Hhappy Posted September 11, 2008 Author Share Posted September 11, 2008 And here is a selection of all the pictures from the last park we visited during this 5th Day Del Grosso's Amusement Park The next day would be the start of the East Coast trip.. some people would leave.. and others would join.. but more on that in the next update.. First things first.. Here are the pictures.. owh yeah.. and there was finally some time for food just in case you forgot were we are.. finally.. a normal expression.. scary?? some more people at least the train looks happy.. is it pain.. is it joy.. hands up.. baby hands up... Happy faces strike a pose.. smile.. Looks like they will make it back.. .. go .... here we.... next train... is it fear or joy?? More credit people going for the credit... Looks like some kind of annual festivity... coaster indeed.. first things first.. there's always food and time to eat... Food or??? Yes.. finally.. 3 people on a train.. this line took forever... Another crazy mouse... I guess that there are some coasters here as well? I had never seen one like that... Shed 7 and a story about sauce and food (off course) Park Map.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krazekiddd Posted September 11, 2008 Share Posted September 11, 2008 Great updates so far Hanno! I'm looking forward to the start of the next part of the trip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wood Dragon 1988 Posted September 11, 2008 Share Posted September 11, 2008 Another great Sauce-land report. Too bad that the Behemoth updates are over, but I can't wait to see the East Coast ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dws_57 Posted September 12, 2008 Share Posted September 12, 2008 Great Pictures Hanno. Adult hand carts! Mister Rogers that was just great with the full trolley. And the Crazy house. wow what a great park. Even the Vekoma mouse was really fun. Leap the dips was a lot better than I was expecting. (side friction and all) The back seat was great. This was also a x00 coaster for Jahan. But I'll let him talk about that. He could photo shop a sign into that picture. Sauce what else can you say. They need a sauce tour like Hershey's chocolate world. Hope they get the looping coaster put together some time too. DWS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted September 12, 2008 Author Share Posted September 12, 2008 Originally i had planned to only do the EastCoast trip (after doing Europe off course) This also due to some possible leave problems with work... As days went on.. i wanted to join the Behemoth more every day.. and as you have seen in the updates so far.. the rest is history.. East Coast Trip time. First stop of this trip (and for some of the behemoth people the last one) was Sesame Place. Here's a selection of the pictures i took this day.. i always try to capture the joy people have while joining a TPR tour and off course the coasters and the effect those have on people. There might be some strange pictures in these selection.. but don't worry.. it's either because they are just too funny.. or they capture the person perfectly (in my eyes) Hope you like them East Coast Tour Day 1 Sesame Place and no.. this ain't a photoshop... just keeping an eye on the guests... some theming.. looks like a nice place to cool down a little.. More waterpark.. and off course there was a decent line to get a picture with Bert and Ernie.. ok..... Back to the park.. they have some water slides.. All of a sudden i did see somebody walking through the lines.. looking at a map and not fitting in.. not sure if it's a character or not.. and did not get a better picture.. i had something in mind.. but it's gone... Looks like they enjoyed it.. That looks interesting... Just Chillin... Flat ride.. That looks like fun.. Feeling ok?? or is the heat getting you?? Time to check out the rest of the park.. they have a big rubber duck... The next train is going up... The sun and mercury.. what else is there to add? Animal... and more familiar faces. getting ready to conquer this ride.. I spot tpr members... Ladies and gentleman.. we have lift off. The trip has started.. TPR filling the lines of the credit just around the corner... we got our tickets.. let's go and have some fun I see random people on a coaster... spot yourself... many familiar faces and plenty of new ones as well.. at least this was the same.. We are there, it's always fun to see the different names in the US compared to where i'm from... hmm, so where are we heading to?? I'm a tourist and i did like the view of the skyline of this place... Since the group got a little bigger.. we now have 2 busses instead of one.. and with some familiar faces driving them. Thanks guys for the excellent driving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krazekiddd Posted September 12, 2008 Share Posted September 12, 2008 Yay! I'm glad to be seeing these updates finally. Sesame was actually a really cool way to start off the trip! It was a social day for us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subguy90 Posted September 13, 2008 Share Posted September 13, 2008 The guy with the map wondering through the lines was a character cause he was in the elmos world show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted September 14, 2008 Author Share Posted September 14, 2008 ^ thanks for that info since i did not know and i haven't seen elmo's show.. Thanks to everybody else for all the comments.. it's always good to hear when people like (or dislike) the pictures.. Keep them coming... The Coney Island will follow pretty soon... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted September 14, 2008 Author Share Posted September 14, 2008 Ok.. second half of the first day.. (and the official first stop of the East Coast Trip) was Coney Island. Before the trip... when i thought about Coney Island i thought about New York and Cyclone.. Has seen some pictures of this ride.. but that's about it.. So being there was surreal to me.. something i had been looking forward to for quite some time.. and yet.. while being there it felt surreal.. Even today.. going back through the pictures and selecting some to put them online.. it almost feels like a dream... These Trips are so worth the money you spent for them.. and there's so much happening and stuff to see.. just enjoy them cause you never know when you might get back to the place you just visited... anyway.. enough deep thoughts.. time for more fun.. I had never been to this area before so.. here are some pictures... Hope you enjoy them.. Day 1 Part 2 Coney Island I'll leave you with this attempt of a night skyline picture from a moving bus.. Hope you enjoyed the selection. Bye Astroland and Bye Cyclone.. thanks for the ride.. and good luck for the future.. it just did not fit... Wonder wheel.. enjoying a good conversation?? looking down the boardwalk... 2 train operation and spinning table on a kiddie... ain't it pretty? ok, time to check out some more stuff in the area.. owh my... do i see airtime?? still bringing joy to the riders after all those years... there is something about this picture... let's first get some more cyclone pictures before it's too dark... o wait.. there is more to be seen?? really?? is it the seat? is it the age?? or just.. i don't know.. well at least they are smiling now... another picture showing that this ride was for all ages... although some tpr members were rally trying to.. well i don't know.. i did like the flags on top.. The picture you probably have seen a "million" times already.. more clouds were gathering in this area.. hmm, maybe this was not such a good idea... A ride for the young and older... do you spot the tpr members?? looks like they are having fun... Here they come... what happened?? Here they go... they look so happy... Next train.. and more happy faces... plenty of warning signs... waiting for the train to get back.. and get on the ride... here they go... so that is where i'm going to?? this was in interesting way to create and secure the line... Almost there.. ok, let's focus.. i see something "familiar" in the distance At that time it was funny.. not sure anymore why... I guess that's the ferry station area in the distance.. sorry folks.. but i had never been here.. and yes.. i did see a opportunity to get some tourist photo's.. Not bad for a picture from the bus... I see big buildings... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krazekiddd Posted September 14, 2008 Share Posted September 14, 2008 Dude awesome! The pic of Allison and I in the front seat of Cyclone is classic! I was bracing for pain (I remembered the back seat ride) and then realized it was pretty good in the front. Oh and with the pic of Jenn and Trent on the Tilt-a-Whirl, the thing was so slow and never spun, so we all just had conversations the entire time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
philthephorce Posted September 15, 2008 Share Posted September 15, 2008 Nice pics, Hanno! I wish I had taken my camera into the park. I let myself be intimidated into leaving it on the bus, so I only got a few pics on my phone. The expressions of the riders on Cyclone are pretty funny, although I thought that the ride was rough in a good way. I guess it only seemed good because of the extra, extra, extra thick padding inside the seats! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marcio Posted September 15, 2008 Share Posted September 15, 2008 Great pics, Hanno! Astroland is a nice park... It's so sad to see what's going on there these days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krazekiddd Posted September 15, 2008 Share Posted September 15, 2008 Was the phone call that important? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted September 15, 2008 Author Share Posted September 15, 2008 Warning... The following update will be a "big" one... It will have a lot of pictures with familiar faces (or soon to become familiar) with all kinds of (maybe) funny/interesting Expression.. /end of warning OK.. Day 2... Today it was time to check out Six Flags New England (SFNE) and some other parks. We would be back the next day.. so need to hurry today.... There's a lot i can say at the moment.. but i'll let the pictures do the talking.. Here's a selection Day 2: Six Flags New England that's it for the first day at SFNE.. next stop was.. Quassy.. These came in very handy.. since it started to poor down during the lunch.. and yes.. we had to catch the bus... now who's more worried.... time to get some food.. This just looked nice.. I guess they call it airtime... time for some more superman pictures... wait a second.. what's that... we need at least one cute Kidtums picture in every update... How many flags?? That's more like it.. happy riders.. Looks like an empty train... please wait untill you get to a full stop before getting up (and out) of this slide.. see? another waterfall what's going on there?? just walking up to the guard station?? Having fun?? don't tempt people.. after walking two laps.. they found it.. Tornado.. More waterslides.. hmm, driving pizza delivery in the park?? hmm Looks like the park is opening up for the other people... let's check out the rest... don't put your feet down untill the boat came to a full stop... airtime?? That's more like it.. i tried to capture what seemed like airtime on this ride.. hope you appreciate the effort.. No worries.. we don't sink.. we can swim.. is it me or?? i just can't think of a decent caption for this one.. sorry almost there.. Looks like this one still had some surprises.. Did they break it again?? wow... Yes.. it's moving again... in the mean time.. not so far away... waiting in line because... well they broke it.. what's there to say... is it fear.. or is it joy.. at least it's loud.. so yeah.. this is what you will have to do with.. it's a shame that they did have so much netting around this one.. it made it harder to get some decent pictures... sounds like fun... Ok, let's check out this area before the public get's in... some people just can't get enough.. Almost gone... one angle for the tunnel... i don't know.. but this one just made me smile.. getting ready for... i see people having fun from a distance.. Holding on for... Hairtime.. Superman, number one.. i'm loosing my lenses.. hmm Airtime.. Owh yes.. they are ready... just a guess... Robb just farted and everybody else is starting to smell it or?? you would almost think that the arrowman prefers this to.. ehm.. whatever.. no more rinkels... did somebody just come...?? i see a belgium guy thinking.. "oh my..." ok, here we go.. time for some expressions... owh wait.. it's an empty field?? i'm just glad the coaster in the background is still there.. Time to go to the main attraction.. I guess the onride photo was there?? Another attempt... up side down ... How is it possible that i get a clear picture of the train.. when there are 2 empty rows in front of me.. Batman... No worries.. you're still in the station... don't you just love ERT.. sometimes it looks so innocent... and the dutch?? well they are used to this kind of abuse with the mother of all SLC's at "home".. El Condor... Notice the difference... slash experience... getting ready... what should i add to this?? my first stop of the day... another SLC.. might as well do it first.. and enjoy the rest of the day... gentleman Robb Let's all get the same picture... do we have everybody? are we there yet?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HerBlackWings Posted September 15, 2008 Share Posted September 15, 2008 Hanno, you never cease to amaze me. All of your photos are BEAUTIFUL, but the shots of our crew enjoying S:RoS ERT are very near and dear to my heart. You did an incredible job of capturing the essence of Superman. Thank you...and just...WOW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stingrock23 Posted September 15, 2008 Share Posted September 15, 2008 Superman was as good as those pictures showed. I think I had about 8-9 rides in a row, but could have stayed on all day long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roachman Posted September 16, 2008 Share Posted September 16, 2008 Awesome pictures as always Hanno! ^I have absolutely no idea what was going through my head when you took this one! Awesome! -Brad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kenshinmac Posted September 16, 2008 Share Posted September 16, 2008 Amazing pics as always... Sadly I didn't appear in any of them Still Superman was about the only ride to leave a serious lasting impression... OMG I my ankles were bruised from ERT! It wasn't visible but the second day it was painful! Every airtime hill hurt but it was still amazing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goliath513 Posted September 16, 2008 Share Posted September 16, 2008 What an awesome trip! There are quite a few good photos of me on Superman and Cyclone ^I have absolutely no idea what was going through my head when you took this one! Awesome! -Brad You just saw someone in the row in front of you get stapled in by the ride ops and you realized you're their next victim. Amazing pics as always... Sadly I didn't appear in any of them Still Superman was about the only ride to leave a serious lasting impression... OMG I my ankles were bruised from ERT! It wasn't visible but the second day it was painful! Every airtime hill hurt but it was still amazing. Those leg restraints are the reason Superman isn't my #1 coaster and Maverick still beats it out. Looking forward to seeing more Hanno! Not as many pictures of me in the water park as I expected since our group there was so small, but that one of Tornado will do. Quassy and Lake Compounce were awesome afterwards! Reliving these memories has really brightened my day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillerman1 Posted September 16, 2008 Share Posted September 16, 2008 Amazing photos Hanno. Love this one where you can totally see the 2nd wheel from the rear coming up off the track! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElToroExtreme Posted September 16, 2008 Share Posted September 16, 2008 Amasing Shots Hanno Thank You! Keep them coming I love seeing everyones reactions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted September 16, 2008 Share Posted September 16, 2008 Awesome...just....awesome, Hanno. -JZ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted September 16, 2008 Author Share Posted September 16, 2008 Thanks (again) for all the nice comments. I do like taking pictures.. but it's always nice to hear when other enjoy the result as well. Anyway.. the second part of day 2 of the East Coastr trip was spent at Quassy.. This was an "interesting" experience... anyway.. picture time.. That's it.. time to get back to the bus and head out to the next park.. Lake Compounce starting the first drop.. mama... i should have put the other lense on sooner... more tpr members... 2 random females having fun on the mad mouse.. Partial layout First drop fun.. other enjoying this mad mouse.. another (crappy) angle... what should i say... yes.. they opened again.. entertainment... "patience" Some interesting clouds in the distance.. people are still in line.. for this ride.. and yes.. it's still covered.. Dino the ride.. directions.. Looked like some kind of waterslide... Tilt-a-whirl do we want to know??? just staring away in the "distance" Little dipper train.. that ride was funny.. hurry hurry hurry.. before you know it.. he's gone... They did have some pedal boats.. Flat ride... Looks like a food place... well.. since this ride is closed.. i might as well check the rest of the park.. owh.. Mad Mouse.. why is it closed??? Elissa Bingo effect... Little Dipper.. my first stop at the park (since everybody else went for the other one..) No problem at all.. we did not even have to push.. that does not look normal with the wheels... somebody say ditch... Just to make sure we are at the right place... let me entertain you during the bus ride.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hyyyper Posted September 16, 2008 Share Posted September 16, 2008 Ouch, those Mad Mouse shots are instant classics (just add water?), great job Hanno Although you should consider riding more coasters than taking pictures of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RIP Psyclone Posted September 16, 2008 Share Posted September 16, 2008 The shot of Allison looking like she's about to hurl on the Coney Island Cyclone (front row) is possibly the best candid Hanno Shot yet! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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