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Official RCT/RCT2 Help Thread

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^^8cars causes me the same trouble quite a bit (I use Vista).


I always use 'absolute' under Misc, but that may cause some of your rides that you aren't working with to glitch when you restore clearances.


When restoring clearances doesn't work for me, I send the file to a friend, they restore them, and then send it back. Also, if I exit the game and then don't try to play again until the next day, the program usually starts to work again.


As Goliath said, a simple restart may do the trick.

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To get 8Cars working on Vista, you need to do the following:


- Change the display theme on your computer to "Windows Classic"

- Disable UAC (User Account Control)

- Run RCT2 in compatibility mode for "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)"

- Disable visual themes for RCT2. (To do this, right click on the RCT2 icon, and under the Compatibility tab, check the box for "Disable Visual Themes")




Also, for those having problems viewing screenshots in Vista, go to the RCT2 folder where you normally find them, and click the "Compatibility Files" icon near the top. This will show the files. However, if you have UAC turned off, you don't need to do this.

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I've got a big problem - I've forgotten how to merge coasters.


Is there somewhere where I can find a good tutorial, I can remember parts of it, but not the whole thing. I remember reading one before, but I think the site that it is from is down.



Any help would be greatly appreciated.



EDIT: It's okay, I found the site.

This is the one, if anyone wanted to know: http://www.coasterforce.com/RCT_2_Hacking_and_Trainers_-_Track_Merging

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^I don't have a question or advice, but thank you so much for posting that link. First of all, it will help me. Second of all, so many times when people figure things out alone, they don't tell anyone else what they did.

So I guess that's my advice. In this thread, if you figure out your problem alone, explain how you did it. Somebody else was probably wondering the same thing.

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I use 8cars on Vista as well, and all you've got to do when clearances aren't restored is close out the 8cars program, open it up, and restore them there. That's been working for me ever since I figured out that I could do it.


Also, never use the absolute function unless you need to. The only things that need to be zero clearanced that way are full-tile objects. So if you're trying to make custom supports or just adding bushes or fences or anything that isn't a full-tile object, you should be able to just use relative clearance. As long as you restore clearances, the relative function never (in my case) leaves any sort of glitch behind.

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Two questions:

I recently installed RCT2 on a new computer. I played all the easy scenarios, then I got to Amity Airfield, which always depresses me, and gave up. I downloaded clocked (finished) scenarios for the rest. My first question is this: Where can I download clocked games for Build Your Own Six Flags Holland and Build Your Own Six Flags Over Texas? Those are the only two I couldn't find.


Second, I want to get started on a new park soon, but, as I just installed RCT2 on this computer, I no longer have custom scenery or rides. What parks should I download that will give me the best selection of scenery and rides?


Thanks in advance.

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Heres what I do, I save ALL of my rides that can be saved, and keep a saved game of the game file. Then I would go in the scenario editor, load it up and there would be no rides, so all I need to do is make it bigger, add an item or two, and save it, but I always save it something like "Sunrise Point Failed 1" because it tells you that its not the original bench, then all you need to do is add the rides again.


Also, here is a good link for a bunch of help problems

= http://forums.nedesigns.com/index.php?s=4fb748b4a0a8de9ab327724b4dc5a4cb&showforum=7


Problem one - http://rctinc.tycoonplanet.com/downloads/downloads2.shtml


Get RCT2 Silver, it has a "win scenario" button

Problem Two = download



Now, I need help. I'm trying to make a generic area, where it includes brick walls, low amounts of windows, plain colored walls, and coler'd roofs. If anyone can help me find something that looks like this.


(If you want to look for something thats what I'm looking for, go to Sunrise Point )

The WorkBench.zip

ProbOr, go to New Element and CoasterCrazy

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Does anyone know where I can an objdata going by the name of SECHAIRO?


I've tryed searching for it in the RCT2 objdata database but can't seem to find it.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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^^ Thankyou soooooo much.


^Your buildings aren't that blocky, all you need is to download some custom scenery, check BRTeller's Epic Adventures park, as well as some of the parks over at NE. Also, try to add more shapes, and little awnings coming out of the building. Hope this helps.

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^Check out my post on pg2 about the Blue Thunder coaster. Click on that link, and you will be on New Element, NE. Click on a little tab that says 'parks', then click on spotlight under that tab. They are all of the best RCT and RCT2 parks. Download any of them and you should be able to get some cool roofs.

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^The only other thing I can think is that you may have installed more scenery, and RCT2 doesn't like it. Have you downloaded any parks recently with a lot of custom scenery?


What's the best way to find objdata, I usually do a search on the internet to try to find it, however sometimes it doesn't work. What else can I do?

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^Not a very realistic-looking one. Most people use the steep-sloped track up, then use the 45* sloped turn for the top, and then use the steep-sloped track back down.

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