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Who do you want to die next?  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to die next?

    • Wes
    • socalMAN123
    • mcjaco
    • natatomic

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Sorry about the delay, folks. I'm doing this at another forum and I got my routine messed up by Fall Break.







Hello there forum goers, it is I, Mr. U. N. Owen. You may know me for killing ten people who escaped punishments for committing their own murders. Or you may just know me for being partially insane. But I know that you know how much I hate liars. Think about it for a second - liars ruin everything!


For more information:



You may know some of these people for their hilarious remarks... their quick-witted replies... or their random trip reports....


It is your job to decide who dies first! Hahaha! Fun, isn't it? Each week a new poll will be posted and you will ultimately choose who dies first and who dies last. Vote for who you want to die!


Here's a little information on the people I've captured:




Wes has been accused of supplying large amounts of PMW to patrons at amusement parks, and then coaxing them to go into restricted areas to get his hat.




Brent: The youngest member of the TPR Survivor, he has consistently out-performed people 10 years older than him. The most agile of the contestants, he can prove once again that he can outlast.



1823260172475f5114de2a3.jpgMatt - Protector of EPCOT, dishes out pain with a pleathora of Eric Idle insults, binge drinking, and rides on Iron Wolf. Give him a skunky beer, and face a wrath of evil you'll not likely live through.




As one of only 4 or 5 girls on TPR, natatomic is wanted for not putting out nearly enough, as should be her female duty. She is also wanted for questioning regarding rumors of being a Republican. It all makes sense, now, doesn't it?



Remember - vote for who you wanted killed off this week!

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Though I DO have a humorous score to settle with Wes over a particular picture, he lives...for now. He does get points for RTFM @ SFKK, however.


Matt, a fellow railroad fan also stays on track this week.


Natalie lives thanks to her OUTSTANDING PTRs (NOT her *charms*, though I dare not knock them, fearing epic beat-down by her fans).


Brent, I know you the least, therefore, rest well and dream of large women.

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I lied last week when I said I would vote for Brent. Not only has Matt made fun of me for 3 days, but I also witnessed this hypocrite order a fruity drink while wearing a shirt that had "I live for beer" inscribed upon it. You "live" for beer? Well now you can die "beer" traitor.

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Damn! How many weeks is it going to take too eliminate the only truly deserving person on the list?........Wes.


Wes was no doubt bullied during his younger and impressionable years. So now he reciprocates his pent up anger by lashing out against others thru his position of power here on TPR.


Wes, like most other dictators (Kim Jong-il, Omar Al-Bashir, Hu Jintao, Robert Mugabe, Sayyid Al Khamenei) needs to go.


So send Robb + Ellisa's personal little Gimp back into his cage where he belongs. I still don't know why they even let him out daily (with laptop access) in the first place! But anyhow, that's just the way it is.


Like the upcoming election, your vote matters......So Vote For Wes!

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^Some chance is better than no chance, yes? But, le sigh, the latter is all he has now.


But socalMAN123 aside, the longer I stay in this game, the better the chances are for the rest of you. Keep that in mind these next few weeks...

Ah, the power you have as one of few woman on this site...


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As one of only 4 or 5 girls on TPR, natatomic is wanted for not putting out nearly enough, as should be her female duty. She is also wanted for questioning regarding rumors of being a Republican. It all makes sense, now, doesn't it?



"Not Putting Out"

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