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Regarding downloading the TPR DVDs, would they be in the same format that this one was? If so, I would definitely consider buying some, if for no other reason than to avoid the shipping cost and time. I really hope you decide to pursue this.

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Thanks. Great video!


Quick question: whose that little fellow in the video? He looks a bit like Robb.


I'd say it's his son, but I haven't seen him in any recent videos/photos. I haven't been a TPR member for very long so can anyone tell me who he is?


- Ash

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^^A long time ago Robb hired a midget that looked just like him to follow himself and Elissa around for comedy purposes. Turns out the midget thought he was being exploited for his diminutive stature. Why he would think this, I have no idea.


One day at Astroworld, he got real pissed and yelled at Robb. But Robb and Elissa just laughed at his squeaky little voice. The more the midget yelled, the harder they both laughed. Finally he kicked Robb in the ankle and stormed off. Both Robb and Elissa were laughing so hard they didn't see where he went. Rumor has it he got lost in the park and set up camp in a trash bin somewhere. Some folks say he was heard screaming (in his little squeaky voice) as they tore the place down, "Stop! I'm still here! Don't take my home from me! I'm burning! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" But the workers just laughed thinking that they had just torched a gift shop with a bunch of squeaky toys in it.


Word on the street is that his ghost haunts the parking lot and is rumored to go around kicking people in the ankles.


Guy "Oooooooooo Scary!" Koepp

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How is it that people are missing this? It says right there on the description of the item:


Please note - this is a 531 meg file so it make take a while to download!


And then in the email everyone receives:

Size : (557437452 b)


I'm assuming that people are just simply not reading the instructions. Because I've gotten so many emails asking me questions that are right there in the 2nd sentance of the item descriptions under the heading of "Instructions"


I'm not sure how to make this more "idiot proof." Any suggestions? Was it unclear to other people? And if it was unclear did you read the directions before hand?



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A little late to the game but I downloaded this after receiving the second email yesterday.


I thought I missed my chance last week so thank you for sending out the second email. Most importantly, thank you for putting this together, just an awesome surprise!


I just downloaded it before work this morning so I'm definitely looking forward to checking it out soon!


Have a great weekend!



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I'm assuming that people are just simply not reading the instructions. Because I've gotten so many emails asking me questions that are right there in the 2nd sentance of the item descriptions under the heading of "Instructions"


I think people just see the link, and click. I know I did that.


Then again, I wasn't real worked up about needing to see it within two minutes.


I let it download while I did "honeydo's" around the house.

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I'm not sure how to make this more "idiot proof." Any suggestions? Was it unclear to other people? And if it was unclear did you read the directions before hand?


Robb, people just don't take time to read things like instructions or descriptions. This happens often on YouTube. The description will say "the former coaster at such and such park..." etc., and somebody will always comment "That ride isn't at that park." or "That ride is gone." Well...yeah. It says that same thing in the description. HELLOOO!


I feel your pain brother. Truly.


Anyway, I'm still for downloadable TPR and Affiliate DVD hotness. You'll get it all running.

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I ended up watching it last night after I downloaded it (when I probably should've been studying, but oh well). It makes me want to buy other DVDs and go on some of the trips. Too bad I don't have the money to do either at the moment. One of these days I'll join you on a TPR trip - probably after I graduate college and am able to make more money than I do currently (which is nothing ).

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Damn. Too late again.


I didn't manage to download it the first time (2 times blocked after 300 to 400 Mb). And this time I'm simply too late.

I think I just have to buy the dvd


Maybe I have a copy for you.




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Do you know about how many people downloaded this, Robb? Just curious...

Looks like about 4,000!


I sure hope some people come back to buy a DVD or two as I could sure use some help to cover that bandwidth overage!



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