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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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How does Storm Chaser compare to other RMCs? I made it out to the park a few weeks ago and rode it. It was my first RMC and I throughly enjoyed it, but I was wondering how others shape up next to it.

Ridden Storm Chaser, Joker, Twisted Colossus, Goliath, Lightning Rod, and Wicked Cyclone.


It's really tough for me to rank all of them. I tend to shuffle around my order of favorites, which just goes to show that they are all amazing in their own way and it's more a personal preference what you like better. SC is the only one I've ridden with the inverted drop, which is super awesome, but I think I prefer the airtime drop of Joker. However, the airtime hills toward the end of SC are just crazy and thigh-crushing as well, which some people don't like. I haven't been on Outlaw Run (yet!!) but Lightning Rod and Goliath as ground-up wooden coasters also give a different experience, IMO, from the Iron Horse coasters. Also, how does anyone rank Twisted Colossus? The experience on that ride varies drastically depending on whether you duel and how synced up the dueling is.


Maybe this thread will help you see other's opinions and rankings of it.

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Storm Chaser is awesome. It's better and more intense than I expected it to be. The bunny hops towards the end can be pretty uncomfortable but the rest of the ride is just fantastic. I think I preferred the back to the front because of how it pulls you through the drop. The zero g rolls are absolutely perfect, especially near the middle of the train.


I've only ridden two RMCs - Storm Chaser and Twisted Colossus, since Lightning Rod was down when I went to Dollywood in June. Comparing Storm Chaser to Twisted Colossus is tough because they're pretty different. I'd prefer Twisted Colossus simply because you get the drop twice but they're both excellent coaster.

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How does Storm Chaser compare to other RMCs? I made it out to the park a few weeks ago and rode it. It was my first RMC and I throughly enjoyed it, but I was wondering how others shape up next to it.

If you liked this one then you'll like the rest as it pretty much does what all RMCs are known for. Out of the three that I've ridden, it's my least favorite, but that's not due to the size; it's because I'm not a fan of the way RMCs designs certain ejector air moments. Awkward / outward banked turns and the kind of severe bunny hops that propel you forward into the lapbar are my least favorite components of an RMC, and that's what this one seems to favor. For me, the first drop and the first hill were the best parts of Storm Chaser, but it's all about taste and preference. The main difference between this and the others I've ridden though is that RMC's non-inverting first drops are usually amazing, but the inverting ones (like this one) are much tamer by comparison). For what it's worth: NTAG's the best RMC I've ridden to date as it's closer to a traditional roller coaster design than a mechanical bull.

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As for the end of SC being uncomfortable, I couldn't agree more. It was a tad painful as well, but it was bearable. I really did love the drop, but I feel like I would've enjoyed it more had I rode in the back (I rode in the front.) I'm excited to ride Goliath, SteVen, and Lightning Rod mainly because they're all different in some way.

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However, the airtime hills toward the end of SC are just crazy and thigh-crushing as well, which some people don't like.

This. It didn't ruin the ride for me, but it didn't make me want to ride over and over again. We decided that we really liked the first half of the ride, but then we held on for dear life during the short hops at the end. In the end, Lightning Run won out over Storm Chaser as our favorite ride in the park. Storm Chaser was my first RMC conversion. I like Outlaw Run and Goliath better, with Outlaw Run being my clear favorite.

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I can attest to them being vastly different, even tho I've only been on Storm Chaser and Lightning Rod. LRod differs from SC with its speed and the immense size of the ride's elements. Storm Chaser makes up for it's 100ft with insane ejecter airtime plastered on as many hills and elements as possible. SC's bunny hill moments are a little slower but a lot more abrupt and harsh, whereas LRod would blast through its quad-down a little more comfortably.


Complete digress from the topic, but for any interested, I finished the KK/KY State Fair video I mentioned before. (Storm Chaser footage at 2:54.)

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However, the airtime hills toward the end of SC are just crazy and thigh-crushing as well, which some people don't like.

This. It didn't ruin the ride for me, but it didn't make me want to ride over and over again. We decided that we really liked the first half of the ride, but then we held on for dear life during the short hops at the end. In the end, Lightning Run won out over Storm Chaser as our favorite ride in the park. Storm Chaser was my first RMC conversion. I like Outlaw Run and Goliath better, with Outlaw Run being my clear favorite.


Of the RMCs I've been on, Storm Chaser is only ahead of Goliath. The final bunny hops are like a bucking bronco but I still found their intensity enjoyable. The main reason I rank Storm Chaser towards the bottom of the RMCs is the lack of a real first drop. That's my favorite element on all the other RMCs.

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Awesome video! I was there on the first Saturday of the fair, I'm shocked how dead the park was. Most of the rides were walk on, besides T3. T3 was only running one train and we waited a good two hours for front row. The only thing in the park I haven't rode coaster wise is Thunder Run

The video was shot the first Saturday of the fair. I was surprised with the crowd level too. I wouldn't exactly call it dead (A Tuesday last year during the fair was a dead day, every single ride was walk on), but I would call it significantly lower Saturday crowd than expected. Still, it was an alright turnout, and a nice day to easily enjoy the rides.

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^^, ^^^ & ^^^


That person on FB is still set on believing Dragon Challenge is coming there to replace T3 based on a message reply from the park....lol (I originally shared it on this page: themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=51557&start=9000

They posted it yet again a couple days ago in the same group to say that's why the announcement was delayed & markers near T3. He won't listen to reason and thinks the reply K gave was proof they are doing it, when clearly it was an average PR response they give everyone.

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I was surprised with the crowd level too. I wouldn't exactly call it dead (A Tuesday last year during the fair was a dead day, every single ride was walk on), but I would call it significantly lower Saturday crowd than expected. Still, it was an alright turnout, and a nice day to easily enjoy the rides.

That's crazy, it was actually my first time at the park since it reopened.

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I truly would love a hyper at the park, but we have one just two hours from the park. I'm not sure what coaster would benefit the park the most. I remember watching a Q&A with Ed that i believe Koaster Kids did. He stated that if he knew a big coaster would improve the parks attendance he would add one right then. He mentioned that Holiday World added Thunderbird and saw a drop in attendance so he won't add a coaster until he thinks it will improve the park.

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I truly would love a hyper at the park, but we have one just two hours from the park. I'm not sure what coaster would benefit the park the most. I remember watching a Q&A with Ed that i believe Koaster Kids did. He stated that if he knew a big coaster would improve the parks attendance he would add one right then. He mentioned that Holiday World added Thunderbird and saw a drop in attendance so he won't add a coaster until he thinks it will improve the park.



I went on Saturday in July and the crowd was underwhelming in the dry park, Stormchaser was a walk on to a max 5 minute minute weight all day. I rode it 25times. The longest wait all day was 25 minuted midday for Lightning Run. T3 had a longer line all day than Stormchaser. The waterpark was busy and it was a low 80's day, not a scorcher that would overwhelmingly drive people to the waterpark. I think the park might be a little disappointed that Stormchaser isn't drawing lines and it's a darn good little RMC that should more than it did. So, they are wary of another coaster investment. More waterpark stuff might be a better move for now.

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^In it's defense that corner of the park has always had issues with guest flow. That is part of the reason Six Flags chose to close that section in 2007 as it was the area with the least guest flow. The openining of the path by eye of the storm and the new crosswalk across the road have helped in that department though. If Storm Chaser were located where Lightning Run or T3 is it would draw much larger crowds. Also keep in mind that Storm Chaser is the highest capacity ride in the park in a historically dead area of the park, not a good recipie for long lines.


Also of note, according to the website season passes will not go on sale for next year until November 1st. I thought this was interesting as they have always been avalaible starting in September every other year.

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That area could maybe do with a nice family or kids ride to balance things out and make Storm Chaser more of a staying destination in the park for more people. It's quite easy to hang out around T3, Lightning Run, or Thunder Run's Belgian Village because of the plentiful seating, eating, and wide range of activities and rides. Storm Chaser's area, as nice looking as it is now, seems to lack that 'staying' power for some folks because it seems like you're really only there for the coaster.


Having said that, I do see the unfair advantage the other coasters have being in areas where people often need to pass to make it to other areas of the park.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do they run multiple trains on the coasters (besides Thunder Run)? I have heard so many stories of one train ops and slow operations... having driven past the park a few times, I'm still reluctant to stop in. My last visit was 2009 or 2010; I always spent most of my time in Greezed Lightnin' as I'm a HUGE Schwarzkopf fan. I was also there on that day in 2007.

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