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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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^ Got to love the facebook comments about the canceled show


Even more curious, when we were told at 330-4pm that all seats were "gone" and left the park there were cars as far as the eye could see coming in with their preferred rear view mirror tags...Hmm, as if by magic preferred parking was available all of a sudden...sounds like a little fraud/price fixing ....seriously angry enough to call our attorney!!
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^ Got to love the facebook comments about the canceled show


Even more curious, when we were told at 330-4pm that all seats were "gone" and left the park there were cars as far as the eye could see coming in with their preferred rear view mirror tags...Hmm, as if by magic preferred parking was available all of a sudden...sounds like a little fraud/price fixing ....seriously angry enough to call our attorney!!


And how does "preferred parking" relate to seats for the concert? I hope this nimrod does call his attorney, so he can spend a few grand to get back the price of his park admission.

Edited by cfc
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Hey guys...I have a childs admission to busch gardens and water country that I wasn't able to use thats up for grabs! Since I cant get a refund and im not gonna be in the area before the season is over anyone can have it. Just send me a message if you want it...

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I went to the park this morning to check out any Howl-o-Scream prep that may be going on--and because this will be my last chance before heading out to Beijing for TPR's China Trip. There's a bit more to report than last week, but I imagine things will kick into high gear after Labor Day. No clue as to what this year's new maze will be, but I imagine the park will make an announcement during Passholder Appreciation Weekend next Saturday and Sunday. (I'm thinking something to do with the "Black Forest," but that's just my guess.)


Yes, the creepy flowers with eyeballs are starting to bloom again. You can't kill those things with Round Up--just fire and holy water.


In the England parking lot: They've started on the wall for the "13: Your Number's Up" queue. And, no, I did not spring for valet parking.


You enter 13 via Europe in the Air's backdoor. (Sorry all EITA fans--it's closed for HOS. You have my permission to weep quietly about this.)


Punkins! Evil, disturbing punkins!


Boogie, boogie, boogie!


Just in case you weren't aware that BGW had an official lawnmower. Moving right along . . .


This empty space is where the grape-stomping photo op is usually located. They had a booth selling light-up bling for Illuminights here. I imagine the grape vats will return, with some appropriate HOS theming.


The bridge from Italy to Oktoberfest is getting "Halloweened up," too.


I see you!


You can start humming the creepy little tune now.


If you ask nicely at Lost and Found, they might give it back to you.


This is "Bitten" (aka, the old Drachen Fire station).


No word on what show will be in the Festhaus during HOS (Fiends, which was here last year, will be at the Abbeystone Theatre in Ireland this year). Maybe BGW's old HOS icon, Jack, is moving into the Festhaus? Guess we'll know soon enough.


The gift shop across from DarKastle has started its transformation into the HOS shop. (Look! A hidden Mickey!)


OK, this is something that amused me. Never noticed it before. Note the writing at the bottom of the pedestal.


Was this notice put here for leprechauns or something?


Hmm--something's going on behind the buck nekkid statue in Germany.


Looks like some sort of display up in the old clock. (Probably something to do with vampires, as in years past.)


They're already makin' with the merch.


Germany is getting some BLOOD RED drapes.


We now interrupt this report for a picture sure to terrify Piers.


Now that the Victoria Justice hoo-hah is over . . .


. . . the "Catacombs" can go in.


There's been quite a bit of work over at the "Fear Fair" in Festa Italia.


Shouldn't that be "Paura Fair" in Italian?


Looks like the freaks and evil clowns are setting up shop.


The Drachen Fire barn has played host to werewolves and fiendish fairy tales in the past, but wasn't used last year due to Verbolten construction. Will it be back for HOS 2012? (Word elsewhere is that the new maze will be in the employee parking lot near the Festhaus, but there hasn't been any confirmation yet.)


Looks like the vampires have been doing a little decorating.


HOS starts on September 14 this year. That's all for now.

Edited by cfc
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Speaking of Howl-O-Scream, the final few new additions for this year have been posted to the site. Included are;


Root of All Evil - Germany

The seeds of evil have been sewn. Venture if you dare into a decrepit greenhouse. Experiments here have not gone as planned and evil has taken control. Botanists, landscapers, and staff all poisoned by the very plants they created. In this maze of foliage, you are ripe for the pickings.


That brings it to 6 houses!


Night Beats - Germany

Things that go bump in the night sing, dance and transport you on a musical journey. From the devilish sounds of the roaring 20s to vamping it up with the music of today, this show is filled with dazzling dance numbers, sizzling singers, and a barely live band that will leave your heart … beating.


And 3 shows...



The dead are alive and so is the fun at the OPEN CASKet bar. Hang around, watch your neck and toss back a specialty libation served by the coolest vampires this side of the Rhine River.


Not to mention a bar...


Inoculation StationNo appointments necessary for the shot of a lifetime with your favorite fiends in pink. Get your prescription filled – the famous test tube shot and photo op are always in stock.


And the nurses move over to Ireland.



And that appears to be it for Howl-O-Scream 2012. Not a bad line-up if you ask me!

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I attended the passholder appreciation event today which was pretty uneventful. They announced everything that was posted a page back about howl-o-scream and gave a little preview of Night Beats which looks like it will be a good show to watch.


They did announce two things announced that I like. First, they are expanding Christmas Town into Festa Italia and now have 8 million lights total. Second and my favorite, they are hosting a Food & Wine festival in the spring. They didn't announce the dates yet though.

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I'm taking my family to the park this Saturday for the lunch with Jack Hannah and the wolves experience for my little sister's birthday. Any tips on the park for those more familiar with it than I? My mom and I would like to hit all of the coasters and DarKastle, we're hoping crowds will be light.

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HOS crowds start off manageable and get progressively worse and worse as the day progresses. Make sure you hit all major rides early or expect 45-60 minute waits for most major stuff. Verbolten might be worse.


Make sure you get in line for the mazes early or you'll be standing in 60-90 minute lines. Mazes will have smaller crowds around closing time too so if you run to one around that time, lines should be fairly short.


Medium rides are a little different. After around 6-7, lines for medium rides shouldn't be that bad. Expect a decent wait for those during the day and an average summer day crowd during HOS.

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Thanks guys! I actually had no idea that HOS was starting this weekend. Honestly we were only going for the Jack Hannah lunch, so finding this out is SUPER helpful! I don't know if we'll be doing any of the mazes or not, but either way its going to be fun.

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Thanks guys! I actually had no idea that HOS was starting this weekend. Honestly we were only going for the Jack Hannah lunch, so finding this out is SUPER helpful! I don't know if we'll be doing any of the mazes or not, but either way its going to be fun.


Yeah, Howl-O-Scream is starting super early this year, but I sure do hope you have fun! Just be ready for Howl-O-Scream crowds, the park does sometimes reach capacity during Howl-O-Scream on Saturdays, but only as it gets later in the day/evening, so you should be more than okay!

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Sundays shouldn't be as bad. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


That being said, from past experiences, doing HOS in September is still far better than coming in October, when the park closes to capacity every weekend. Last year, both HOS weekends in September were completely dead (Saturdays included). As long as you hit all the major rides early in the day when crowds are manageable, getting rides in later shouldn't be too big of an issue.


Verbolten's been pretty moody this weekend, so just be weary of any shutdowns. Once again, always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

Edited by netdvn
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Sundays aren't bad at all. I usually go on Sundays and the longest I've ever waited was about 45 minutes for Bitten, everything else is usually walk-on to 15 minutes tops.


Fridays are worse than Saturdays, but pretty bad. Saturdays are... you're a brave soul if you try to visit Howl-O-Scream on a Saturday.

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I attended the passholder appreciation event today which was pretty uneventful. They announced everything that was posted a page back about howl-o-scream and gave a little preview of Night Beats which looks like it will be a good show to watch.


They did announce two things announced that I like. First, they are expanding Christmas Town into Festa Italia and now have 8 million lights total.


Yeah, but does that mean they're running Apollo for Christmas??? That and Verbolten or something and they've got themselves a fairly decent amusement park .. at least for the only game in town, and considering the rides usually aren't crowded.


(Sorry, couldn't hit "quote" because of that ad running down the right hand side of the page.)(edit: actually its OK on IE 6.5, ad dissapears entirely. With Netscape 7.2 I have an ad over everything I can't get rid of. I wrapped quotes around the quote but it didn't say who wrote it like initiating the post with quote. These are the most recent browsers I can use with my oldOS/smallHD/RAM/P2powersupply.)

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(Sorry, couldn't hit "quote" because of that ad running down the right hand side of the page.)


What are you talking about? You used the quotes correctly. Not sure how the ads were causing a problem in the first place, unless your browser settings are out of whack.

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