stevenpensacola Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 So...we left the stifling heat of northwest Florida...only to arrive to stifling heat in Santa Claus, Indiana. Arrived at park 15 minutes before opening...Mrs Koch greeting guests out front...very nice. Went straight to the Voyage...did I mention it was HOT!!! We got on the second train of the day...about about 4 cars back. The Voyage review: Loved the first drop, and the following big airtime hill...but the rest of the ride was torture. My wife and I did not find this coaster to be much fun...out of control...yes...overwhelming...yes...Fun...No. My wife said that there is no way that riding The Voyage does not destroy brain cells...she compared it to "shaken baby syndrome". After getting off The Voyage, we went to the shoot the turkeys ride...mainly to cool off...did I mention that it was HOT? We could not wait for the water park to open. Water park was great fun, but the water was almost too warm to be enjoyable...I did mention the heat right? The big funnel ride was our favorite....followed by the toilet bowl ride. After the water park closed, I headed to Raven for a ride...only one train in operation, but line did start at the loading platform. The Raven IS fun...but to me, it is almost too rough to enjoy. It is still blazing hot....even too hot to enjoy the Holidazzlers. I must mention how incredible the employees are at Holiday was blazing hot...but they were all so helpful, respectful, you could tell that they had standards they were to follow. At the end of every water ride, the operator at the bottom asked how our ride was...and wished us a great time while at the park. I guess age is catching up with we love smooth, smooth air time coasters...and I'm a huge fan of the Knoebels Phoenix...but the brain rattling coasters are just not much fun to us anymore. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Tell City...a really nicely run hotel...ate dinner in Tell City at a place called Capers on Main Street...great food and atmosphere. Tell City really has an interesting history...wikipedia Tell City. LOVE LOVE LOVE the road from Tell City to Holiday World. We actually turned around and went over the hills again...nothing like getting air time in the comfort of your car. If you've made this drive, you know the hills I'm talking about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SFOGdude25 Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 YES! I totally agree with you on the road before Holiday World! The first time I went over that road, I was in a van, and on one particular hill, the van was going fast enough to where I thought the van went airborne! It probably did haha! Great fun. I understand how Voyage can be too intense for you. It is a WILD ride. I personally love it. It's my #1 woodie! The funny thing is that I find the ride to be little more uncomfortable up front, but it's still a great ride. To me the extreme forces are what make the ride great. Sounds like you had a great time nonetheless. How can you not at Holiday World!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coreysjunk Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 I've been hearing people talk about The Voyage being rough and it saddens me. We rode The Voyage in June 2006 and it was not only the most insane ride, but also the smoothest woodie we've ever been on. It's sad that after only three years this thing is tearing itself apart. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emiroo Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 The return trip on Voyage can be rough but I wouldn't say it's unenjoyable. I think it comes down to how conditioned you are to woodies. If you're used to riding them, it won't be a problem. However, if you usually ride steel, you're probably going to find it pretty jarring. I'm going to have to disagree about Raven being rough though. You must have gotten a bad seat/ride and that's rare in my experience. It's one of the smoothest woodies out there IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invertalon Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 I rode Voyage a few weeks ago and compared to opening year, it was MUCH rougher. I really did love the ride when I first rode it, but the last time I went I had two rides and it was more then enough. And this is from somebody who LOVES aggressive and rough rides... Those PTC's are killing the beautiful ride that Voyage is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnglndPatriots6 Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 I rode Voyage a few weeks ago and compared to opening year, it was MUCH rougher. I really did love the ride when I first rode it, but the last time I went I had two rides and it was more then enough. And this is from somebody who LOVES aggressive and rough rides... Those PTC's are killing the beautiful ride that Voyage is. PTC did do the winter maintenance for raven and legend this past winter, and the year before that voyages winter maintenance, if that has anything to do with it. Ive noticed that raven gets a little rougher each year, but thats just me. I personally havent even rode voyage so i cant comment on it, but whatever they are doing to it to cause the roughness, they need to do something different. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emiroo Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 I will say that if you are lucky enough to ride The Voyage after sunset, it is pretty much butter smooth. Of course given HW's limited evening hours, that's a hard credit to come by. But the difference really is (pardon the pun) night and day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 I will say that if you are lucky enough to ride The Voyage after sunset, it is pretty much butter smooth. Of course given HW's limited evening hours, that's a hard credit to come by. But the difference really is (pardon the pun) night and day. Disagree. LOL! I'm not sure what kind of butter you're used to eating, but this statement would only be true if your butter has nails and glass shards in it! I also do not agree that the difference is that significant. I believe that some people want others to *THINK* that "I got a better ride on the coaster than you did because it's not easy for anyone to ride it at night." The return trip on Voyage can be rough but I wouldn't say it's unenjoyable. I think it comes down to how conditioned you are to woodies. If you're used to riding them, it won't be a problem. I also disagree and feel this is a pretty arrogant comment to make. I have one of the highest coaster counts of anyone in the world (I think I'm #2 on Coaster Counter by last check) so I think I'm pretty conditioned to woodies. In my "conditioned opinion" I think Voyage is one of the more uncomfortable, un-reridable woodies in the world. Every time I have ridden it - morning, noon, night - rainy weather, HOT weather, etc - I feel like I'm getting the crap kicked out of me. I can't go more than 1 or 2 rounds without having to stop and do something else. I feel like I HAVE to ride it "defensively" by holding on to the bar as tight as possible trying NOT to get thrown around. IMO, that is *NOT* the sign of a #1 woodie. But I guess there are enough people in the world that don't mind getting the crapped kicked out of them due to how high it's been ranked. Basically, It's just not my style of ride. I appreciate it for what it is, don't get me wrong, it's just not for me. On the other side of the park though, Raven, is absolutely my style of ride! Quick, fast, smooth, with insane aritime! I could ride this over and over and over without ever leaving the seat! I can hold my hands up every ride and just let loose and have fun! *THAT*, IMO is what makes a great coaster experience! (And why it's in my top ten!) And as for Gravity Group coasters Ravine Flyer II and Hades are some of my favorite coasters in the world! I love the work they do, I just don't agree with the opinions on The Voyage. Looking forward to riding Fireball in a few weeks also! While I appreciate everyone's opinions to be expressed on this site, and while I'm totally ok with people having a difference of opinions, I think it's totally not cool to basically tell someone "You don't like the ride because you're not conditioned to ride it." That's total crap. How about just accepting the fact that someone may not like the same roller coasters as you...the same movies as you...the same music as you...etc, etc.... --Robb "Who still thinks The Voyage is the #1 over-rated coaster in the world." Alvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coreysjunk Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 Robb, did you ride The Voyage in 2006 when it opened and have these horrible experiences on it?? We didn't even know they had a new coaster when we planned our 2006 trip to HW. There weren't too many reviews yet and we had no expectations what-so-ever. We rode ten times in a row and could've gone ten more if the park wasn't closing. It was the smoothest wooden rollercoaster we'd ever been on (out of probably 15 at the time)! When we rode Ravine Flyer II this year, it was just as smooth as we remembered Voyage being. I guess I'm wondering when it tore itself up? We haven't been back since, so I have no comparison. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rastuso Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 Hehe, I agree with lots of this. I've said for many years that Holiday World coasters get WAY over-rated because of the event they hold, and who goes to it. Heck, people still praise what is essentially a kiddie park with 3 major rides as an unbelievable value for $40!! Those same people bitch that Six Flags is insanely expensive for the same price and about 5 times the rides. All because the drinks are free! Look at Legend for the perfect example. When it opened, all you heard about was the rave reviews from Legendary Stark Raven Mad. People went on and on about how amazing the ride was at night. And this was with the G-trains! Now, the Legend is an also ran to the Voyage AND the RAven that was there first. The Voyage is now the "it's amazing at night, especially at the event I went to" coaster. Raven has always been awesome, and Legend was never a good ride, and is has an empty station during events. Voyage was an experiment that just didn't work out. The GG does too much on some of its coasters, Voyage and Boardwalk Bullet are the best examples. THey seemed to have toned that down for Ravine Flyer II, thankfully. And honestly, Voyage at night is more of an endurance test than a fun coaster. It was an interesting experience, and one I'm glad to have had. But, I'm with Robb, it's not a re-rideable coaster in any way shape or form. -RO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rastuso Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 Robb,did you ride The Voyage in 2006 when it opened and have these horrible experiences on it?? We didn't even know they had a new coaster when we planned our 2006 trip to HW. There weren't too many reviews yet and we had no expectations what-so-ever. We rode ten times in a row and could've gone ten more if the park wasn't closing. It was the smoothest wooden rollercoaster we'd ever been on (out of probably 15 at the time)! Were your other wood coasters the Rattler 15 times? The Voyage in it's opening year had three downright brutal transitions. Yes, it was smooth, but it was very aggressive, and painful in three spots, two of which are fixed, I believe. -RO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Medusa1861 Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 Just curious for those that live around Holiday World. Because, we're talking about wooden roller coasters here. The great thing about wooden coasters is that they always give a different experience. I personally usually have worse rides on wooden roller coasters when it is really hot. But to Holiday World fans, do these coasters produce different rides depending on weather? I've been noticing at least to me, that the newer wooden roller coasters seem more "immune" to weather changes while old ones changed big time. My biggest example of of this, is Hercules... It was horrible.. rough, not enjoyable. But for some reason once it started to cool down I decided, why not. and it was actually.. a decent ride. I'm just curious because Holiday World rides seem to get very mixed reviews and if it really depends on the weather at that particular day whether you like teh ride or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 Robb,did you ride The Voyage in 2006 when it opened and have these horrible experiences on it?? Yes. I rode it about 10 days after it opened. Like I said before, it's just not my kind of ride. I prefer rides where I don't feel like I *HAVE* to hold on otherwise I might hurt myself! --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cgodsey Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 ^That is so true.. I hold my hands up until the tunnel before the turnaround. After that, my hands are clutched onto the grab bar and hanging on for dear life! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Capitalize Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 Just curious for those that live around Holiday World. Because, we're talking about wooden roller coasters here. The great thing about wooden coasters is that they always give a different experience. I personally usually have worse rides on wooden roller coasters when it is really hot. But to Holiday World fans, do these coasters produce different rides depending on weather? I've been noticing at least to me, that the newer wooden roller coasters seem more "immune" to weather changes while old ones changed big time. My biggest example of of this, is Hercules... It was horrible.. rough, not enjoyable. But for some reason once it started to cool down I decided, why not. and it was actually.. a decent ride. I'm just curious because Holiday World rides seem to get very mixed reviews and if it really depends on the weather at that particular day whether you like teh ride or not. Its all about temperature like you say. The hotter a ride is the faster it goes. The faster a ride goes the more out of control it can feel and the more rough it can become. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 ^That is so true.. I hold my hands up until the tunnel before the turnaround. After that, my hands are clutched onto the grab bar and hanging on for dear life! You're absolutely right. Honestly I *love* the first three hills on The Voyage. Everything after that just does me in. --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaceace12 Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 The Voyage is different depending on the weather. If it has been raining, it is excellent. If it has been dry, it can be a bit rough, but not bad. The best ride I have ever had was at HWN 2009. ERT didn't start until about 10pm that night because of storms. Voyage was insane. I had my hands up the whole ride. IT was smooth and fast. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emiroo Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 Yikes Robb! My butt hurts from that reaming! LOL! Actually, I agree with many of your points but I guess I wasn't articulate enough. Voyage is definitely not a great coaster for rerides. I've only managed 3 consecutive rides before I have to take a break. And I am with you 100% that the Raven is hands down the best coaster in the park when it comes to smoothness and all-around coaster fun. What I was getting at is that the people I've ridden the Voyage with who have not ridden many coasters (especially wood) seem to complain more than usual about it being rough. But a good majority of coaster nuts who have been on lots of woodies and have "learned" how to ride wooden coasters (obviously excluding yourself) eat it up. Kind of like how you can have a nice time on a Boomerang if you know how to brace yourself. The rediculous part, and I think this is what got you so worked up, is that nobody (GP or enthusiast) should have to "learn" to ride a coaster to have fun or come away pain free on it. I agree with you 100% on that. I respect everyone's right to hate the Voyage and I too, must hold on for dear life after the turnaround (just ask Big Mike ). But the sheer intensity and experience that The Voyage does offer outweighs the sometimes brutal return trip and always leaves me breathless (in a good way)...everytime. Because of that, it's still my #1 wood that I've been on. But then again, my coaster count is quite meager. But I do appreciate your candid (and "conditioned") opinion on the matter. - Eric "still attempting to pick the glass & nails out of my butter" Baur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 30, 2009 Share Posted June 30, 2009 But I do appreciate your candid (and "conditioned") opinion on the matter. Thanks dude. --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevenpensacola Posted July 1, 2009 Author Share Posted July 1, 2009 Heck, people still praise what is essentially a kiddie park with 3 major rides as an unbelievable value for $40!! All because the drinks are free! I think you're on to something here...if it weren't for the excellent water park, there's not much to ride beside the coasters. Am I glad I rode The Voyage...YES! Did I run out the exit and get right back in way. LOVED the first drop and the second big airtime hill. But, as others have said...we felt like we were hanging on for dear life during the second half of the ride. If it was not so dad-gum hot, I'm sure I would have enjoyed the other coasters more than I did. To me, a great coaster is one that makes you want to stay on the train...or run down the exit, then run up the entrance so you can get back on as soon as you can: two coasters I've ridden come to mind: The Phoenix and Cornball Express....and maybe Lightning Racer...or Mindbender at SFOG. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tikifire Posted July 1, 2009 Share Posted July 1, 2009 Heck, people still praise what is essentially a kiddie park with 3 major rides as an unbelievable value for $40!! All because the drinks are free! I think you're on to something here...if it weren't for the excellent water park, there's not much to ride beside the coasters. Am I glad I rode The Voyage...YES! Did I run out the exit and get right back in way. LOVED the first drop and the second big airtime hill. But, as others have said...we felt like we were hanging on for dear life during the second half of the ride. If it was not so dad-gum hot, I'm sure I would have enjoyed the other coasters more than I did. To me, a great coaster is one that makes you want to stay on the train...or run down the exit, then run up the entrance so you can get back on as soon as you can: two coasters I've ridden come to mind: The Phoenix and Cornball Express....and maybe Lightning Racer...or Mindbender at SFOG. I find as I've gotten older (I'll be 38 this year) there are few coasters I can stay on or run around to reride over and over again. I'd say Apollo's Chariot back when I rode it in 2000 was like that and Goliath at SFoG was like that in 2007 when I first rode it. I enjoyed Millennium Force back in 2001 and would've ridden it again but for the huge line, but that's the only big Intamin coaster I've been on. Rides with lots of inversions I tend to ride only once, even the beemers. Most of the woodies I can ride once and then be done for a while, as I feel things moving around inside me that I never could feel up to say 10 years ago or so. So maybe the B&M hypers are a bit smooth but as I get older I like that smoothness a bit more than bone-jarring hang-on-for-dear-life rides. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy them all, but I do have to pace myself a bit more now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DBru Posted July 1, 2009 Share Posted July 1, 2009 I've been hearing people talk about The Voyage being rough and it saddens me. We rode The Voyage in June 2006 and it was not only the most insane ride, but also the smoothest woodie we've ever been on. It's sad that after only three years this thing is tearing itself apart. I think you have been slightly mislead...Holiday World has done an amazing job with maintaining The Voyage. It has not gotten a bit worse than it was the moment it opened (I would know---I was on the first GP train out). In fact, I would even go as far as to say the ride is even BETTER than it was when it opened, because they finally got rid of that painful dip into the final 90* banked turn. The thing is, The Voyage is an intense, out-of-control, and INSANE ride. When it debuted, the coaster was full of sudden and jerky changes in direction that some found to be painful and unenjoyable, while others found them to be unique and awesome---those same elements and transitions are still there today. Some people loved them from the start, while others hated them, and those opinions (for the most part) haven't changed. Let's compare different perspectives: I rode The Voyage the first day it opened, and it instantly became my favorite wooden coaster. It still holds that spot for me today, because I find the ride as a fun, intense, and all-out awesome experience that I haven't found anywhere else. Robb rode the coaster about a week after it opened, and he instantly didn't like it. (From my observations), he found it painful, overly aggressive, and unreridable. His opinion hasn't changed to this day. Our views on the ride haven't changed, because the ride hasn't changed...they have stayed consistent with our very first impressions. Therefore, I don't think you should worry, because if you liked your first experience on The Voyage, you will most likely enjoy your experiences in the future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted July 1, 2009 Share Posted July 1, 2009 Therefore, I don't think you should worry, because if you liked your first experience on The Voyage, you will most likely enjoy your experiences in the future. Not my experience at all. I loved the way the Voyage ran in May of 2006. But in 4 subsequent trips to HW, I've found the ride to get progressively rougher. When I rode it late last year even the camel back wasn't particularly enjoyable due to roughness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoryPa77 Posted July 1, 2009 Share Posted July 1, 2009 I thought this year was the roughest rides i've had on it and that's coming from someone who has never found it any more rough than your typical wooden coaster. In fact, my rides on Hades I found to be far rougher back in '07 than any on the Voyage. Still to me, nothing else out there compares to the overall out of control experience that the Voyage gives me. To me it's what a wooden coaster was meant to do, provide an out of control experience that makes you want to hang on for dear life. Personally, I think holding on tightly like some on here suggest makes the ride more uncomfortable than riding loose cause you have that much more of the vibrations getting transferred to you. Voyage, to me, is like playing football kind of, you get beat up some (with pads), but it's fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted July 1, 2009 Share Posted July 1, 2009 I think The Voyage is exactly what it was intended to be--love it, hate it, or kind of like part of it. Personally, I love the first three-quarters of it, and then I want to get the hell off. I rode it opening year, last year, and this year, and I really don't see much difference. I'm not a fan of roughness--but, in my view, The Voyage isn't rough--it's violent. Not shake-you-over-every-inch-of-track rough, but toss-you-around-like-it-wasn't-engineered-for-humans violent. Which is why I find it tough to re-ride. But I always enjoy that first one. As for Holiday World itself: No, it isn't the greatest park in the world. But considering what they do have, they've earned quite a reputation, and they've impressed lots and lots of park-goers with their approach to things (including me). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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