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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 468: Loch Ness Monster Media Day Report

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I think for having only 2 rides down after a big hurricane, that is in itself a reward. I don't think Mach Tower will be down for very long. Actually someone asked if any rides were down and they replied with something along the lines like all the rides are working fine. So it may be working right now.


As far the the 2012 ride goes, we probably won't get any announcement regarding a name or specs or anything like that until at least until either tracks start showing up or until probably the 'event building' is mostly done, or even by the end of Howl-o-Scream.


Attendance is almost nonexistent from last Friday before the Hurricane to now. In fact, they aren't even expecting too many people to show up. Just a few thousand. So basically, it is the perfect time to go and experience the whole park.

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Someone said Mach Tower was open yesterday and Le Scoot opened back up too. So the park is fully functional again. However a lot of people are pretty upset with Water Country USA.


Do you think they would extend their season? or no? I honestly don't think so because it is too much paperwork. As far as they go they still have problems to fix that might take as long as Mach Tower took to open.


Oh the Pre-School Pass was extended until October 30th. Any chances of the Fun Card extending to October 30th to? Probably not. It would be a major rip off to season pass holders if they did unless they gave season pass holders something more in return, like admission to Christmas Town perhaps?

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^ Thanks for the update! I still think it's a bit boring to look at, when we haven't seen any track going up yet.


So, you thanked him for the update and then called it boring...



I said it was a bit boring to look at, i didn't say that the update itself was boring. A update usually includes both pics and text and in this case it was the pics i thought was a bit boring, which is not the entire update.

Sorry if my post got misunderstood, it was not meant to be. I meant that most construction pics i see of dirt doesn't really get me exciting, i'm still grateful i took the time to create this update though.

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Guess what time it is! Stitchin' Time in Germany! Yes, the new scare zone for Germany is zombies!!! This is probably the first time I have seen zombies other than Frankenstien used at BGW! I am so excited already!!! Also, I think the last scare zone will be in England/Scotland. It seems like the odd place out for a scare zone.

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I had a mini trip to Busch Gardens today and I got a ride on Mach Tower, Griffon, and Apollos Chariot! One word to describe Mach Tower : EPICNESS! From the bottom of the tower you can hear the rumble mechanism! It is truly an awesome ride! Go Busch Gardens! Another winner! The Griffon crew was on there A-game today and moved what said a "1 hour wait" into a 30 minute wait! Apollo's Chariot's crew was awesome too, the line was backed up into the entrance tent but was only a 20 minute wait! It was a fun lttle trip and I cant wait for next year!

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One word to describe Mach Tower : EPICNESS! From the bottom of the tower you can hear the rumble mechanism!


I'm wondering if they amped the "vibrating seats" up a bit. During the "soft opening," the seats would buzz and shake a little, but those "Magic Fingers" beds at older motels were more intense. However, last Friday night, it felt like the whole tower was shaking and, yes, you could hear it "rumble" down in the queue.

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finally got to ride Mach Tower this past Thursday (Sept 1st) and I was far from impressed. To start, the loading process is pointless and so not needed. Once on the ride I thought it was pretty cool that is rotates as you go up (and the views were nice) but once the drop happens they hit the brakes half way down the tower. Maybe i'm in the minority, but I wish the rides free fall was longer.

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^ Mach's loading is actually efficient when done right and keeps the line moving while keeping the car balanced. It's just that the public doesn't bother paying attention so it slows the process down. On top of that, Mach doesn't have the best capacity in the world so lines tend to be really long.


I was away on a cruise for the past few weeks so I missed out on a lot of the happenings in the park.




Mach Tower's vibrating seats have been cranked up so that you can hear them throughout the area. The line maxed out at a 45 min wait on Saturday and 1 hr 20 min on Sunday.


Verbolten's been pretty quiet lately. Not much in the way of construction outside the previous update.


The park was the absolute busiest I've ever seen it, even during July 4th weekend. There was even a long line for most of the kiddie rides. Lines out the door for most of Oktoberfest's rides outside of Mach.

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I don't understand why they have a tower that holds thirty riders and has a minute-and-a-half ride cycle. I'd rather ditch all the effects and wait in the much shorter line for Drop Zone, with its 56 riders and thirty-second cycle.



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I don't understand why they have a tower that holds thirty riders and has a minute-and-a-half ride cycle. I'd rather ditch all the effects and wait in the much shorter line for Drop Zone, with its 56 riders and thirty-second cycle.


Maybe it's just me, but whenever I go to the park, they only have 2 sides open.

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I don't understand why they have a tower that holds thirty riders and has a minute-and-a-half ride cycle. I'd rather ditch all the effects and wait in the much shorter line for Drop Zone, with its 56 riders and thirty-second cycle.


Maybe it's just me, but whenever I go to the park, they only have 2 sides open.


It isn't just you. I've yet to see all of Drop Tower's seats filled, either.


I agree that KD's drop is more intense, but Mach Tower is fun. The rotation as you ascend is its best feature.

Edited by cfc
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I was there two Mondays ago, and they had half the tower open for most of the day. They opened the entire thing just after I got off for a few minutes to run through the line quicker.


My point remains, though. Even with 28 seats open, Drop Zone has a 30-second cycle. That puts the line as moving close to three times as fast as Mach Tower's, minus human error. Now, I've never been on Mach Tower, but I can't imagine that some music, spinning, and seat-shaking is worth the extra hour in line.

Edited by coasterfreak101
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My point remains, though. Even with 28 seats open, Drop Zone has a 30-second cycle. That puts the line as moving close to three times as fast as Mach Tower's, minus human error. Now, I've never been on Mach Tower, but I can't imagine that some music, spinning, and seat-shaking is worth the extra hour in line.

Therein lies the difference between Mach Tower and Drop Tower - Drop Tower is a ride, and Mach Tower is an experience.

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It isn't just you. I've yet to see all of Drop Tower's seats filled, either.


I agree that KD's drop is more intense, but Mach Tower is fun. The rotation as you ascend is its best feature.


They tried yesterday, but for some reason later in the day a drop was aborted and a full load of disappointed guests was slowly lowered back to the ground. When it ran later it was partially full again. And even if the ride cycle is 30 seconds, loading/unloading guests seems to take several minutes a time.


And THEN, Drop Tower doesn't rotate any more.

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So... your only complaints is it will have a slower capacity. Is it bad that you get a long ride experience that is radically different than what the current venues in the area offer? I applaud BGW for making this drop tower for what it is and not resort to the "typical standard"


Yeah, I guess that is my complaint. If it was like the Phantasialand drop towers, indoors with some crazy special effects, that'd be fine and dandy. But I don't think shaking seats and a couple rotations make this an "experience" worth waiting an hour for.

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