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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Reading up on some of Zierer's coasters. It appears they have a patented restraint system that does not require over the should restraints even if you are going upside down? Since I don't know much about coasters, I think that is very different. Would this mean that Verbolten could travel upside down without over the should restraints? I know it won't happen, but could it happen, if desired? In the pictures it looks like they have restraints around your ankles and completely covering your lap and keeping you snug as a bug. Never seen or heard of anything like it before.


Flight of Fear at KD has only lap-bar restraints and it has tons of loops. Just one example.

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^^So do most Schwarzkopfs, unless parks *cough*Magic Mountain*cough* have changed that. And so do the Maurer X-Cars. And the new Eurofighter trains as well.


As far as the speed goes, I think 50 sounds perfect for this. The indoor portion of the Mummy rides is taken at forty and less, I think, and it works. Miles per hour aren't everything if you've got special effects to look at and a cruise between the trees along the Rhine to keep you busy and enhance your sense of speed.

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Reading up on some of Zierer's coasters. It appears they have a patented restraint system that does not require over the should restraints even if you are going upside down? Since I don't know much about coasters, I think that is very different. Would this mean that Verbolten could travel upside down without over the should restraints? I know it won't happen, but could it happen, if desired? In the pictures it looks like they have restraints around your ankles and completely covering your lap and keeping you snug as a bug. Never seen or heard of anything like it before.


Flight of Fear at KD has only lap-bar restraints and it has tons of loops. Just one example.


As does Blue Fire.

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Can anyone indicate on a map exactly what land/buildings the park actually owns. I am curious to know for sure if that warehouse directly next to the overflow lots with the train tracks is owned by the park? Driving down the road one day, I though I saw a pick-up truck coming out of there, like the ones the park uses to tow stuff around the park when closed and such.


I believe those warehouses are owned by a local trucking firm. Even then I doubt anything's going there since it's so close to the train tracks and so far from the park.


By the way, that is for their Tower Launch Coaster. Verbolten happens to be an Elevated Seating Coaster and Groover's Alpine Express is a Force Coaster. Since we already have two of the three types, do you think we could expect another coaster from them anytime within the next 5 or so years being a Tower Launch? Sure would be different.


Depends on how well V-bolt turns out. A Tower coaster doesn't seem out of the question as long as V-bolt is a success. I can see BGW having problems with the coaster during the summer though.

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Either way I swear it was a truck that is very popular at the park, especially used by the people who work at the warehouse by the offices. Just thought that seemed a little odd that they may be back over there for no particular reason.


Also, this whole Zierer thing could be hinting to another coaster, seeing how they make only three types and we already have two. Or even the mismatched tracks in the Christmas Town Verbolten ads. Perhaps another coaster is in the works, however it would be a while before we see another, I am sure of it.

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I wouldn't read much into the "mismatched tracks" thing. I imagine the layout artist was working with artwork they had on hand without any knowledge of what the actual track looked like.

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The first half of Maverick is also at only 50-55 mph, so I think this has plenty of potential to be intense.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Maverick was also once referred to as a "family coaster" by Cedar Point when it was announced. Of course, I don't think they ever meant it to be as family oriented" as BG does with Verbolten, but still it might not be as relaxed as people think when they glance at this ride.

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This coaster does have potential for being the dark horse of 2012. While everyone is in awe of Skyrush and/or Leviathan, this one is looking more and more impressive! And from the video, it does seem like there isn't much space between the bridge section and those footers, which could make that drop STEEP!

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I have to say, I'm really liking the look of Verbolten! When we visited BGW for the first time in 2010, my wife and I commented that their coaster collection would be rounded out perfectly with a more family-oriented coaster, just a step below Nessie. I think this coaster fits the bill perfectly, and it looks to have some thrilling elements to boot!


On a side note, for those more familiar with the event, do they ever run Apollo for their Christmas event? By the looks of things, it appears that Griffon and Alpengeist are the only coasters open for it. I only ask because my wife and I are seriously considering going down for that maybe next year, since we were so impressed with Kennywood's Christmas event this year, and since we both loved BGW! I only ask about Apollo because that was my wife's favorite coaster there (and mine too for that matter)

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^The only coaster operating during Christmas Town this year is Alpengeist (they've run Griffon the previous two years). Festa Italia, where Apollo's Chariot is located, is closed during Christmas Town--but who knows for the future?

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