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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Jen said nightwing wasn't coming back, but she never said it was gone. I asked her about what rides are in storage and she replayed that she will say them when she is allowed to.


Dude, it's almost assuredly not coming back. They got rid of everything except for a couple of inconsequential parts, and the thing was a maintenance nightmare that is probably even more of a bitch to get parts for now that HUSS most likely doesn't even make the damn thing any more. Just forget about it.

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Jen said nightwing wasn't coming back, but she never said it was gone. I asked her about what rides are in storage and she replayed that she will say them when she is allowed to.


Dude, it's almost assuredly not coming back. They got rid of everything except for a couple of inconsequential parts, and the thing was a maintenance nightmare that is probably even more of a bitch to get parts for now that HUSS most likely doesn't even make the damn thing any more. Just forget about it.

I never said it was coming back. Nobody actually knows for sure if it's back there. And huss does make the fly away still.

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Cyclone confirmed to be closing on July 20th!!

Way to ruin the parks announcement...... But yes that was what was leaked via radio stations today


I'm sorry but you can't get mad at someone leaking info here if it's true. This happens on a regular basis at TPR. We all knew about Gatekeeper and Banshee way before they got announced along with Zumanjaro and many others. I don't wanna sound mean but you can't read the forums if you don't want spoilers.

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That's oddly my Birthday. I guess Six Flags wants to give RMC enough time to do Iron Cyclone? and Colossus Steel Coaster?


Well, there's a good chance one of them will be torn down to make way for a brand new RMC wooden coaster.



For the Cyclone, Just follow the IR method. Restore the famous drop, add a barrel roll, and steel camelbacks.

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But while we are on the subject it has been hinted at by park executives that the park may be doing something more of a prototype than the normal I Box with a lift hill, if you know what I'm hinting at..... It would be a kill two birds with one stone opportunity for the park

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OH MY GOODNESS!!! Fantasy has become reality!

By the way, has anyone considered a prototype idea like a cable lift or maybe even an electromagnetic lift hill similar to the one on Maverick. I know this idea sounds a little ridiculous nut if you think about it, the steel rails would be plenty strong to support that kind of stress and if it's an electromagnetic lift hill, they would really be killing two birds with one stone.

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OH MY GOODNESS!!! Fantasy has become reality!

By the way, has anyone considered a prototype idea like a cable lift or maybe even an electromagnetic lift hill similar to the one on Maverick. I know this idea sounds a little ridiculous nut if you think about it, the steel rails would be plenty strong to support that kind of stress and if it's an electromagnetic lift hill, they would really be killing two birds with one stone.

I didn't mean a different type of lift, I meant no need for a lift, meaning a launched hybrid, something that RMC has been working on

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Yeah, I think you are right. That would be a fantastic edition to the park considering it would be a world first, a huge publicity magnet, and it really bring some life back into the old thing. By the way, if you look on YouTube, there's a guy who has used No Limits to simulate what the redesign might look like...


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