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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Playland's 2025 Season Starts on May 17th!

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^ Gonna have to wait till mid-August, my friend.


David and I usually buy two separate ribs, then eat and compare.

So this year, I'll try the 'newbie' in the bunch, BOSS HOGS, earlier.


Then when David comes to the PNE for one time (I have the

two week pass), we'll buy our 'usual,' Misty Mountain, and maybe

I might be able to suggest BH, having already tried it. And of

course, if it's worth eating (for me) again.


Win - Win - Win!


What we had last year. Top is Misty Mountain, Bottom is Prairie S&S. Both good, but the Prairie was more

dry, than we thought it should be. Even with extra bbq sauce, it was still...chewy. They're back this year.

So we will skip that one. :p And BOSS HOGS is the actual newbie I'll try, before David joins me, later on.

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Ahhh...I didn't realize we were still a ways out, Bill. But thank you for sharing last years photos!


I have ribs currently "resting" in our fridge now in a dry rub mix of brown sugar, cayenne pepper, salt, adobo seasoning and garlic powder. Tomorrow I am going to make the wet sauce and then try out my new smoker box and smoke them on the grill using apple juice soaked hickory chips.


I am leery as I know ribs can easily be screwed up, but I am going to give it my best effort. This is something that I have never done before - fingers crossed!

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^ Very nice rub mix. I think David actually uses a rub made that way, too.

And CONGRATS on Your First Ribs! They should turn out awesome!


David loves to get what's called "Country-Style Ribs" and do them on the grill.

And our Safeway has them ON SALE this coming week!


Or, as it`s really called....Pork Loin Rib End!

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Here are all my decent pictures from this Saturday, thanks again Nrthwnd for showing me around and helping me out on my first visit to the great land of Canada!


Kettle Creek is an awesome kiddie coaster, and it's got the best landscaping in the park!


Front and center upon entering the park


The Star Flyer was fun with a great view, but I got sort of dizzy by the end


You can see this crazy thing from anywhere in the park


Fun times on Hellevator


Vancouver is beautiful!


Pirate looked fun as always, but no time for that!


View of the park from the Westcoast Wheel


1st drop on Kettle Creek


Apparently I like taking pictures of this


They have a nice covered games/arcade area; shade is good


At least the one guy is having fun


Corkscrew was actually pretty awesome IMO


Coaster was fantastic- Nrthwnd didn't like the back, but I thought it was awesome!




Super awesome




Yellow train with hand brake


I liked the inside seats, the outside was just too crazy


The G's at the bottom were intense


This Zierer Wave Swinger was fun


Full train, good times!


Vekoma did good on this one


Total eclipse of the Beast

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Wow. That's quite the expansion, etc. Didn't see that coming,

with the lower section being used (barns and parking lot). All of

it looks very promising. (And I hope the costs don't over run

too much, in the long term.)


And there's a DARK RIDE In there, too! And (at least) 5 new coasters!


And I'll be what? 73 when this is all (mostly) finished?


I'll hang on, till then.

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^ I always thought the asphalt walkways were one of the first things that needed

to be changed. Now it looks like that's going to come true.

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The existing Corkscrew roller coaster will be removed to make space for Main Street and its new rides such as a driving track and a new suspended family coaster.




Nrthwnd, your pestering has paid off!


On the very northern tip of the park, in this themed land, a major new ‘Launch Coaster’ is envisioned as the park’s newest high-speed roller coaster.



I also see a Screamin Swing-looking structure in the concept art for the coastal area, but maybe that's the skycoaster? Any idea what "driving track" is going to be?


This looks really awesome, it will surely be interesting to watch as it goes from basically a permanent carnival to a completely themed park. The concept art looks a bit busy in places, but I think it will be a great thing if they do it well, and it will fit in with the rest of the city better- from what I saw, Vancouver is truly a world-class city that makes my "home" big city of Seattle look sorry by comparison. I can't wait to see how this goes!

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^ Thanks, but I'm pretty sure they had plans (at least with these ones) to remove Corkscrew anyway.

And this is such a Major Change, from what I thought would be adding a few more flats, more

"landscaping" around the metal fencing. Very exciting, if this all comes to be!


And the new Entry Gate looks like it will be an easier way to connect Playland with the PNE, more directly.

And since Tom just posted the link, this is all as new to me as it is to everybody else.


Proposed, new entrance, and themed "lands" for Playland.


The original park site, to start being redeveloped first.


The second phase of Playland's redevelopment, starting after the first phase.

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^ Yeah, I'm hopin' to last that long, too.


It's fascinating to look at these plans and see what coasters they're "proposing" to install:


Zac Spin

Spinning Coaster

Suspended Family Coaster

Launch Coaster

Gliding Coaster


WOW if this all happens!

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this'll be awesome because by the time this gets done I'll be able to get on every ride no matter what, since I'm losing all this weight with going to the gym and walking a lot I'll be able to even get on The Beast by the end of this month hopefully. oh and I forgot to mention, the American Coaster Enthusiasts are having an ACE Day at Playland and Cultus Lake Adventure Park in July, I believe it's the 16th, ERT on Coaster as well.

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^ With the rainfall all through this week, my plans were to hit the park on Sunday.

Which is our neighborhood's Italian Day. Commercial Dr. is closed, and traffic (foot and car)

will be ev - rey - where. Starts at noon, so that's when I'm planning to head to the park.

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yeah same, it should be good by then, can't wait to see if I'll be able to get onto The Beast before then, then I know I should have no problems getting onto the rides at Cultus Lake Adventure Park, only one I'm worried about is the Round Up ride, here's a video of it

funny thing though, almost every ride has a weight limit of 250 pounds, which makes no sense because I've seen those rides at other places and there's never a weight limit like that at the other parks.
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By the way - and I just noticed - THE BEAST is NOT where it is, now. Nor is it anywhere on the new maps!



Crazy Beach Party is still where it used to be, before The Beast moved in.


Hmmm. Not sure if that means anything, but substitute one for the other (which means

CBP is FINALLY gotten rid of, like Corkscrew), and I'll be a happy old rider.

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^ Yes, The Beast opened last year on Opening Day, May 16. That's when I first found out

that the harness with the seat, was going to be waaaaay tighter than I ever anticipated.


v BIG EDIT: My mistake. I thought you were posting about Beast, and it skipped a post.

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was talking about Cultus Lake Adventure Park, can't remember if it opened up last year or the year before.



Actually Cultus Lake Waterslides has been open for at least 27 years... if not longer.

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