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Liseberg Discussion Thread

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Yeah, the weather have been pretty awful in the past few days (extreme winds combined with heavy rain, hail and snow, and to top it all of a 15 hour power outage ). Earlier today when I had a quick trip into Gothenburg planned, I decided to make a slight detour past Liseberg to at least get a new panorama, so that you all would have a better view of Liseberg and Helix than the image on the previous page from the web-cam.


However, it started out pretty nice with just a light snowfall, it turned nasty once I finally got to Gothenburg. The view was so short that I wouldn't be able to get any kind of view of Liseberg from the spot I take panoramas, so I just went up to the nearby parking garage and went past the staging area.


Helix in the Snow!!

Not much to say really, just to post some images of the little I saw..

I can on the other hand report, from what I have seen on the web-cams last week, that they have put in the station floors on either side of the track trough, and that they have made some more progress on the steel that will hold the pre-show and the switch track areas. Also they have made some great progress with the Pretzel loop area where they are forced to make a large slab to build it upon due to difficult condition, they have at least poured one portion of it so far. Also they have put in a lot of cabling for the second launch.


Onto the images:


Even if this is as close I can get, you really can't see that much


Corkscrew in the snow


Lots of progress on the station


Nothing much have happened here


Just another load of supports and a few pieces of track since the last update I did


And this is it, nothing really, but it's at least something :)

Until next time!!

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  rcjp said:
Have they been working on the station with snow? If so, very impressive!

Fortunately it's still a weekend, we'll see tomorrow, but I guess that they will continue to push onwards. However ffter the storm on Thursday when some snow fell during the night didn't stop them from putting some new steel on the Friday


^ Yeah the snow that came today was murder, first it was nice and soft, then it turned all sticky and heavy, not fun at all to clear away from the drive when I got home.

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Peter, I guess you are the one here with most knowledge of Helix and Liseberg. Do you know if liseberg released any info on "green fire" more than that it was going to be tall and fast?

Would be really interesting to see the layout, don't really see why mack would want to keep it confidential.

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Thanks for the comments!!


Well most of the snow only lasted a few hours really It came 6 inches yesterday and today most of it is gone again. Great news for the station crew that is working hard with the switch track flooring as I write this (see image below).


  Ap0ptosis said:
Peter, I guess you are the one here with most knowledge of Helix and Liseberg. Do you know if liseberg released any info on "green fire" more than that it was going to be tall and fast?

Would be really interesting to see the layout, don't really see why mack would want to keep it confidential.

The only thing I know about it is that you would look down on Uppskjutet from the top of the lift, and that's more or less all that Liseberg have released from it. They might post an image of it (Lisa on the Helix blog that she would look into it, also Andreas Andersen have also said that he would look into it, but that were some time ago), or we may never know anything about it at all in the end. I agree with you that I'm highly interested to know more of it, it's always fun to see concepts that in the end didn't make the cut, it's a great place to seek inspiration for future NL projects, as a matter of fact I would be really happy to see an image of it to create a version of it in NoLimits to ride myself.


By the way, I wonder what they are going to use the open space underneath the Helix station for, if they are only going to fence it of, then it might be pretty boring, but it could make for an epic Halloween maze, if the plans for Liseberg to be opened during Halloween goes as planned next year.


More flooring going in.


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Thank you for the answer, I guess we will have to ask them again, perhaps they can tell us more even though they can't give us the layout.

Your NL coasters are pretty sweet btw, most I see are just crap. That battle galatica-inspired thing has some really good timing.


Don't you think it will part of the queueing area? I mean 1 hour queue, that is 1350 persons, I can't see that fit in the area between the tower and the station. Or is it bigger in reality than it appears to be in the pictures?


Was thinking about the expansion plans. I saw that you wrote about turning the parking lot into a parking house and give room to some hotel and an indoor park, do you have any more information on this? Is it like a water park?


And what do you guys think liseberg will do with the area they bought? or what are your hopes?

My guess is that they wait until 2021 (gothenburg's 400th anniversary) or 2023 (liseberg's 100th anniversary) before they expand.

I just hope that they don't build an outdoor waterpark, sweden is too darn cold, I can't stand running around in waterslides for more than 15 min.


Oh, and btw, it is snowing again (:

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Thanks a lot for the feedback, unfortunately my NL projects have ground to a halt for the time being, due to me lacking the inspiration to carry on for the moment.

Will ask Andreas about Green Fire next time I meet him to see if we can get a peak of some images


They said somewhere that the final queue would be up to 500 meters long, so under the station might be a great place to put the overflow. It's always nice with shade and cover for rain. But during Halloween depending on the crowds, then it might also be a great place to have a scare maze

But then again they still have the old queue for the simulation ride still intact so there are already quite a bit of queue already in place.


That was the initial idea, but then the opportunity to also buy the ex SAAB factory arrived, so now they are more free in what they want to do with all the land they have available. One part of this project, apart from building an on-site hotel and new parking structure to free more land, there have been talks in making Liseberg more of a resort and a whole year experience. To accomplice this then you would need some kind of indoor attraction to be able to run in any kind of weather, but if it's a water park or just an area with "normal" attraction located inside is unknown at the moment, it could even be both. There were someone that leaked some images from within the park of an early rendering on what the new area could look like and posted on the site, they are now gone unfortunately (I guess he/she didn't have the permission to do it). It was an early concept, but I think that it lacked in several areas, since it didn't cover some of the problems that have to be dealt with to prepare the area to be included in the park and that it didn't really "feel" like Liseberg, more of a business-park.


Yeah I'm not really a fan of any water-park myself, so I really hope for more of an experience kind of indoor thing, with some various attractions that could keep me occupied for some time. I do hope that there will be some kind of enclosed coaster since I really love them, they are great fun and simulate one of the best coaster experiences you can have, riding at night


Seeing that Liseberg have covered the attraction plans for the next few years, which would mean that any kind of expansion wont arrive in the during that time, and that a big expansion of this kind will require a lot of work, then I would guess that 2021-2023 would be a good aim for the opening of this new area.


As long as the expansion includes some kind of great coaster then I'll be happy, especially if it were to include a B&M invert, since that would be epic

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Thank you for the thoroughly response!


B&M invert sounds amazing! I just hope they wont "waste" this precious area by making it some kind of resort area.

Hotels and waterparks can be found elsewhere, I would be much happier to see an extended park with more attractions.

Scandinavia has som great parks but it feels like it is lacking for thrill seekers. Most parks here are focused on families (with small kids) and rarely feature more than one really thrilling ride/coaster.

Liseberg is already the most "thrilling" park in scandinavia, atleast with helix being built. I would say that is what makes it stand out from the many great family parks.

I believe that to use that new area on atleast one more thrilling coaster and some darkride/family coaster would make the park more unique and be better for both the park and gothenburg than trying to make some kind of resort concept.


(This post might be heavily biased since I like high speeds, out of control rolls and to get lifted out my seat )


"Next time I meet Andreas"

Wait, I might be retarded for never realizing this, are you his partner?

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Seeing that they have a lot more space now, then I wouldn't mind any resort area, with an indoor water-park, and since there isn't any big indoor water-parks here in the area around Gothenburg, then I wouldn't think that it's such a bad plan for Liseberg. Just that they keep enough open space for some larger attractions so that the outdoor part of the park have plenty of space to grow in the coming years. On the leaked rendering they had a large open park area which would be included in the park once it was needed, so they have though of that much at least.

You are talking about thrill seekers and such, and that isn't really what Liseberg is about, they aim to please all people no matter what their preferences are. Which is why Helix is such a great investment, it's a ride that is suitable for a lot of people. My bet is that it won't be as extreme as any Intamin of the same type, but still plenty forceful and also gentle at the same time (the same way Blue Fire is). It's aimed to be a pleasant, fun and thrilling ride, not just pound you with as many g-forces as it's possible (like most Intamin's do). But I do hope for some more thrilling rides together with some new great family/kids rides to balance it all out.


I think that Gröna Lund is more aimed at thrill seekers compared to Liseberg, they have at least a bigger share of thrilling rides compared to Liseberg, but since Liseberg is so much larger then I don't really bother me that much, since they have loads of space to put in more rides.


  Ap0ptosis said:
"Next time I meet Andreas"

Wait, I might be retarded for never realizing this, are you his partner?

Ha ha! No, not at all, he is just a great guy who I have contact with now and then, especially when going to/wondering anything about Liseberg. He is the same kind of coaster nut as the rest of us and is really nice to chat with about anything coaster/park/Liseberg related.

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I know that liseberg isn't about thrills and is aimed to please everyone. Even though there are no extreme rides, a fair amount ends up being pretty exciting (like Balder, Uppsvinget, atmosfear, kanonen etc). As you said, the share of thrill rides might be higher at grönlund but I would say that there are more (or atleast better) thrills to be found at liseberg. However, I should add that Liseberg is my home park, which means I have to think that gröna lund is a bit lame


  Loefet said:
  Ap0ptosis said:
"Next time I meet Andreas"

Wait, I might be retarded for never realizing this, are you his partner?

Ha ha! No, not at all, he is just a great guy who I have contact with now and then, especially when going to/wondering anything about Liseberg. He is the same kind of coaster nut as the rest of us and is really nice to chat with about anything coaster/park/Liseberg related.


Haha! Andreas blog states that he lives together with his partner "Petter".

Peter/Petter, close enough, you can't really blame me for that conclusion

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Not so sure who got the best thrill rides between Liseberg and Gröna Lund, I'm not that impressed by either. Having travelled a lot and ridden all kinds of rides have dulled my senses in how intense/exciting the rides are. For instance I used to love Spin-Rock at Liseberg, but after riding the exact same ride model in South Korea with all settings turned up to "11" made Spin-Rock really dull in comparison, and then there is XXL in Germany which is the same kind of ride, just insane, so now I never ride Spin-Rock any more, I might go for a ride on it now if it have a queue of less than 5 minutes..

I usually go between Lisebergbanan and Balder, and then mix in a few other rides in between them, usually the Bumper Car and Slängungan, and maybe Kanonen and Atmosfear in between. So I don't really bother that much with the rides on Liseberg any more..


So in terms of thrill-rides then I think that Liseberg need something completely different compared to what they have now.


  Ap0ptosis said:

Haha! Andreas blog states that he lives together with his partner "Petter".

Peter/Petter' date=' close enough, you can't really blame me for that conclusion [/quote']

I'm pretty sure he is Norwegian as well, I have lived close to Gothenburg all my life, except for a few years in Luleå and Kiruna.

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  Ap0ptosis said:
New blog post from Andreas.


A funicular will be built next year to improve disable access to the mountain. A 2 million euro investment and a part of making Liseberg a park for everyone.


This is a fantastic idea! Investments like this can make all the difference for parks and improve guests days drastically.



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Ap0ptosis : I hope that you manage to visit some parks in those areas during your trip, there is always nice to ride rides in other parts of the world.


Nice to hear about the funicular, the access to the top have been pretty bad and the trek for someone with disabilities is incredibly long to get from the bottom of the park to the Atmosfear/Helix complex. It was especially bad during the past few weeks of the season when the path was completely blocked due to Helix construction.

Wonder where it will end up going, next to the big escalator or somewhere else.


Complete live stream of the "Accessible Tourism in Europe" meet can be seen at: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/newsroom/discrimination/events/eventedpd2013_en.htm



While watching the bit where Andreas Andersen is talking (first link at about 6:06) there is a slide which shows the new funicular, looks great!!



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I remember the first funicular I ever rode - it was in Quebec City back in 1974.

Then, there's the classic funicular we rode at Magic Mountain in 1975.

And a few here and there overseas, like in Japan. And Germany. I really

enjoyed every single one, ridden.


And I think one added to Liseberg will look great,

be great and make the park better for all.


Edit to add: Won't ride it - I'm not disabled. Just old.

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