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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Playland's 2025 Season Starts on May 17th!

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Huh, never heard of Cultus. Did a search and it looks like a cute little park.

Was about to post nearly the same thing. It looks fun for a day trip, I might have to check that out--it's actually slightly closer to me and I can try a further east border crossing


edit; horse-themed disk'o

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Huh, never heard of Cultus. Did a search and it looks like a cute little park.

Fact! The theming is adorable and extensive, probably as close to "immersive" as you'll get for a compact, family park. You'll actually drive by the theming design company, Imagination Corporation, in Chilliwack on the way to and from the park; they've got a fanciful building in the same style as the park theming.

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This morning, on page 3 of our daily newspaper, The Vancouver Sun...


Park Inspired By West Coast


A $120 million, 10 year plan to turn East Vancouver's Playland into a "world-class theme park" could take a big step forward

next week if city councillors OK cash for detailed design and a funding strategy. The latest concept was led by Forrec.

While everything can still change, Matt Robinson look at five parts of the latest creative concept for the park.


Cool! Here's hoping city council doesn't say 'nay'.




And waiting for this upcoming council meeting to happen, is going to be like waiting

for a particular (Dollywood) New Coaster to "open."


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This morning, on page 3 of our daily newspaper, The Vancouver Sun...


Park Inspired By West Coast


A $120 million, 10 year plan to turn East Vancouver's Playland into a "world-class theme park" could take a big step forward

next week if city councillors OK cash for detailed design and a funding strategy. The latest concept was led by Forrec.

While everything can still change, Matt Robinson look at five parts of the latest creative concept for the park.


Cool! Here's hoping city council doesn't say 'nay'.




And waiting for this upcoming council meeting to happen, is going to be like waiting

for a particular (Dollywood) New Coaster to "open."



Sadly, the PNE has denied the article that Daily Hive put out. It was on Global News. Said this concept is 10 years old, and although they are putting forward expansion plans... it'll likely be nothing like people expect of a Disney Park.



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^ I agree, too. "Disney-style" only meant to me, that of sectioned "lands",

landscaping, placement of everything incl. food, bathrooms, etc.


If that's Disney-style, then I'm all for it. But no mouse, please.

And they probably should have originally said "theme park-style," instead.



Wait a sec. The newspaper article says, "next week if city councillors okay cash".

So, maybe this is something just put out, to give ideas ahead of time to the

council? Old ideas, yes. But some still possible?




Coming to the PNE this August! BIRDS Who Are ANGRY!!! :p

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We're having our annual Italian Day today, which basically blocks 14 blocks of our main street here (Commercial Dr. a/k/a The Drive),

so that's the day when I take off for a few hours to the Park. Bus takes only ten minutes, if that. Spent a couple of hours at Playland, asking

those ride ops I know, about "this expansion thing" that suddenly got reported, then debunked, etc. They all knew, and also said something

to the effect like "it was originally a 20 year plan," etc.


I took photos from inside the park, but plan to get closer, better views, from outside the park,

and therefore get a better view of the whole area in question. Next visit.


Man, I'll be over 83 when this thing gets finished (or not).

Patience, patience. That's all I can do is wait... and hope.


Here's a few photos to share.


As tempting as taking photos from up there on AtmosFEAR, it's just way too fast.

AND they don't allow cameras on the ride - at - all, so there's that, too. :o)


The view from the Skywheel. Over towards where Playland 2.0 would go.


These are the barns that would be removed for the expansion.


The space beyond Corkscrew, is all parking. Nice and flat, and ready for landscaping. (o;


"And The Beast still swings, like a pendulum do..."

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I like that pic of Atmosfear, and I see why they don't allow cameras- even something like my smaller camera falling from that height could be deadly


Thanks again for showing me around, I hope I can come back up sometime for the Fair or Fright Nights and ride Coaster and The Beast at night

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Vancouver city councillors will decide tomorrow whether or not to move forward with a bold $120 million, ten year plan to turn East Vancouver’s Playland into a “world class theme park.”


President and CEO of Pacific National Exhibition, Mike McDaniel, is first asking council for $1.5 million to cover the costs of detailed design work and a funding strategy.

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While I'm waiting for the outcome of today's council meeting, and whether they'll "okay"

a #120 million loan to the PNE for the plans of upgrading and revamping Playland....


(Upcharge) Exhibit at this August's PNE:



Angry Birds™ Universe Exhibit,

The Art & Science Behind A Global Phenomenon




Daily 11am - 11pm

Rollerland Building

$5 for ages 14+

$3.50 for ages 6-13

Free for 5 and under


"Based on the famous game and characters that took the world by storm, Angry Birds fans of all ages will delight in the chance to 'be the bird' at the Angry Birds Universe exhibition.


The most unique interactive experience at Angry Birds Universe safely propels guests on ziplines onto enormous foam structures, just like the Angry Birds! This unique, full-body experience also demonstrates the physics behind the Angry Birds games, providing an integrated approach to learning. Visitors experience the educational concepts in the games in an energetic and an exciting environment. Other exciting full-body attractions include a Laser Maze, Climbing Wall, Planetarium, and oversized Sling Shots."


Angry Birds™ & © 2016 Rovio Entertainment Ltd and Rovio Animation Ltd.








And of course, at the end of the whole Exhibit...The Gift Shop.


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METRO News / Vancouver:


Playland given green light to explore expansion plan


Vancouver agrees to provide $1.5 million to help Playland develop detailed design and costing plans for conversion into theme park.





"The Park," part of a (then) proposed Playland area.

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The most unique interactive experience at Angry Birds Universe safely propels guests on ziplines onto enormous foam structures, just like the Angry Birds! This unique, full-body experience also demonstrates the physics behind the Angry Birds games, providing an integrated approach to learning. Visitors experience the educational concepts in the games in an energetic and an exciting environment. Other exciting full-body attractions include a Laser Maze, Climbing Wall, Planetarium, and oversized Sling Shots.

That sounds awesome actually, I bet it will be really fun to try. It sounds like/reminds me of Most Extreme Elimination Challenge or WIPEOUT

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^ I have the feeling the whole thing is geared mostly towards children and pre-teens.

But who knows? For $5, they might offer the adults a nice Angry Birds Cocktail, hah.

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Saw this on the bus today, as I was heading to the Park...


The title above it all says, "PLAYLAND WISDOM". That means a few more of these, are also around town! (o:


"And the Enterprise, it goes round and round..."

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That sounds awesome actually, I bet it will be really fun to try. It sounds like/reminds me of Most Extreme Elimination Challenge or WIPEOUT

At first glance it seems like Takeshi's Castle but from the video it just looks like a little zipline.

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^ I agree. I don't think there's going to be too many parents on it, lol.

But I am still hoping for an Angry Birds Cocktail Lounge, hee hee.


Returning, in late August! (o:

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