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  1. This is the type of thing that most impressed me doing a TPR tour. They go above and beyond to work with parks to ensure participants get these types of experience, when challenges are encountered. Loving the trip report thus far, I miss Japan!
  2. Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin is definitely one of Disney's underrated gems. Hunny Hunt still holds up as one of Disney's best. Reading this makes we want to go back to Japan.
  3. I still play this game, and it's about time they finally did something about the long abandoned Krustyland.
  4. Totally going to try the deep fried Jell-O, overpriced or not. I think the worst deep fried item was the deep fried Kool-Aid one year. It wasn't bad, but it was just slightly flavoured dough.
  5. I was on the Scandi trip in 2014 and really hope to do another trip with TPR. It's stunning to me some of the things the Alvey's had put up with, and even more stunning that anyone on that trip would have anything bad to say about it. They organized a trip for 80 people or so, over two weeks, and it was pretty much flawless. We never went off schedule. The hotels, food, and parks that were included were all great. Robb went above and beyond when ERT on Helix didn't work out. The story of people complaining or abusing the solution that was offered is truly mind boggling. The only thing I felt after that trip was appreciation and gratitude.
  6. I quit Family Guy when they started putting the majority of content behind a pay wall. With Tapped Out at least event content is always obtainable provided you complete tasks every four hours. Is it repetitive? Sure, but if nothing else I play for the genuinely funny dialogue and decent content. It's not a complex game, nor is it ever going to be.
  7. I did HKDL on a very quiet day earlier this year. We skipped a few things, such as Autopia and one of the shows, because I wanted to do things like Mystic Manor and the Big Grizzly Mine Cars multiple times. It was not a problem doing everything in one day, but it definitely felt like a full day park. As Garet said, if you're a Disney fan you may really enjoy how quiet the park is. Much nicer than the wall to wall crowds one often sees at Disney. With only four days in HK however, I'd probably stick to the one at Disney. I only spent a few hours at the Peak. I combined it with a walking tour of the city. I didn't do the touristy things like the Wax Museum at the top. Are your kids into toys? I spent a lot of time exploring Hong Kong's toy malls. We're talking multiple stories filled with dozens of stores, selling things like Transformers.
  8. Approval to think about possibly improving the park! It's a start?
  9. www.cknw.com/2016/06/14/playland-vote-set-for-tomorrow-in-vancouver/
  10. I never thought this concept was anything close to Disney level, but it seems feasible for a regional amusement park.
  11. Sounds like it will be a much nicer place to visit. The current themeing of carnival rides + cement doesn't do much for me
  12. dailyhive.com/vancouver/pne-playland-redevelopment-vancouver-theme-park $120-million, Disney-like theme park transformation planned for PlayLand
  13. I spent something like $28 million and got to level 243. Pretty sweet deal.
  14. This footage elicits a much different reaction from me than when DCA or HKDL opened. In both of those cases, they seemed like parks I'd want to visit way off in the future once their attraction roster improved. It wasn't until HKDL added Mystic Manor and the Big Grizzly Mountain coaster that I felt a visit would be worth the expense. With this park however, I'd book a trip today if it were feasible. The attraction count is low, but everything looks cutting edge and original. Loving the Pirates footage. It looks like a good mix of physical elements and screens. I can see this being put to use in the Star Wars ride, which I was under the impression will use trackless vehicle. If they don't do something similar for the Avatar boat ride, I may just lose all faith in Disney's willingness to wow us Stateside.
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