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Sliding! The kind monsters do

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Hello, I need a bit of help. Hopefully there are some sliders on here. I'm only 19, but I've been scaring at haunted houses for four years now (including this year, which has already started for the haunt I am working at). Growing up an avid fan of Knott's Scary Farm, I've always wanted to work there, but wasn't 18 while I lived there, and once I was I moved away for college...anyway, three years ago, at my first haunted house, I wanted to be a slider.


So, I made the gloves, with some guidance from westcoaster, i believe, got knee pads, and epoxied some sheet metal to my regular tennis shoes. It was the most fun I had ever had, and it worked wonderfully. It was beautiful. By the end of the two or three weekends I slid, my shoes had totally fallen apart. After having to sadly refrain from sliding, due to the locational conditions of the haunts after this first one, I can now do it again. Fuck yes! I still have the gloves - they are great - I have the knee pads, but the shoes I can not get to work. I got some steel plated boots, which I have now twice tried to attach sheet metal on top of, using a different epoxy each time (jb weld the first, and loctite the second), with both failing after only a few slides...does anyone know how this can be done?


The whole package.




knee pads



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Get some 20 minute epoxy, not JB weld, but epoxy. It will come in two tubes and be full of clear liquid. Use a 60/40 mix with the hardener being the larger portion, and put it on the boots. Let it dry for at LEAST 12 hours, 24 if possible. It will fully cure by then, and should hold. If not, try different mixes. You can find it at Home Depot in the "glue" section. Hope that helps!

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When I first read the topic, this came to mind...



They actually use similar gear to what a longboarder would use, down to kneepads and sliding gloves. Usually, a longboarder's sliding gloves are made are made using pucks that were cut up from old plastic cutting boards...and slides really well. The rest of it is speed...it takes some for the wheels to slide. Maybe you can try the old cutting board material on your shoes as well for sliding.

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^It doesn't require a lot of room if you're good at it. It's a great scare if done right.

I just think it depends too much on the right scare scenario at the right time and doesn't allow me to maximize my scares. I already have limited actors and feel that the sliders are a waste of my time. And anytime I see them at theme parks I can see them coming...there's no surprise factor, IMO.

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^^Maximize your scare? A good slide will easily take out a whole group! If you can easily see a slide coming, they're just doing it wrong. It's supposed to be a quick strike type of scare. One second a dude is running towards you like he's going to chase you, the next second he's at your feet making you jump. And if he's good, he'll disappear right after. Or pop up right in front of you to continue the scare.


A great slide is one of the best scares IMO. Crappy sliders like the ones at HHN (except for a few guys...) are horrible.

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Hi TPR Members


Get hold of the DVD: "Knott's Berry Farm's Season of Screams." There's a whole chapter dedicated to sliding, including a technical segment explaining how to do it best: jumps, spins etc...


This DVD is listed as DVD67 on the Roller Coaster Media Library webpage.


Simon B

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^^Maximize your scare? A good slide will easily take out a whole group! If you can easily see a slide coming, they're just doing it wrong. It's supposed to be a quick strike type of scare. One second a dude is running towards you like he's going to chase you, the next second he's at your feet making you jump. And if he's good, he'll disappear right after. Or pop up right in front of you to continue the scare.


A great slide is one of the best scares IMO. Crappy sliders like the ones at HHN (except for a few guys...) are horrible.

I guess, but I personally haven't experienced a good scare from sliders.

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