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West Coast Bash 2009 - Six Flags Magic Mountain

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Couldn't go this year due to like a weeks notice. Need a month or two prior to plan it out


The official announcement and flyer were made available over a month and half before the event. You can check the date of the first post in this thread to verify that. I doubt that many people have a boss less accommodating to their employees scheduling time off than I do, yet I was still able to make it to the event. Just remember to start watching for an announcement sometime in February and you should be able to make it as well. It's a great event and not to be missed.

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Couldn't go this year due to like a weeks notice. Need a month or two prior to plan it out

We officially annonced the date 7 weeks prior to the event but we had been talking about it being in "mid to late March" since about December.



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This looks like super fun

A great event, HUGE ERT, pieces of a coaster .. what more could you want?!


Shame I'll probably never get a chance to go to the WCB , as flying from the Netherlands to LA for one day is just a bit to expensive...


Aah wel .. let's hope the q-bot will give me same kind of waiting lines when I go to SFMM as you all had

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Couldn't go this year due to like a weeks notice. Need a month or two prior to plan it out

We officially annonced the date 7 weeks prior to the event but we had been talking about it being in "mid to late March" since about December.




I don't think I ever got the email or anything The only notice I ever got was about a week prior to the event (?????).

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^ Keep in mind, any major events like WCB are mentioned all over this site far in advance, so if you're a regular reader, you should see it on the Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys board.



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Hey Friends!!


I just updated my thread with everyone who took a picture with me, with real names, screen names, and prizes won!


Go check out your friends and if you are pictured and not named yet, let me know!!


We are about halfway done


Click here:





Peace, Big Mike

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Maybe its just me, but on Page 5 of the update, it really looks like Chris is enjoying Canyon Blaster. So much so, he looks like he Jizzed In His Pants!


uhhh..that would be a negative. My daughter Caroline did like it though!

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i couldn't get out of plans in San Francisco! the fam and i spent the day at SFDK. We hit SFMM on Tuesday, I think. Through reading this thread I learned that the near black-out experience I had in the second to last row on Goliath isn't exactly an isolated occurrence. Can't wait to get there again.

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