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TPR TV or CoasterTube

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TPR TV will appeal to people who already visit the site and know what you are about.


Coastertube will appeal to a much wider audience and will catch people's attention from just looking at the name, coastertube has the potential to become a new site in its own right for people who would never have previously considered visiting TPR to discover, and bring in more traffic to TPR itself through that.

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I voted for "CoasterTube" because I did some playing on Google. I searched "Coaster Videos" and yes TPR comes up second. However, when I searched my personal #1 favorite steel coaster (Raging Bull) as "Raging Bull Coaster Video" TPR was nowhere to be found although sites with "coaster" in their title came up high. However, when I tried "Maverick Coaster Video" TPR was 8th, though again it was beat by titles with "coaster" in them. I would also think that if anyone did a search for "tubular steel coaster" Coaster Tube would come up for them too.


Its funny I just took a Marketing Class this past semester and one of the things our professor was telling us is that some companies have a hard time in letting go of their usual branding in order to get a product to sell and its funny to watch something like that happen in real time.

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This is a really hard call.


Personally, I like TPR TV better because it's branded TPR and it's got a good ring to it....BUT...


I think "CoasterTube" is more mass market and will come up on search engines before TPR TV will.


Keep in mind that no matter what name we choose it will still be branded as part of Theme Park Review.


And what I do agree with is that "CoasterTube" sounds more like the "system" and "TPR TV" sounds more like a channel within that system or a podcast.


I still haven't made up my mind yet, but honestly I'm leaning towards CoasterTube.



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I would have to agree that TPR TV has a good ring to it, but CoasterTube still fits.


The whole"youtube" concept, was that you could upload videos and have people around the world view them. So being that on CoasterTube, you can upload videos, just instead of coasters, for the whole world to view.


Still, I'm torn because TPR TV can be good for TPR and sounds great, but CoasterTube makes a lot more sense.

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Instantly reminded me of TubGirl...Ew.


Anyways, is there any way both could be integrated somehow? Have TPR TV be the name over everything and CoasterTube be the sub-section that consists just of coaster footage?


I realize that this video database will feature more than "coasters" so I really like the TPR TV name covering it all.


What happened to my post?


Anyway, aside from the Tubgirl thing. These are my thought exactly. Exactly. How does Coastertube featuring TPR TV sound? Or mabey TPR TV presents Coastertube? I just like the sound of TPR TV, but I understand the arguement against it. I am not the GP and would not get the affiliation. Either way you go, you should own both domain names to be sure people would link to you regardless.


Just my 2 cents.


Guy"Rambling now." Koepp

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I voted for "CoasterTube" because I did some playing on Google. I searched "Coaster Videos" and yes TPR comes up second. However, when I searched my personal #1 favorite steel coaster (Raging Bull) as "Raging Bull Coaster Video" TPR was nowhere to be found although sites with "coaster" in their title came up high. However, when I tried "Maverick Coaster Video" TPR was 8th, though again it was beat by titles with "coaster" in them. I would also think that if anyone did a search for "tubular steel coaster" Coaster Tube would come up for them too.


Its funny I just took a Marketing Class this past semester and one of the things our professor was telling us is that some companies have a hard time in letting go of their usual branding in order to get a product to sell and its funny to watch something like that happen in real time.


Another great point... If you really want to maximize the availability of this project having the word "coaster" in the title will greatly help people find the site surfing the web for coasters videos. Seriously if I were a person completely oblivious to the fact TPR even exist, I would click "CoasterTube" rather than "TRP TV" for roller coaster videos. The title is very obvious to what the website is referring to. If I would see "TRP TV" I would honestly think its one of those cheap and useless programs for $39.99 that try to sell you "cable" channels to watch over the internet. That's why am sticking to "CoasterTube"

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I voted for "CoasterTube" because I did some playing on Google. I searched "Coaster Videos" and yes TPR comes up second. However, when I searched my personal #1 favorite steel coaster (Raging Bull) as "Raging Bull Coaster Video" TPR was nowhere to be found although sites with "coaster" in their title came up high. However, when I tried "Maverick Coaster Video" TPR was 8th, though again it was beat by titles with "coaster" in them. I would also think that if anyone did a search for "tubular steel coaster" Coaster Tube would come up for them too.


Its funny I just took a Marketing Class this past semester and one of the things our professor was telling us is that some companies have a hard time in letting go of their usual branding in order to get a product to sell and its funny to watch something like that happen in real time.


Another great point... If you really want to maximize the availability of this project having the word "coaster" in the title will greatly help people find the site surfing the web for coasters videos. Seriously if I were a person completely oblivious to the fact TPR even exist, I would click "CoasterTube" rather than "TRP TV" for roller coaster videos. The title is very obvious to what the website is referring to. If I would see "TRP TV" I would honestly think its one of those cheap and useless programs for $39.99 that try to sell you "cable" channels to watch over the internet. That's why am sticking to "CoasterTube"


Exactly, and if I was looking for a good Coaster video site on google, the name CoasterTube would stand out to me straight away, whereas TPR TV doesn't really give any clues to what it's all about.

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