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Europa Park Discussion Thread

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The panorama train which has tracks and a station right next to the burned down hall has already resumed service yesterday after debris had been cleared and privacy screens erected.

The damaged roofs of adjacent buildings have already been repaired and management expects the damaged rides "Tirol log flume" and "Alpine coaster 'Enzian'" to be repaired by 2024.

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  • 9 months later...

There are more onrides, were you can see some pre-ride effects and a little surprise  before the ride starts... So be aware of spoilers https://youtu.be/veh7SxNQOMo?feature=shared


And one more report (in english) of the opening ceremony and the queue etc.:


The ride look like a huge hit and has excellent theming again

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Last weekend I got to ride Voltron, Alpenexpress Enzian and Tiroler Wasserbahn, here are my spoiler free reviews:

To explain something, Both Alpenexpress, Tiroler and the new adventure trail are slated to open May 14th but the park started soft openings this weekend. Opening the rides around 3 weeks before the actual opening meant a lot of the theming wasn't ready yet, but Alpenexpress still felt like a downgrade keeping in mind that it's not finished yet. Having the second Helix in the dark meant they could hide a lot of unfinished parts but now that's all in the open en somethings seemed either finished or limited on what they can still do about it. 

The log flume on the other hand does benefit from the open area, you really get to see the coaster go around the track more and the theming was much better then it was before.

The Adventure Trail also gave some great views of the new area and is a welcome upgrade from the old cave.


Voltron: This ride is a very welcome addition to the ride selection of the park and I absolutely love it, the best ride at the park if you ask me. To remain spoiler free I will only talk about things well known, The 105 degree launch gives some nice hang-time but this comes at the power cost, also the turntable is a welcome rest stop in the ride but does  destroy the rhythm of the ride, also the show element there wasn't great. Before the first launch I will not say much as that's all spoilers but having all the show elements working (what I only had Sunday) is a fun highlight. 

That said I have a couple of negative things to say about the ride, I'm not a great fan of the queue, it has some nice effects and a great centerpiece but outside of that it's mostly a empty hall with some nice walls, but the closer you get to the station the worse it gets. It doesn't take away much as it suppose to be a workplace and it works like that but still it felt empty. The other thing that is a very small complaint (but a great sacrifice for a much needed capacity boost) the moment your group is bigger then 4 there is no promise you get to ride the ride at the same time, the loading and unloading just happens and this also means you have no say in where you end up, like I said this is all done for the capacity of ride. The reason this doesn't bug me so much is that even if you aren't in the same train the rest of your group is literately behind you in the next train.

Also wanted to address Friday, the opening day was chaos with everybody running for Voltron and the park also needing to evacuate the area because there where to many people, to make it worse the first day was plagued with downtime with ride trains getting stuck everywhere on the track, even my first ride wasn't perfect as after the train had turned on the turntable the train had a small delay, others got stuck on the second launch or on the turntable of mcbr. Also had small delay at the final brake once. But having said that they always did their best to get it going as fast as possible and even if most rides weren't optimal I just was happy to ride it. 

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On 4/25/2024 at 4:44 AM, Kooky said:

There are more onrides, were you can see some pre-ride effects and a little surprise  before the ride starts... So be aware of spoilers https://youtu.be/veh7SxNQOMo?feature=shared

Good lord.... That thing dispatches from the station at roughly 0.0000001mph. 😬

- The pacing on the first half of this coaster looks so.... off? It just doesn't seem to flow together super well. (Or maybe I'm just going crazy, that's possible) However the second half of the coaster looks AMAZING!!!! Looks like a great addition to the park. Jealous of those who have this as their home park. 


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[Quote] Good lord.... That thing dispatches from the station at roughly 0.0000001mph. [/Quote]

That is not the dispach speed its the station speed. Keep in mind the train doesn't stop in the station but keeps om moving so by the time it has passed the station people had to unload then load then the safety bars have to close and checked. This means the trains are perfectly spaced. For people wondering how that works with bags you have lockers before you get to the station floor and no bags are allowed past a certain point. 

As you can see in the onrides the dispatch speed increases after you leave the actual station.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I rode Voltron two days ago... It was the most painful and shaky ride I've ever had on a coaster.... It seems some trains are better but mine was extremely bad,  it was the first time that i didn't feel well enough to ride it again. I don't think it was a good idea to build a wing-seated coaster with such extreme elements... Will be interesting if the park can fix this.

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On 5/17/2024 at 4:34 PM, Kooky said:

I rode Voltron two days ago... It was the most painful and shaky ride I've ever had on a coaster.... It seems some trains are better but mine was extremely bad,  it was the first time that i didn't feel well enough to ride it again. I don't think it was a good idea to build a wing-seated coaster with such extreme elements... Will be interesting if the park can fix this.

So, if you watch Theme Park Worldwide review of it they had some info about this. Apparently, two of the trains did not yet have a stabilizer element installed on them, safe to operate but not fun for the rider. If you get one of those two trains, terrible ride. Any of the other trains and it's fine. Theory is that the park decided to go ahead and run those two for capacity. How long it will be until that is corrected (if that is 100% accurate) no one seems to know. I do hope they get it fixed before we are there in July. That one in is probably pushing the boundaries for me on motion sickness issues and I want to ride but really really don't want to get stuck with a "bad train"

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