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Photo TR: Top Thrill Dragster!

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Well in the past couple of months I have taken a few pictures of Top Thrill Dragster, and I thought I would share them with you guys!! Sorry they are not really amazing quality, but they were taken with my iPhone. I really would like to know what you guys think of the photos so feel free to comment them! Now to the photos...



Goodnight Dragster!


Dragster after a really hard day of work!


It is really really tall!


It is so tall!


The first yellow light just came on! We all know what that means!


Now for Dragster at night!


This is the thing that makes the train go VROOM, and sometimes it makes the train go over the tower!


This is the amazing drop!


This is the tower not from the base!


This is the tower from the base!


Ok... This is me, and I am going to take you on a tour of the tower...


Dragster makes me feel short!


This is my favorite picture ever! The sad thing is I did not even mean to take the photo!


I see an arm in the back!


This is the best place ever!


How many rollback fins can we count?


"Are You Ready?"


Now the tower looks a lot smaller!


This shot makes the tower look really tall!


Ummm.... there are no people...


There is the train!


Hey... a train just launched!


Dragster looks so large compared to the car at the bottom of the picture!


Ewwww there are people in the park...


Dragster look so small!


I see Top Thrill!

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I remember you, when I was there in May you were one of the ride ops I had. You were doing the facts spiel. I love the pic where the train is in contrast but nothing else it.


Do you ever get tired of "Ready to go" While standing in the station?

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This is the thing that makes the train go VROOM, and sometimes it makes the train go over the tower!


The "sometimes" part was proven when I last went in May... very cool and windy that day! Excellent TR. iPhone photos actually look pretty good, especially compared to what I'm used to with mobile phone cameras.

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I remember you, when I was there in May you were one of the ride ops I had. You were doing the facts spiel. I love the pic where the train is in contrast but nothing else it.


Do you ever get tired of "Ready to go" While standing in the station?

Do I ever get tired of "Ready To Go?" Lets see.... 16 hours of the same 20 seconds of a song... yes... I hate the song, but it still for some reason puts me in a good mood!!

Some great pictures.


I so loved to ride Dragster during our visit 2 months ago.


Arms down !

Haha! I love pushing the "Arms Down" button until everyone in the train puts their arms down. But then some times it just gets annoying when you have pushed the button like 30 times and some dumb ass in the front row is like... "Hey lets ignore the speil and keep our arms up." But in the end I win, and they put their arms down

The "sometimes" part was proven when I last went in May... very cool and windy that day! Excellent TR. iPhone photos actually look pretty good, especially compared to what I'm used to with mobile phone cameras.

Yeah now imagine the day before the park opened when we were testing the ride and it took 11 launches to get 1 train over the tower. That was just an annoying day


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I like your photos!!

I was suprised by the quality taken by the iphone. Good Work!!


Dragster is one of my top rides! Photos or not, to me, it IS very inspiring!

Such a unique and sexy ride!! Most of the pictures I took at CP are of Dragster!!!

Gotta Love It!!!!!

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I was there for a few days in June last year and had the time of my life. Thursday night I got 8 launches in a row and never waited more than 15 minutes. Dragster at night in the front row is just awesome. I caught a quick glimpse of the fireworks from the top, an image forever in my mind. It was truly one of the most enjoyable times I ever spent at a park.


Seeing the pictures brought back some great memories. Thank you.

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Wow, especially for the price, the iphone takes some crappy pics. My modest LG takes better pics.. most of those were not only blurry, but taken at bad times (overcast, dark, cloudy etc)


The iPhone has always been overpriced for what it does. But that's how most Apple products are. You pay extra for it being pretty basically.

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