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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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As I recall, they were planning to run Mach Tower in "observation mode" during Christmas Town 2011, but used it for drops, instead.

Edited by cfc
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Busch Gardens and Chick-fil-A Host Run Benefitting Toys For Tots


WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (Nov. 15, 2012) – The 2012 Christmas Town Dash 8K, sponsored by Busch Gardens and Chick-fil-A, combines family, fitness and fun in one great event benefiting the Marine Corps’ Toys For Tots campaign. On Sunday, Dec. 2, participants will get a taste of Christmas Town: A Busch Gardens Celebration during this exciting 8K run through the world’s most beautiful theme park in Williamsburg, Va.


The course is challenging, but fully paved and perfect for runners of all experience levels. Visit www.christmastowndash.com for complete details and to register.


Top winners will receive Busch Gardens’ Fun Cards while all runners will receive discounts to Christmas Town and one single-day ticket to Busch Gardens for the 2013 season.


Runners with small children or participants unable to participate in the five mile run, can join the herd in the Running of the Chick-fil-A Cows, a half-mile family-fun run. Participants will run with the Chick-fil-A Cows as they race through a shortened course in this fun-for-all-ages event. Every registered runner gets a great kid-friendly number bib and a custom finisher medallion.


A portion of the race proceeds benefit the Marine Corps Toys For Tots program that brings hope to millions of children every holiday season through the delivery of toys in time for Christmas.


Flat-Out Events is a proud partner of the event, and challenges each runner to bring two new, unwrapped gifts to Packet Pick-up or to the race on Sunday. Every runner who donates to the campaign will receive a special gift.


Christmas Town Dash 8K Details


What: Christmas Town Dash 8K benefiting Toys For Tots


When: Sunday, Dec. 2, warm-up fun begins at 7:30 a.m.


Where: Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA



Through Nov. 24: $45 for 8K, $10 for Fun Run.

Through Dec. 1: $50 for 8K, $10 for Fun Run.

No race registrations will be taken on race day.



One 2013 single-day ticket to Busch Gardens for all 8K finishers

Discounts on Christmas Town tickets

Long-sleeve technical shirt for all 8K participants

Custom medals for all 8K and fun-run finishers


Register: Visit christmastowndash.com for complete details and registration information

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I'm trying to decide whether I'm better off purchasing a season pass rather than a single day ticket when I visit BGW later this year (will use parking, tour discount and 50% off at SWSD benefits).


One of the perks is a "Discount on single-day tickets for friends and relatives during regular operating season" - anyone know how much of a discount this is?

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Had an excellent time at Christmas Town this year. All three shows were awesome, penguins are now an inside joke between me and a few friends, Holiday Hills looks fantastic, and Verbolten's headlights make an awesome picture. I definitely plan to do this all over again in 2013.


Crowds are a bit of a drag though. I really hope the park opens up more major rides to diffuse the crowds. Oktoberfest was a madhouse this year.



- Gloria (5/5) Great show, great music! Still think the moving stages are used a little weird and the projections aren't as good as actual stage props, but overall a fantastic show.

- Miracles (5/5) Another wonderful show with great music and dancing. This show felt a bit short though.

- Deck the Halls (5/5) The park's Christmas carol show, being in the only indoor eatery in the park has its drawbacks (larger crowds than normal), but still a good show that actually uses mascots better than Entwined


- O Tannenbaum (3/5) Nice Christmas tree lighting show, but not so nice location. It definitely creates a bottleneck on busy days. Maybe if they used a bit of Trans-Siberian Orchestra


- Penguins (3/5) Could use a few more penguins. I feel bad for anyone who has to wait in long lines for this on a busy day. Otherwise an okay exhibit. Hopefully the park expands on this in the coming years.


- Holiday Hills (5/5) Why can't Festa be decorated like this during Howl O Scream?

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^I agree that Holiday Hills was the highlight of Christmas Town this year--very well done. And I presume that this mascot was "repurposed" from "Entwined":



I'm pretty sure there were dancing Gingerbread men in that show.

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I'm trying to decide whether I'm better off purchasing a season pass rather than a single day ticket when I visit BGW later this year (will use parking, tour discount and 50% off at SWSD benefits).


One of the perks is a "Discount on single-day tickets for friends and relatives during regular operating season" - anyone know how much of a discount this is?


The discounted tickets (10-15% i think) aren't much cheaper if at all than using one of the $10-15 off coupons you can find. I think a pass now is ~$120. and a single day ticket is ~$70. parking is $13. but you can use the pass for 1 year from the purchase date.

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Busch Gardens has a new offer for Virginia residents.



WILLIAMSBURG (Jan. 18, 2013) – Busch Gardens’ popular free Sesame Street® Forest of Fun™ Preschool Pass now includes admission to both Busch Gardens® Williamsburg and Water Country USA® for qualifying Virginia residents who register and redeem their passes by May 31.


This online-only offer is available to Virginia residents (between the ages of 3 and 5) at the time of registration. It provides unlimited admission to both parks through Sept. 2, 2013. Proof of age is required at the time the passes are redeemed, and the passes must be redeemed at either park by May 31, 2013. Children 2 and younger already receive complimentary admission and do not need to register. Visit buschgardens.com/preschool for complete details.


Busch Gardens and Water Country USA offer many attractions and shows designed for the parks’ littlest fans. Some favorites include Sesame Street Forest of Fun and Land of the Dragons® at Busch Gardens and Cow-A-Bunga® and Kritter Korral™ at Water Country USA.

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Attention residents of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, DC, and Delaware--wanna have Busch Gardens landscape your yard?




One Lucky Winner Will Receive a Custom Landscaped Yard


WILLIAMSBURG (March 1, 2013) – Busch Gardens’ team of expert horticulturalists will take their shovels, mulch, flowers and their creativity on the road this spring for the Busch Gardens’ Landscaping Giveaway. For the first time ever, Facebook fans will choose one lucky winner to have their yard landscaped by the same team responsible for Busch Gardens’ award-winning beauty. For the past 22 years Busch Gardens has won the “Most Beautiful Park” award from the National Amusement Park Historical Association.


The giveaway starts today, March 1. To enter and to vote, visit the Busch Gardens’ Facebook page at facebook.com/buschgardens. The winner will be notified on March 18. The giveaway is open to legal residents of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Washington DC and Delaware.

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Don't have the need for any landscaping. However, I could use a bit of manscaping, if you know what I mean? I've kinda let the weeds grow in during the winter.


Think Busch could help me out with that?


Damn it! I live in Tteenneessee! Guess I'll have to hit up the local laser center.

Edited by Guy T. Koepp
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Chuck, did you enter? Sounds cool!


Getting your yard landscaped is one thing. Maintaining it is another. It is rather tempting, though--I'm not much a gardener, and my yard is pretty "meh."

Edited by cfc
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Chuck, did you enter? Sounds cool!


Getting your yard landscaped is one thing. Maintaining it is another. It is rather tempting, though--I'm not much a gardener, and my yard is pretty "meh."


Come on Chuck. At the very least they will remove that shrubbery that encroaches into the street and scratches any car that parks in front of your house.

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