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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Is under 90 days, a "Season" for some smaller (or larger) parks?

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Returning to the PNE:


Craft Beer Fest – NEW LOCATION!


Daily 2pm-8pm

Italian Gardens

$10 per person


Craft Beer Fest will feature up to 50 craft breweries for guests to sample the diverse craft drafts being developed within the Lower Mainland's backdoor. Check back soon for a listing of participating breweries.


Purchase your ticket online to save, plus access a pre-purchased ticketholder line!

Admission includes a 4oz collector's sampling cup. $2 per beer ticket, available for purchase onsite.




(It looks like you don't get any beer tix with your admission, like last year. Just the plastic sampling cup.)


Last year, it was just two long rows of stalls.


Not very exciting and/or interesting to look at while sipping beer.


This year, it moves West, to the park's Italian Gardens.


More spread out (and hardly ever visited during the PNE), this area could turn out to be a great new location!



Lots of space here for stalls and walking around. Hopefully, no one will fall into the landscaping, lol!



Random statuary in the Garden.



The area, seen from outside the PNE grounds.

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Almost forgot to add this! The photo shows, for those of you who have no idea (I didn't until last summer), what the

4 oz."Collectors" sampling cup looks like...Voila! This is the one from last year's Beer Fest. So I am hoping

there's another colour printing on these being given out this year. I'm sure there will be. Maybe blue, perhaps?


I have an extra 2 of these little things from last year. Anybody interested in a sampling cup "trade"?

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Happy Canada Day!


Went to the park for a couple of hours. Overcast skies all day, but no rain. Crowds weren't as big

as I thought they would be, on this holiday of ours.


"Memories for every season!" ... except Winter ... and most of Spring...and Fall. :p


A great young (or old) first timer's Thrill Coaster.






Purple train going down the first hill.


A bit of carousel filigree.


Best washroom sign I know. (o;


Happy 149th Birthday Canada!

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From an unexpected source ...


Took in the touring company of NEWSIES last night. Great show, choreography was OMG,

strong singers-dancers. And a Great AWESOME SET which constantly blew me away, with

every configuration it turned into. Total happy surprise for me, that set.


But there, inside the smaller paper program they hand out, apart from the $20 Souvenir

Program you could buy in the lobby, was an ad for The Angry You-Know-Whos coming to

the Fair in late August!


Good for the PNE, reaching out to other resources for their advertising, etc.


The NEWSIES program, with The A.Birds, inside of it.

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Today's visit was basically for getting a few rides on Coaster, and not much else.

Nice weather, sunny with clouds here and there. Big crowd. Lots of groups.


Nice day for a visit, even with a lot of clouds around.


Busy station today. Only one train running, but the guys are fast, at moving everybody through. (o;


Speaking of one train today - it's the red one.


Beastie, doing it's thing.


Another happy trainful of riders, pulls into the station.


And, a lonely Poutine Stand arrives a weee bit too early for this summer's PNE, lol. (o; Rib Fest will join it

(to the right, there), as will a great beer garden (on the left of it), too. And bathrooms, too!


So, it's Win-Win-Win....Win! (o:

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New Food Offerings at this year's PNE!


The PNE just released some info.about some new food items being offered at

this year's Fair. I'll do this in two parts. With PART 1 being...


Main Course...kind of.



(All the captions are full quotes from the Fair's BLOG.)


For the burger lover, you’re in luck this year as the Fair at the PNE presents an impressive line-up of

innovative new burger options. Try the MAC N CHEESE STUFFED BURGER, a hand-made beef burger

patty that’s stuffed with creamy mac and cheese and topped with classic burger toppings.


If that’s not enough, prepare your stomach for Gourmet Burger’s 10lb Burger! For those looking for

a challenge, THE HERCULES BURGER is enough to feed you AND your friends!


Are you more of a hot dog fan? Not to worry, the Fair’s got your covered! Surrey’s “The Footlong Hot Dog” presents

the BIGGEST BADDEST BRAT – 12 inches of locally crafted Bratwurst. This crowd pleaser is served in a soft baked

pretzel bun and is topped with homemade beer mustard and as many fried onions as you can handle.


If you’re looking for a less traditional dog, look no further than the BIG PICKLE CORN DOG, a deep fried pickle...

...stuffed with a wiener.


Not to miss, are the cheesy delicacies being offered at the 2016 Fair at the PNE including THE GODFATHER,

a gourmet macaroni and cheese dish topped with meatballs and spaghetti sauce so delicious...

...you won’t be able to forget about it! (I giggled reading this. Not very Godfather-ish, I felt.)


For the kids and the kid-at-heart adults, make sure to stop by

the Out of this World Kids Food Truck that features SPONGE BOB SQUARE CHEESE.


There will also be some ethnic inspired food options this year including BUTTER CHICKEN FRIES.

You could call this dish a south Asian poutine as the golden, crispy French fries are topped

with delicious Indian butter chicken sauce.


TERIYAKI CHICKEN PEROGIES will also be offered for fair goers to enjoy this year.

These bite size cheddar and potato perogies are lightly pan fried with butter and given a Teriyaki twist.

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^ Yeah, well I'm hoping they have one of these "Hercules Burgers" on display, where they're sold.


Just for a photo op, right? And honestly, I don't think I would eat most of what's being offered here, anyway.






(Except, maybe, that Grilled Mac N Cheese. Sponge Bob, indeed!)

Edited by Nrthwnd
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oh and good news, since I last went to Playland on June 8th I measured my stomach right now and if I really suck it in I measure at 48" when I went back in June I did the same thing and I was 52" so there's a chance that I might have lost enough inches to finally get on The Beast, I'm going this Saturday with the American Coaster Enthusiasts and will post a photo of me on the ride if I get on it.

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thanks, here's hoping right? I've been wanting to get onto that ride for so long now, sure it's only been open a year but that's a long time to wait to get on a ride, I am now roughly the same weight I was when I went to California back in '06 for an ACE Day at Magic Mountain, pretty soon I'll be the lightest I've been in over a decade, lowest I've been was 297 pounds, I am now 299.6 pounds, within the next couple of weeks I should be down to 295, fingers crossed, at least I'm finally below 300 pounds now.

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^ Cool! And yes, it will be worth it!


Here's a few I took today at the park, before a sudden little shower started up.


The red train gets another day, today.


And up and over...


'Round, and then down.


Noticed this lonely little planter, while riding the Carousel.


The park definitely needs more of these, around.

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Hard to see at first, but the Yellow train was online for today's riders.

Personally, and for some unexplained reason, I find this train somehow

"slower" than the red or purple trains. Doesn't matter what the weather's



But that's ok. On any colour train, it's still a kick-butt coaster!


Not too clear to see, here.


But the yellow train is The Train for today! (o:

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thanks, my goal atm is to get down to 275, that's my big goal for now, will take a few months to get down that low but it'll be worth it.


you can do it!


the cheering section is rooting for ya!

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^ This is certainly NOT going to help him out.


Here's the second section of New PNE Foods that the Blog announced:


Definitely DESSERTS!*



*Or, what else can be done with Mini-Donuts!


For those with a sweet tooth, the 2016 Fair at the PNE is the place to be. In addition to the classic mini donuts, there are several can’t miss variations. Try the Nutella Glazed Mini Donuts, and yes, they’re on a stick! If you’re looking for something cooler, look no further than the Mini Donut Ice Pop, which combines the mini donut with delicious frozen dulce caramel cream and cinnamon to create the perfect frozen treat on a stick. That’s not all that you can eat on a stick at this year’s Fair, don’t miss Korn on a Stick. Canadian Kettle Korn has taken the idea of food on a stick to the extreme by combing three of Canada’s most popular treats, maple, bacon and Kettle Korn, and placed them on a stick. And if you’re interested in a bacon-flavoured sweet treat, try the PNE’s very own Bacon Candy Floss!


Sadly, no photo of the Bacon Floss here.

But I DO intend to get myself some of it.




Mini Donuts Popsicle


Nutella Mini Donuts


It wouldn’t be a true Fair without a variety of fried goods. Don’t miss the Deep Fried Tequila Shot Bites,

fried tequila flavoured cake bites topped off with icing sugar. And don’t forget to also try the SALTED

CARAMEL DEEP FRIED COFFEE (shown above), fresh deep-fried coffee treats drizzled in caramel and

Himalayan sea salt. Perfect for your salty sweet fix with five different flavours!


If that’s not enough, check out Granny’s Cheesecake for The Reese Oreo, a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup sandwiched

between two Oreo’s, cooked to a delicious gooey chocolate delight. For the Oreo lovers out there, there will also

be a Deep Fried Oreo Milkshake, OREO FUNNEL CAKE (shown above), Oreo Churros, and even Oreo Rice Pudding!


DEEP FRIED Oreo Milkshake


The Five Flavours of...

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^ Hey, I just come across them by accident!


You just admit though, it is kind of cool, for any park to do this every season. Instead of just

hitting people with "SAVINGS!" and "BUY! IT! NOW!" kind of advertising.


Great stuff.


One of my past faves - this was from last year, when The Beast opened.

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