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The Fast Food thread


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I am really not a big fan of fast food. It literaly makes me sick. My body is so NOT used in getting that much fat, that my belly aches each time I get fries or greasy burger.


But when I get fast food, I get Lebanese cuisine, specificaly a Shish taouk. The best ones to me are the ones at Amir. Or I go to Subway or any other fast food restaurant that offers healthier food.

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Dollar menus are my way of life. McDoubles, Double Stacks... whatever.


I will say one thing, sometimes local supermarkets have delicious subs as well. Publix is pretty good; but Sweetbay (only in Florida) takes the cake. For $5.50, they really pile on the meat and toppings.

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A Sonic is being built about 8 miles from my house, I am so stoked! Can't wait as the closest one currently is almost 70 miles away! Im worried about the gangs ruining it for everyone though, they had to close down our previous local one due to gangs and riots... Anyway for my favorites: Jack in the Box, McDonald's, In N Out are at the top for me.

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Fast Food...ugh...I eat it every day, but I have an excuse...I work in it.

For the last 3 years, I have eaten Burger King every day, as I eat it free.

As long as you walk/jog once and a while, you have nothing to worry about.

My personal favorite is KFC followed bby Subway...I know, a strange combination.

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The best fast-food burger I've had was at In 'N Out Burger; I desprately miss that place. I wish there were some on the east coast I also have an addiction to McDonald's Shamrock Shakes and breakfast sandwiches. I very rarely eat fast food though, so it's been a while since I've had any of this.

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^ Sbarro is fast food? I don't really consider pizza restaraunts to be fast food. But Chick-fil-A is my favorite fast food joint. It's literally like heaven on a bun.


So my favorites are... Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell, KFC, Dairy Queen, Wendy's, Hardee's/Carl's Jr, Subway, Burger King, Mc Donald's.

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My girlfriend and I went to Port Of Subs, and it was lame! Yay! for Freshly sliced meat, but Boo! everything else! None of their condiments looked fresh, the pickles had no crunch, the tomatoes were all watery, the onions where thin and flavorless, and the avocado is a rip off! Wait... So are the Sanwiches... $13 for a foot long, and their sanwiches are thiner than Subways... lame!

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Uhhh....I made the mistake of going to a Checkers today (Sonic's ugly cousin). Being it was my first time, I'm a vegetarian, and very hungry...there wasn't much for me to eat, so I settled down with an order of fries and a vanilla shake. THe fries I had high hopes for b/c they looked like there was a pepper-like seasoning on it. If there was I didn't taste it and the vanilla milkshake tasted an awful lot like banana laffy taffy.

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^^I haven't been to a Port of Subs in years, but they used to be really good and not that expensive compared to others. Its to bad that things have gotten that bad. Of course with so much competition in the sandwich market, it is more important now to make great sandwiches.

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^ + ^^ Must 100% agree with you.


Since today, I never had luck at a Taco Bell, all of them restaurants I´ve visited so far weren´t very hygienic and the food they served wasn´t that good, too.


Yesterday, a "Subway" opened here, it´s located right on my way home from the restaurant and they have a late night Drive-thru.

I gave it a try, but it wasn´t by far not the same quality and taste as at the US-Subways, I think, they try to serve more the european taste.

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  EBL said:
^ I can't tell you the last time I ate at Taco Bell---and there's one two blocks from me. Del Taco beats TB by a mile, and it's worth driving across town for it.




No doubt man. I like the Del. It was the first place I hit after I landed in Vegas last summer, as I was staying across the street at the NYNY Hotel Casino. Im also a fan of the smaller local/regional chain places(eegees-Tucson, The Hat-Ca, Kellers-Dallas ect) because they put alot more love into their products.

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I remember seeing Del Tacos in Tucson when my family went shopping up there on weekends, but I haven't seen one in years and never ate at one ever.


On the East Coast there's just Taco Bell, which IMO is pretty good compared to other fast food if you ask me.


My parents are health nuts so we don't get to eat out very often, and usually when we do, it's a restaraunt we've eaten at millions of times before like BK or McDonald's.

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"The Hat [in] CA" (ChrisZer0)


There's one in Simi Valley, and I've been known to stop there on my way to SFMM. I don't care much for pastrami (which is what they're famous for), but they do make a good chili cheese dog.



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