" ride, no matter what seat you're in. The only potentially rough part is the cobra roll, and even that isn't all that bad.

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do the Busch coasters accommodate guests of a larger size?


I know that the Cedar Fair parks typically have some big=boy seats.


I'm about the same as I was last year for our Penn. trip, and I had no trouble there, but just trying to plan ahead for any disappointment

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Hah no worries! I wanted a picture. It was actually a bit tacky, since it was just one wheel, and even on the same bogie it had LNM rims. I wonder if they're starting to have trouble getting replacement parts?

I actually saw it too; however it didn't have the notches that the Drachen Fire wheels had. It looked more like a Vekoma wheel to me. Similar to the ones on the new boomerang trains.

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I've just purchased tickets for my visit to the park this summer and managed to save $15 per ticket by typing in BGWValPak at the checkout. Pretty nice saving when there are a few of you to buy tickets for. Thought I would mention it incase there is anyone reading that will be buying tickets for the park soon.

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I've just purchased tickets for my visit to the park this summer and managed to save $15 per ticket by typing in BGWValPak at the checkout. Pretty nice saving when there are a few of you to buy tickets for. Thought I would mention it incase there is anyone reading that will be buying tickets for the park soon.


thanks for the tips.


you also get a good discount thru Club TPR. . you should check out joining - especially if you visit several parks in a year.

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^Your question is a bit broad, but I think the one key piece of advice for this season is to get on Tempesto first thing.

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^Your question is a bit broad, but I think the one key piece of advice for this season is to get on Tempesto first thing.


we're planning two days, so we'll likely skip it the first day, so that way if we wait in line the 2nd, no worries.


Lemme know if you're going to be in the park either day we're there and want to meet up to say 'hi'


(we're planning to be there on 6/16 & 6/17 -- tho that might switch up a little depending on weather (if rain, we'll do Colonial Williamsburg museums on that day)).

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I'm going to the park Tom., what should I expect? Any tips would be appreciated as well!



See the Pet Show!


I suggest doing the park in a clockwise fashion.


That pet show was one of the biggest wastes of time I've ever sat through. Chuck warned my friend and I to stay away, but alas we were tired and foolish...

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