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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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Another post to a response on their Facebook page. I personally think that they're over exaggerating on the GIANT waterpark expansion. Unless they're adding more that they haven't announced yet. And it's also nice that Six Flags is starting to actually give a crap about what their parks look like. They haven't given a $h!t about that in a long time well at least not as much as they did in the past.


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^ I do like Blue Bell ice cream lol That is not the reason I am moving to Brenham though. My boyfriend lives there and already has a house so its easier on us for me to move there then him have to go through the process to sell his house and move to Baltimore. Plus I LOVE Texas.

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^^ you say that NOW


just you wait until you have to deal with a Texas summer.


(not to mention all the extreme Right-Wing Conservatives that populate the majority of the State).



but i HOPE you like it here!

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I LOVE Texas summer. I LOVE it hot and humidity does not bother me. My BF thought I was crazy wanting to go outside and be there all day throughout the summer when I would visit. Plus with Schlitterbahn Galveston so close it will be fun.


Also I have not ran into any negativity for being gay in Texas at all. Than again I won't be hanging out int the boonies/sticks. I love Brenham, it is a small town that is extremely progressive. Also College Station is so close and that area seems pretty hip with the college being there.

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I LOVE Texas summer. I LOVE it hot and humidity does not bother me. My BF thought I was crazy wanting to go outside and be there all day throughout the summer when I would visit. Plus with Schlitterbahn Galveston so close it will be fun.


Also I have not ran into any negativity for being gay in Texas at all. Than again I won't be hanging out int the boonies/sticks. I love Brenham, it is a small town that is extremely progressive. Also College Station is so close and that area seems pretty hip with the college being there.


Texas A&M (Aggies) is there (I have friends who went there and tell horror stories of being chased thru the fields by Cadets).


but then again, you are aren't too far from Austin either - home of UT, and a very, very liberal city.

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