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Official RCT3 Help Thread

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^Thanks again for the help. Oddly enough, when I converted it to a .wma file it worked fine in the other "music" folder. I wonder if it has anything to do with the "lock" next to my folder in Users. I've had that same "lock" mess with me with most of my saved NoLimits tracks, which makes it impossible to locate them on the hard drive or to even take in-game screenshots without a lot of hassle. It's weird, and I suppose I'll have to dig into it more to find out why the "lock" is causing me so much trouble. Again, I appreciate the help.


That lock next to "Ethan"? It haunts my nightmares.

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Hey guys i'm new to RCT3. I have RCT3 Platinum and i've been playing with it for a few weeks now. I started going through the gaming forum here on TPR and was amazed at what is possible in this game. I keep seeing custom scenery, rides etc and I don't have a clue on how to get all these items and start using them. Can anyone fill me in as far as being able to downloaad all this cool custom stuff amd how to use it? Maybe a link to something that can teach me at what is all possible in this game? I'm was an avid RCT and RCT2 player and i'm barely getting my game on with RCT3. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm wanting to create some of these cool mega parks i've been seeing from all you bad a$$ RCT3 designers on this board . Thanks!

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Ok, I keep re-downloading an placing Gadget's Coaster Goodies in the correct folder but it STILL refuses to appear in-game when every other set is fine! (Win 7)








I can't get Neton2 to work...I install it but it doesn't appear...





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Did you direct it to the proper installation directory?


By default, NetOn2 installs to C: > Program Files > Atari > RollerCoaster Tycoon 3


In Windows 7, RCT3 is located in a slightly different directory:


C: > Program Files (x86) > Atari > RollerCoaster Tycoon 3


That causes confusion for a lot of installers. You have to make sure you browse to the proper directory.

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Could you share some screenshots of where that folder is?


I do have NetOn2 installed on my Windows 7. We'll get this straightened out.

Edited by A.J.
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Ok, random question, but it is bugging the hell out of me!!!


I am currently trying to create an Indoor Park, to do this I have created some 4 x 4 Glass ceiling tiles, but am having some problems with them...


When you hold down Shift and move the mouse up to move the item higher, I can only get it to move up about half the height I actually need it to move, has anyone got any hints or tips as to how to move the item higher....


Hopefully you all understand my question!!!!!

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Ok, random question, but it is bugging the hell out of me!!!


I am currently trying to create an Indoor Park, to do this I have created some 4 x 4 Glass ceiling tiles, but am having some problems with them...


When you hold down Shift and move the mouse up to move the item higher, I can only get it to move up about half the height I actually need it to move, has anyone got any hints or tips as to how to move the item higher....


Hopefully you all understand my question!!!!!


One way to solve this would be to lower the ground the park lays on if possible. With the terrain button. However if there are lakes or ponds I suggest you think about what areas could be affected and make yourself prepared to sort it out. If you don't like it just exit the game without saving.

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Out of curiosity has anyone found a way to do a vertical lift on an extended coaster yet? I've been searching, but to no avail!


If you have any experience with the CTR Creator, there is a way to replace the regular lift pieces with whatever tracks use a vertical lift. It's been used to make Mauer Sohne and Gerstlauer type coasters, not on the extended track I don't believe, but it is certainly possible, just keep looking!

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Hi fellow RCT3 enthusiasts,


I am having a bit of trouble downloading custom scenery. You see I have no folder to store custom scenery in. I have read tutorials and they say to but your downloaded CS into a folder called "Themed", I haven't got that folder in my Document's RCT3 folder. Also how to you import six flags logo etc (with the Six Flag being a sign with no background like in Six Flags River Adventure topic's photo?)


Help please.


Many Thanks

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1. Put your CS in User/Program Files/Atari/RollerCoaster Tycoon 3/Style/Themed. There is no "Themed" folder until you go into Style, and its not in the RCT3 folder under Documents.


2. Do you mean as a billboard? Put it into Pictures if you have XP, if you have Vista or 7 then google "vista billboard fix", that should help.

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