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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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I realize I'm a few days and few pages behind on this thread, but I just want to give props to Zach for continuing with the "pointing at things" running gag in his trip reports. Please, never take photos without you pointing at something.

Especially that fence gap.

Haha. Thanks Chris. One of these days I may get un lazy and post my TR'S from last summer and fall. I have 3 with a ton of pointing pictures. It's my tourist pose. Some of them are uncomfortably close to strangers. Emily doesn't find it as entertaining as I do.

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Spoiler alert: if you haven't done Angry Birds: The Ride and are curious as to why it's labeled a "5D" attraction, the 5th dimension is apparently wind. 20170607_133858.thumb.jpg.2efc9ee8ee924c2211c83160e6ff9581.jpg8dab54af2554e64487bc9fe50fc1f272.jpg


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Spoiler alert: if you haven't done Angry Birds: The Ride and are curious as to why it's labeled a "5D" attraction, the 5th dimension is apparently wind. [attachment=0]20170607_133858.jpg[/attachment]8dab54af2554e64487bc9fe50fc1f272.jpg


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I hate all those damn rides...motion simulator rides, eh...I'm all set. They don't do anything for me.

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I'm one of the crazies that can enjoy a ride on T3 as well. I think my body shape and size allows for that, tho. Certain body shapes may have less of an enjoyable time than others.


The only good part for me about the Angry Birds "ride" was that I got to sit inside an air conditioned building for a few minutes.

That's the biggest pull for it I think. 12 minutes of air conditioning on a hot summer day.


^I am not going to lie, I looked over that quoted post about a dozen times before figuring out what you actually fixed. Clever man, you are.

I'm guilty of this too, holy cow. Was about to dissect his post before it finally hit me.

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^I am not going to lie, I looked over that quoted post about a dozen times before figuring out what you actually fixed. Clever man, you are.

I'm guilty of this too, holy cow. Was about to dissect his post before it finally hit me.


Glad I wasn't the only one

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I went to the park yesterday for the first time, and WOW! I loved it! Lightning Run and Storm Chaser were so violent and threw me around, they were both amazing! Thunder Run was really good! Not very rough and had some great lateral forces and airtime! T3 was great! I had a little thigh pain but nothing too bad. I loved it! Such an under rated coaster! Although it was hard to get a ride on it, it was closed almost all day. I was actually about to leave the park and I saw it finally running and I ran to the back of the park to get a couple rides in. Roller Skater is a nice little family coaster. The thrilling flat rides are great! Eye of the Storm and Cyclos were fun but kind of nauseating to me. I actually cried out in fear on Fear Fall. I didn't know when we were going to drop and when we did it was so powerful! Sky Catcher gave some great views and it seemed to go faster than most vertical swings. They had a great selection of family flat rides! Although I was sad because Breakdance was closed all day and I love Huss Breakdances. I especially loved the flyers though even though they were running on the low speed. The two water rides were so much fun! I got more wet on Raging River Rapids than I have ever on any other rapids ride. And Mile High Falls got me absolutely soaked! The scenery was great! The Sea Lion Splash show was so cute and fun to watch. I had lunch at the BBQ place by Lightning Run and it was delicious! I loved the tater kegs! I loved all the different flowers, trees, and bushes throughout the park. I only wish they would put a couple more flats back by Storm Chaser and Thunder Run. I wish they would maybe put a Tilt-A-Whirl where the Zeppelins used to be and maybe either a Chance Wipeout or a Zamperla Water Mania on that round pad by Storm Chaser where some of those bee rides used to be. Overall, I would give this park a 12/10. It is such a wonderful park and you can tell that they take really good care of it.

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I went to the park yesterday for the first time, and WOW! I loved it! Lightning Run and Storm Chaser were so violent and threw me around, they were both amazing! Thunder Run was really good! Not very rough and had some great lateral forces and airtime! T3 was great! I had a little thigh pain but nothing too bad. I loved it! Such an under rated coaster! Although it was hard to get a ride on it, it was closed almost all day. I was actually about to leave the park and I saw it finally running and I ran to the back of the park to get a couple rides in. Roller Skater is a nice little family coaster. The thrilling flat rides are great! Eye of the Storm and Cyclos were fun but kind of nauseating to me. I actually cried out in fear on Fear Fall. I didn't know when we were going to drop and when we did it was so powerful! Sky Catcher gave some great views and it seemed to go faster than most vertical swings. They had a great selection of family flat rides! Although I was sad because Breakdance was closed all day and I love Huss Breakdances. I especially loved the flyers though even though they were running on the low speed. The two water rides were so much fun! I got more wet on Raging River Rapids than I have ever on any other rapids ride. And Mile High Falls got me absolutely soaked! The scenery was great! The Sea Lion Splash show was so cute and fun to watch. I had lunch at the BBQ place by Lightning Run and it was delicious! I loved the tater kegs! I loved all the different flowers, trees, and bushes throughout the park. I only wish they would put a couple more flats back by Storm Chaser and Thunder Run. I wish they would maybe put a Tilt-A-Whirl where the Zeppelins used to be and maybe either a Chance Wipeout or a Zamperla Water Mania on that round pad by Storm Chaser where some of those bee rides used to be. Overall, I would give this park a 12/10. It is such a wonderful park and you can tell that they take really good care of it.

12/10? Found the CEO of Kentucky Kingdom.


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I went to the park yesterday for the first time, and WOW! I loved it! Lightning Run and Storm Chaser were so violent and threw me around, they were both amazing! Thunder Run was really good! Not very rough and had some great lateral forces and airtime! T3 was great! I had a little thigh pain but nothing too bad. I loved it! Such an under rated coaster! Although it was hard to get a ride on it, it was closed almost all day. I was actually about to leave the park and I saw it finally running and I ran to the back of the park to get a couple rides in. Roller Skater is a nice little family coaster. The thrilling flat rides are great! Eye of the Storm and Cyclos were fun but kind of nauseating to me. I actually cried out in fear on Fear Fall. I didn't know when we were going to drop and when we did it was so powerful! Sky Catcher gave some great views and it seemed to go faster than most vertical swings. They had a great selection of family flat rides! Although I was sad because Breakdance was closed all day and I love Huss Breakdances. I especially loved the flyers though even though they were running on the low speed. The two water rides were so much fun! I got more wet on Raging River Rapids than I have ever on any other rapids ride. And Mile High Falls got me absolutely soaked! The scenery was great! The Sea Lion Splash show was so cute and fun to watch. I had lunch at the BBQ place by Lightning Run and it was delicious! I loved the tater kegs! I loved all the different flowers, trees, and bushes throughout the park. I only wish they would put a couple more flats back by Storm Chaser and Thunder Run. I wish they would maybe put a Tilt-A-Whirl where the Zeppelins used to be and maybe either a Chance Wipeout or a Zamperla Water Mania on that round pad by Storm Chaser where some of those bee rides used to be. Overall, I would give this park a 12/10. It is such a wonderful park and you can tell that they take really good care of it.

12/10? Found the CEO of Kentucky Kingdom.


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Lol. I just really loved the park. I have not been to a park that I haven't liked yet. But there was nothing I disliked about Kentucky Kingdom except that operations were a tad bit slow (but the employees were nice at least) and there wasn't much shade around Eye of the Storm and Storm Chaser. But still, what a WONDERFUL park. But I did see Ed Hart walking through the park with another employee. I wanted to get a picture but I thought that would be really weird.

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12/10? Found the CEO of Kentucky Kingdom.


I'm inclined to agree, especially since he said T3 was "great" and "I love it! Such an under rated coaster!" In the words of Admiral Akbar... "It's a trap!"

I actually did enjoy T3. It did have that weird thing about the other SLC's where it kind of shuffled back and forth but I didn't mind. I still thought it was very enjoyable. And I didn't really feel much pain, and I didn't mind the little that I felt. I still think that the Ninja at Six Flags St. Louis and Dragon at Adentureland are the most painful coasters I've ridden.

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I did see Ed Hart walking through the park with another employee. I wanted to get a picture but I thought that would be really weird.


And for passing on that, I give you props! Nothing says obsessive, intrusive, enthusiast more than hounding Park GM's and Owners and other VIPs for pictures! So, well done, in showing restraint, and not being one of "those kind" of enthusiasts"!


I haven't ridden Dragon, but Ninja does really suck bad! Still, T3...

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I did see Ed Hart walking through the park with another employee. I wanted to get a picture but I thought that would be really weird.


And for passing on that, I give you props! Nothing says obsessive, intrusive, enthusiast more than hounding Park GM's and Owners and other VIPs for pictures! So, well done, in showing restraint, and not being one of "those kind" of enthusiasts"!


I haven't ridden Dragon, but Ninja does really suck bad! Still, T3...

Do. Not. Go. Near. Dragon. Unless you want the credit, stay far from it. Even those tiny bunny hops out of the station are BAD! The train just clunks over them and it rattles so bad. The two loops aren't too terrible, pretty rattly, the second one is very forceful. But the figure eight, my head got banged around on that. But on the Ninja, I've experienced okay rides on it, and I've had terrible rides. Last time I rode it, there was one train that actually wasn't that bad (must have had new wheels) and then the other train just caused so much headbanging. But I guess I didn't experience as much thigh pain as most people do. My thighs are kind of thick (I'm a runner) so maybe it was kind of just like extra padding? But thanks! I kind of felt like it would be weird to ask for a picture, plus I must have looked terrible. I had just ridden Mile High Falls so I was dripping wet and such. But I still thought it was cool to see him walking around the park, it isn't too often that you see the park president walking around the park in the middle of the day.

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Popped into the park today. Some notes:

1. Medium-ish crowd today. Arrived 2pm and majority of crowds were already in the back half of the park. Still, almost every coaster was an in-station wait.

2. T3 reopened, and is running one train.

3. I have never, ever, gotten more soaked on Raging River Rapids than I did today! Rode with some relatively heavier riders and got some Mile High Falls level of soakage! It was incredible! (For me at least. Two others on the raft looked a bit miserable )

4. Storm Chaser crew were killing it with dispatches today! Had four people checking restraints instead of the usual two. The ride had very low waits times due to eating through people quick.


Lapcount: Lightning Run - 2; Roller Skater - 1; Thunder Run - 2; Storm Chaser - 7; T3 - 2.

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I was at the park today for the Koaster Kids Coaster event this morning and I talked to the guy that led the Keys to the Kingdom tour during morning ERT and have "You didn't hear this from Me" update concerning the 2018-2019 update. What he "didn't" say is:


"We are trying to balance between the waterpark and the dry side. We're trying to decide how we want to do Steel vs Water rides. We're very close to making an announcement but we're waiting on one more contract to be signed which should be any day now, but you did not hear that from me."


So it does sound very much like there will be another steel coaster coming but whether it will be 2018 or 2019 is unclear right now but my money is probably 2019.


My first question to him was will KK be planning on bringing a dark ride to the park, and he said No, he (Ed Hart) doesn't want one but that could happen in the future.

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I noticed the same day of the Koaster Kids event at the park, the Greezed Lightnin' trains were being hauled away. Any idea what's happening to them? Scrapyard or refurbishment for another schwarzkopf coaster somewhere?

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I was at the park today for the Koaster Kids Coaster event this morning and I talked to the guy that led the Keys to the Kingdom tour during morning ERT and have "You didn't hear this from Me" update concerning the 2018-2019 update. What he "didn't" say is:


"We are trying to balance between the waterpark and the dry side. We're trying to decide how we want to do Steel vs Water rides. We're very close to making an announcement but we're waiting on one more contract to be signed which should be any day now, but you did not hear that from me."


So it does sound very much like there will be another steel coaster coming but whether it will be 2018 or 2019 is unclear right now but my money is probably 2019.


My first question to him was will KK be planning on bringing a dark ride to the park, and he said No, he (Ed Hart) doesn't want one but that could happen in the future.


Interesting stuff - thanks for sharing. Were you there when Ed Hart spoke? I read elsewhere that he said they are still evaluating what to do based on how attendance has been as they don't want to rack up the debt. To me that sounds like they want to pull the trigger on a bigger project but want to be absolutely sure they can get the numbers right from an investment perspective. Perhaps this season has been softer and they are trying to understand why?

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I noticed the same day of the Koaster Kids event at the park, the Greezed Lightnin' trains were being hauled away. Any idea what's happening to them? Scrapyard or refurbishment for another schwarzkopf coaster somewhere?

Remember when they said those trains weren't on the property?!?! lol


If this park were slated for another large coaster in the next few years, where would it go? It didn't appear the park had much room for expansion.

There's room for expansion if need be trust me!

Edited by lbeeler
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I was at the park today for the Koaster Kids Coaster event this morning and I talked to the guy that led the Keys to the Kingdom tour during morning ERT and have "You didn't hear this from Me" update concerning the 2018-2019 update. What he "didn't" say is:


"We are trying to balance between the waterpark and the dry side. We're trying to decide how we want to do Steel vs Water rides. We're very close to making an announcement but we're waiting on one more contract to be signed which should be any day now, but you did not hear that from me."


So it does sound very much like there will be another steel coaster coming but whether it will be 2018 or 2019 is unclear right now but my money is probably 2019.


My first question to him was will KK be planning on bringing a dark ride to the park, and he said No, he (Ed Hart) doesn't want one but that could happen in the future.


Interesting stuff - thanks for sharing. Were you there when Ed Hart spoke? I read elsewhere that he said they are still evaluating what to do based on how attendance has been as they don't want to rack up the debt. To me that sounds like they want to pull the trigger on a bigger project but want to be absolutely sure they can get the numbers right from an investment perspective. Perhaps this season has been softer and they are trying to understand why?



I was, and he said last year they had 20% growth I think, and right now they are on pace to match that or exceed it I believe, but yes Ed did say that they were still looking at the attendance numbers to get a feel for their plans.

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If this park were slated for another large coaster in the next few years, where would it go? It didn't appear the park had much room for expansion.

I've heard that KK/the fair board owns the land/parking lot area behind Deep Water Dive, but I'm not sure how accurate that is. If they were to remove the amphitheater from behind T3 that would free up a bit more space, but I'm not gonna count on them removing it.

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I noticed when I was in line for one of the water slides that most of the old Batman Hollywood show that was in the amphitheater was pretty well gone, there was one small section left standing and there were a few RV trailers sitting there.

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If this park were slated for another large coaster in the next few years, where would it go? It didn't appear the park had much room for expansion.

I've heard that KK/the fair board owns the land/parking lot area behind Deep Water Dive, but I'm not sure how accurate that is. If they were to remove the amphitheater from behind T3 that would free up a bit more space, but I'm not gonna count on them removing it.



The parking lot would make for quite a bit of room. And if they used it for dry park expansion it would make the dry park/water park layout seem more cohesive. It would basically make the water park the exact center of the park. Pretty cool, actually.

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