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West Coast Bash 2009 - Six Flags Magic Mountain

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We had around 270 for the full day event last year. Like Robb said, PLEASE register ASAP so we have our numbers for catering and t-shirts right. Just a reminder for those attending....GET THERE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE! I know how you West Coast people like to sleep in but in the case of this event, it definitely behooves to arrive as early as possible or you might be waiting in the registration line and miss some of the ERT.


See you all on Sunday!


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Wow, tremendous response. Just amazing how much this event has grown in a VERY short time. If I recall there were less than 100 people at the first WCB.


Kudos to RideWorld and TPR!!!!


Actually, we had close to 300 at the first bash because at the time X ERT was so rare. The numbers have definitely grown from last year and we appreciate all of the support. This event is definitely a labor of love for Robb and myself and we are glad to see so many people enjoying the fruits of our labor. Also, kudos to our spouses (Natalee and Elissa) who go above and beyond to help out . I know I couldn't run RideWorld without Natalee and I would bet Robb would say the same about Elissa and TPR.



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Hello Fantastic Friends, Valuable Big Mike Readers, and West Coast Bash Participants!!!!



The Big Mike Road Show 2009 World Tour Season begins THIS WEEKEND at West Coast Bash!!!



Big Mike Productions, in association with Big Mike World Entertainment Inc. is sponsoring a ginormous Kick-Off Party!!!!



Your registration fee for West Coast Bash includes your eligibility to enter the "Big Mike 2009 Kick-Off Contest", featuring 35 awesome prizes!!



Everybody here at Big Mike World Headquarters have searched every nook and cranny in the prize vault and loaded everything into The Big Mike Prize Patrol Van for its cross country trip to celebrate with The Valuable Big Mike Readers!!



The best part is, to participate, you don't even have to have one of those super cool Big Mike Banners in your signature! Everyone is Big Mike's friend!!!


Please pass the info for this contest to Ride World members too! (But why wouldn't they have aTPR account too?)



For everyone new to The Big Mike Road Show 2009, Big Mike's MAIN objective of his Mission Statement this year is to meet more Valuable Big Mike Readers than last year!


Everybody Big Mike meets gets thier picture in The Big Mike Road Show thread!!



So this is the Kick-Off contest rules:



*During West Coast Bash, If you spot Big Mike and come up and ask him to have your picture taken with him, you get your picture put up in The Big Mike Road Show thread.


That's not all though, you also get a raffle ticket!!


The raffle ticket is actually a playing card with a number hand written on it.


The playing card of course is divided by Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs.


The cards will be numbered 1 through 35, for the 35 prizes the Big Mike Prize Patrol is hauling cross country.


There will be 35 entry tickets of each suit handed out, for a total of 140 people.


The first 140 people to find Big Mike and have a picture taken together enter the contest, but Big Mike would appreciate that EVERYONE still come get your picture taken with Big Mike for his thread and his HUGE COLLAGE OF PICTURES that will hang from the walls at The Big Mike Hotel!!! Everyone that has ever met Big Mike will be displayed at the Big Mike Hotel for future guests to admire!



So when all 140 cards run out, there will be a drawing (place and time still yet to be determined) between four cards to find out which "suit" is the winners!


Example: If the drawing of four cards is a spade, everyone who has a spade card is a WINNER!


Then it will go by the number that is hand written on your card, 1 through 35.


The person with the #1 gets to pick his choice of all the prizes, then #2 and so on until the person with card #35 gets the last prize left!



So when you come up and ask for your picture to be taken, hopefully you will get a nice low number on your raffle ticket!!



The rules are pretty simple, but if anyone has any questions, post them and I will answer them!



There is ALSO going to be a Big Mike Reader of the Year Tournement that will require all The Valuable Big Mike Readers to complete 4 quests during the year!


The person crowned Champion and bestowed the title "Big Mike Reader of the Year 2009" will also win the GRAND PRIZE!!!


The Grand Prize will be announced Friday with full complete rules, but I am going to "leak" a little info a little early to build the excitement!!!



One of the 4 quests that you will need to complete in order to win the sensational prize and highly honored title of Big Mike Reader of the Year is ....



Have your picture taken with Big Mike once during the year!



Here is your chance to be a quarter of the way to qualifying already!!!



It's a no brainer, get your picture taken with Big Mike during West Coast Bash to have a chance at a prize now or a HUGE prize later



OK, on to the first round of prizes!



Like I said, there are 35 prizes and I will show you 7 of them a day for the whole week during "West Coast Bash Week" at The Big Mike Road Show!



The 7 prizes I will show you today will start off on the smaller end of the spectrum, with the last 7 prizes shown on Friday will be at the larger end of the spectrum!



Good Luck Everybody!!!



Peace, Big Mike



To see todays prizes as well as the rest of the week, go to The Big Mike Road Show thread or follow this link:



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Actually, we had close to 300 at the first bash because at the time X ERT was so rare. The numbers have definitely grown from last year and we appreciate all of the support. This event is definitely a labor of love for Robb and myself and we are glad to see so many people enjoying the fruits of our labor. Also, kudos to our spouses (Natalee and Elissa) who go above and beyond to help out . I know I couldn't run RideWorld without Natalee and I would bet Robb would say the same about Elissa and TPR.




That's right, I forgot about the X ERT.


That was the time I rode X and my back hurt for a month after.


I just remember having the best time marathoning Golaith at WCB 1 or 2 (it's all so blurry now with old age).


EDIT: Big Mike, that sounds awesome. I'll be sure to introduce myself on Sunday. Not just for the prize, but because you seem like a cool guy.

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West Coast Bash 2009 is now SOLD OUT! We hope to see you in 2010!


Hey everyone!


First off I just want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone

who has pre-registered for West Coast Bash 2009. The

response was so overwhelming that we have now sold out

of WCB 2009 tickets.


We felt it was important to limit the amount of tickets to

make sure ERT lines didn't get too long and the quality

of the event remained as awesome as it has in the past years.


If you have already pre-registered for West Coast Bash either

online or via snail mail you will receive an email in the next

day or two about event details.


If you have any questions, feel free to email me!


Thanks again to everyone who registered and we will see

you on Sunday morning!


--Robb Alvey


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^Yes, this is the first time we have sold out of tickets in the 6 years we have done the event. Attendance could go over 600 if everyone shows up.


Thanks everyone for their support!


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