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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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must have some good airtime in the back...

Definitely, looking at the shape of the drop and length of the trains, I imagine the back will just be thrown down all the way!!

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Getting Excited, come on May 17th, Amazons Company Picnic will be the First Guest's in The New KY Kingdom.


There is also an ACE preview event on Saturday May 17, maybe they're overlapping, maybe not.


Amazon better be prepared for ACErs trying to stampede upon their picnic if the times are concurrent.

Edited by larrygator
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All I can say is that the more photos of Kentucky Kingdom I see, the more excitable I become. I have to say something about Deep Water Dive: it looks crazy that you have a midget-looking blue slide with hills next to a very tall red slide, but I guess the small blue slide is there for people who either don't want to slide down from such a height or don't want to walk up all those stairs.


Those trains for Lighting Run looks sharp! The $64 question will be "But how will it run?"


And the biggest question to ask is "When the park opens Memorial Day weekend, what will the operations be like? How would the new rides and slides feel? How will Thunder Run and Lighting Run feel?" And more importantly: "How many rides can I ride the Roller Skater before I get sick of it?"



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Getting Excited, come on May 17th, Amazons Company Picnic will be the First Guest's in The New KY Kingdom.


There is also an ACE preview event on Saturday May 17, maybe they're overlapping, maybe not.


Amazon better be prepared for ACErs trying to stampede upon their picnic if the times are concurrent.


Amazon's reaction :



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Amazon better be prepared for ACErs trying to stampede upon their picnic if the times are concurrent.


Don't worry, Amazon has its drones at the ready to fly over and drop Twinkies to distract the ACErs as their people escape the stampede.

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Deep water dive and wave runner crazy but exciting height these where taken 4/28/14 I know Deep water dive is complete I don’t believe wave runner is complete yet I saw a little space between the tower and the slide on the way to work today I will try and get some more pictures soon


Deep water dive and wave runner


Deep water dive and wave runner

Edited by lbeeler
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A coworker who was around the park today said they were testing the lift chain/motors...didn't see any train testing while he was there though.[/quote



yo yo yo finally made a profile lol

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^^Did you take those photos recently? On KK's facebook page it shows a completed photo of the slides...

these where taken 4/28/14 I know Deep water dive I don’t believe wave runner is complete yet I saw a little space between the tower and the slide on the way to work today I will try and get some more pictures soon

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^^Did you take those photos recently? On KK's facebook page it shows a completed photo of the slides...

I think it just looked like wave runner was complete because of the perspective. I drive by every time I go to school and as of Tuesday the top portion still wasn't complete. Deep water dive is complete, though.

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^The most themed ride in the park is being delayed for more theming?! A little weird (unless they're just refurbishing things), but as long as the ride's ready by July through August when the area gets especially humid.


Here's a pic KK threw on their Facebook Page from 3/4ths of the way up DWD's tower. Note the new river underneath the slide.




Amazon better be prepared for ACErs trying to stampede upon their picnic if the times are concurrent.


Don't worry, Amazon has its drones at the ready to fly over and drop Twinkies to distract the ACErs as their people escape the stampede.

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