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West Coast Bash 2009 - Six Flags Magic Mountain

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I had a really great time as always. Plus I finally got my elusive Deja Vu credit while I was there....at night! I just now need to fly over to Spain the get that final one. It was great to be able to see old friends as well as meet a bunch of new ones. I am already ready for next year's event. Thank you to all who was involved.

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  hotstreak said:
  24 said:
Now that the meet is over, which team put the trash can over the plaque?


I must say that it was my group. I asked a few pages back if someone would be able to post the scores. 1st place=Team 30. Hey we shouldn't have been disqualified. I read through the whole rule book, it was totally legit.

Personally, you guys are all adults, you should have known better. Just because it didn't specifically say in the rule book "You can't move a trash can over a clue in an effort to frustrate other teams" doesn't mean it's "ok" to do so.


I had at least 5 teams stop me during the day and ask me about this clue and they all thought there was a mistake in the quest after they spent a considerable amount of time looking for the clue.


I think you guys owe the other teams and the people who worked VERY hard at putting this scavenger hunt together an apology.


It shocks me that you guys would think this is "acceptable behaviour."


  hotstreak said:
But it's ok, we stopped taking it personal after we found out that the prize was just a guide wheel from Sierra Twist.


You know, they didn't have to give out anything at all...and you know, they didn't have to even do the scavenger hunt. Do you even appreciate the hard work that everyone puts into an event like this?


--Robb "I kinda think your attitude towards this really sucks." Alvey

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^Hey Robb is turning British in his behaviour.


I also agree that in the nature of good fun it really sucks that you guys did that to other teams. I also don't understand why you would come on here to complain that your team was disqualified. How would you feel if it was your team wandering around for an hour looking for a clue? It was clear to me that the park went above and beyond to give us a great day. I for one appreciate that!

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I agree with Robb, unfortunately in any such event your going to get a team that thinks it's okay to sabotage other teams in order to win. You shouldn't have to state a rule saying "don't cover an answer with a trash can".


Even other type events I've done, there have been people who have bent the rules to win (such as using CM friends to back-door you on rides to win events, etc).


Unfortunately the people leading the event don't always find out until it's too late. I think it's great that it was found out before the prizes were given out.


I think everybody behind every aspect of this event did an AMAZING job. From the food, to the check-in, to the rides, to the scavenger hunt, etc.


And I know PLENTY of people who would have LOVED to have a piece of Swiss Twist (I refuse to call it that other name). I'm one of them.

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I'm back home after an overnight flight followed by a long nap. The whole week I spent out in CA was awesome fun, and I'll have to try to attend WCB next year, as it was some of the most fun I've ever had at SFMM. Thank you Robb, Elissa, and everyone else involved. You people rule.


I met a ton of new people over the weekend, but have no idea who and/or can't remember their names (remember, I AM DUMB!). But it was cool to meet all you new people. Hopefully I was somewhat amusing or something.


I do think I need to hire a new PR agency, as no one except Big Mike asked to have their picture taken with Ice Bat. But I did take some awesome photos of him in action in and around the park, and might eventually post a PTR when I'm not totally distracted. Given my usual posting speed, this will likely occur around WCB 10...



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I would like to apologize for the actions which led some teams to experience frustration. If we have scavenger hunt at WCB 2010, I will make sure that no one can alter the game, or disrupt the game for other teams.


I should have the score recaps posted by the end of this weekend.




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William, don't take it personally or too hard! Seriously, after every trip or event we do, Robb and I find some new rule that we need to add in because we never thought someone would be stupid enough to think it would be okay!

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William, you did a great job with the scavenger hunt. We were the first team done and probably the first one to find the plaque. We just casually walked away from it once we knew where it was.


Had a blast at the event and hope to make it out next year.


daron "team 04" aldrich

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I had an amazing time at the bash! But you have no idea how frustrated we (Team 09) were trying to find that plaque.


Due to that, It was me who asked "Would it be ok to cause pain and suffering to whoever put the trash can over the plaque in the scavenger hunt?" during the Q&A session. It caused everyone to cheer.


While I'm on the subject, It was me who wrote "What is the capital of Norway?"

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  wrs28330 said:
I would like to apologize for the actions which led some teams to experience frustration. If we have scavenger hunt at WCB 2010, I will make sure that no one can alter the game, or disrupt the game for other teams.


I should have the score recaps posted by the end of this weekend.





William, as Elissa and everybody else was saying, don't take it personally. You are not at all responsible for the way some people act.


I know you post over at MiceChat and know about the Gumball Rally. Well for the first Rally it came out AFTER the event that the winners of the event cheated. Unfortunately it was too late to change anything, and really could have spoiled the entire event. Thankfully most participants just rolled with it. We just made changes for Rally 2 and everything worked out okay.

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I had an amazing time at the bash! But you have no idea how frustrated we (Team 09) were trying to find that plaque...


Afterwards I thought it was kind of funny. I actually want to try and recreate a hunt like that. It was awesome!


Oh by the way it was building #5 lol.

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Thanks to everyone involved in organizing this awesome event! It was extremely well planned from the early rainy hours in the morning to the awesome night-time ERT.


Kudos to the Alvey's, Chris, William and all of the cast and crew at the park! My father, Michael and I were all very impressed with the professional, yet fun and casual/laid back attitudes displayed by everyone involved...from the park's upper management to the ride op's - we have nothing negative to say about this experience at all!


When we were at SFMM three years ago, we did not get on Deja-Vu (closed), Superman (closed), X1 (four hour wait) and Scream (1.5 hour wait - believe it!). We thought that some of the employees were lackluster (with lots of train stacking) and some were just downright rude. We walked away with a not-so-great first impression of this park. However, we did not encounter anything of the sort on Sunday and we were very impressed with park operations overall. We not only got on X2 in the morning, but had a great front seat ride on Deja-Vu on night-time ERT, two launches in a row on Superman, and ended the day with four straight rides on Goliath!



Now we are finally home from the West Coast after a few extra nights of partying in Vegas (with my Dad and Uncle) and a loooong plane ride back to Buffalo. However, Michael and I will be off to Cape Cod for a week (starting tomorrow) for some much needed R&R...hopefully with no snow or hail!


Thanks again to everyone involved!!!



PS - No parking lot charge for parking my Dad's motor home - definitely an added bonus! It was one of the cheaper days of our vacation!

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Our group in general, and my daughter in particular, had a lot of fun with the scavenger hunt, frustration of the plaque search notwithstanding. It was pretty low of someone to have hidden the plaque. Karma will get you though, so I've moved on. It was really of no consequence to our team anyway, as we were all scavenger noobs and honestly only doing the hunt for the fun of it. And it was fun. You'd have thought we struck gold when we found the sign while strolling down from Tatsu toward Viper. It was a very "Eureka!" moment. You can count on our team to be better prepared next year and we'll try to make a run at actually finishing with a respectable score.


On another note, I was finally able to ride X2 and Deja Vu at WCB 09. Those 2 coasters had eluded me on a total of 8 previous trips over the past 6 years. My coaster count, when I count dual track coasters as one ride, has finally hit the small milestone of 50. X2 was #49 and Deja Vu #50. I enjoyed both of them, with X2 moving to the top of my list.


I feel fortunate that although I'm somewhat limited as to the coaster events that I'm able to attend, I am able to attend the best event there is... WEST COAST BASH! I hope that everyone involved in the event understands how much we appreciate it, and how impressive it is that you are able to continually make it better and better each year. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

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I cannot wait until the West Coast Bash update from Robb. I mean this year was out of this world because this was my first bash and my first experience with Theme Park Review members!!!...I had a meaningful blast and I cannot wait until next year's bash!!! hehehe.

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I would love to say that even though I didn't ride anything(except for the Carousel) I had a BLAST at WCB! My husband now understands why I spend about 2 hours just sitting here on TPR reading updates and getting all giddy about TPR trips. Robb, Elissa, Chris and the MM Management once again have put together a fantastic job with this event.


William, the scavenger hunt was the funnest thing ever! It totally kept us busy, and entertained, and it was just an awesome thing to do with friends. I loved my Team(Team 24 aka Team MILF aka THE WINNERS )! Thank you so much!!!


I can't go on without talking about the obvious shenanigan that happened. The RECYCLING CAN SABOTAGER. Wow, seriously, you're PROUD of sabotaging a game that people worked really hard for. And the fact that you're not even appreciative of it disgusts me. I'd expect this from the immature 13 year-olds on this site, but from an adult? Wow. I'm glad that you were found out about before the presentation. And to think, you wouldn't even be appreciative of the fact that you were getting a piece of Magic Mountain's past . Good thing it didn't land in the wrong hands.


Other than that, I'm so glad that I didn't miss WCB this year!

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