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STarbucks profit down 97% in last quarter.


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SEATTLE -- Starbucks Coffee reported a modest profit of $5.4 million, or a penny a share, this quarter, compared with $158.5 million, or 21 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Profit declined 97 percent in this quarter.



Late Monday, the company reported disappointing results for its fourth quarter and for its 2008 fiscal year, during which company pioneer Howard D. Schultz returned as chief executive and Starbucks stock lost more than half its value.


Revenue rose 3 percent to $2.5 billion, up slightly from $2.4 billion a year ago.



© 2008 The Associated Press


wkyc cleveland ohio



That's gotta be a record breaker.

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I think the problem with Starbucks is they overreached a little bit, there are too many of them. I'm curious to see if they start closing up a few of their shops now. For example, up near where Robb lives I know there is something like 6 different Starbucks within about 5 minutes of each other. That, in my opinion, is overkill.


With that said, when I do want to buy over priced coffee a white chocolate mocha is basically the best drink out there!

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I think the problem with Starbucks is they overreached a little bit, there are too many of them. I'm curious to see if they start closing up a few of their shops now. For example, up near where Robb lives I know there is something like 6 different Starbucks within about 5 minutes of each other. That, in my opinion, is overkill.


Yep, I have to agree, it is an overkill!! I have 4 Starbucks close by my house and all are within a mile and a half of eachother. I love Starbucks, and I love convenience, but it is a little too much. Thats a big problem with quite a few of these stores. For example, Circuit City and Linens and Things. Both of these stores opened up multiple locations here in Dallas and now most of them are all closing, or have already shut down. The Circuit City near my Moms house hasn't even been open a year yet and it's closing. Thats just insane!

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Yep, I have to agree, it is an overkill!! I have 4 Starbucks close by my house and all are within a mile and a half of eachother. I love Starbucks, and I love convenience, but it is a little too much. Thats a big problem with quite a few of these stores. For example, Circuit City and Linens and Things. Both of these stores opened up multiple locations here in Dallas and now most of them are all closing, or have already shut down. The Circuit City near my Moms house hasn't even been open a year yet and it's closing. Thats just insane!


Circuit City is in Chapter 11 and may not make it to Christmas, Linen and Things is in final liquidation.


You really can't compare Starbucks to either of those. They are selling two completely different products, hard goods verse consumable.I would drive across town to purchase a large screen TV but not for a cup of coffee. With Starbucks it is all about convenance.


I only had three Grande non-fat Vanilla latte this week!

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Yeah, my wife was addicted to the gingerbread lattes they used to sell around Christmas time, but this year they don't sell those. They're selling ginger snap lattes, which she apparently doesn't like.


My take on Starbucks is that it's decent, better than most of the independent places with bumper stickers out front that say "Friends Don't Let Friends Drink Starbucks", but not spectacular. Anyone who has had coffee directly from Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, etc. can confirm this. In fact, I think I might hit up some of my friends right now so I have some of the good stuff over the holidays.

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I'd go to Starbucks more often if they had free wifi, but because they don't, I usually just stick with Lazy Daze. I feel better about supporting the independant place anyway. But even when it comes to corprate coffee like Starbucks, I usually go to Seattle's Best, simply because its within walking distance of where I work. The pumpkin spice and chai tea latte at Starbucks are both great though...and the baked goods they have are typically better than Seattle's Best.

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I'm curious to see if they start closing up a few of their shops now.


Already started. They announced 600 closures in July, 5% of their US stores.


Absolutely. They annouced those months back. I know that 4 in my area closed down, and a couple others are slated to go.


I worked at a Barnes & Noble Cafe where we features Starbucks products. I had always hated coffee and thought lattes were weird. Then I got hooked. I don't drink any of that anymore because I don't get the discount (actual Starbucks employees get drinks for free on their shift, no?) but I'm still a huge fan of soy toffeenut lattes.


I greatly respect the company for giving part-time employees benefits, and their avid work with non-profit organizations.

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