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The Official "TPR Europe Trip 2008" Thread!

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^ I totally agree. Had no one told me anything about the ride or tried to set my expectations I probably would have felt exactly the same way. And next time around I'll most likely come away from it liking it more!



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Don't get me wrong, the ride was *fun* and I would agree that it's one of the "must see" attractions of the park. Any time you have a ride where you have lots of drops, you can get a fun group of people together, and you all get wet, that's awesome!


PLUS - the rafts had a VAMPIRE BAT THEME!! Seriously, how cool is that?! And like Mystery Castle, River Quest had a bit of a Hammer Horror film vibe, traveling through a creepy old "castle" (or whatever it was supposed to be).


Really, what's not to love?! I think River Quest was the only raft ride of the trip that I ended up riding twice. FUN!!

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Zeus was an awesome ride! The airtime was insane!


I really enjoyed the rapids ride, and i mentioned this on the Europe 08 board... that it wasnt necessarially the ride, but the social construct of the ride (only 1 of you will get soaked, which one will it be!) makes it so much fun when you've got a boat filled full of mates. Its probably the same with any ride, in sure the TPR ERT on Troy made it even better than if i was there by myself.

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I've been throwing the metal horns since before most of you were born (except Jeff Johnson). You all owe me money. It will be used for a really good cause. I swear. Like the establishment of the island nation of Davonia. That seems like a pretty good cause, does it not?



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Especially when a lot of the "Tricks" that people were talking about (and wouldn't tell me what they were) can be found on other water rides that I had been on (although to others River Quest was the first time experiencing those tricks.)



I think you hit on it there, Robb. All these "tricks" were new to me, which made the ride all the more enjoyable (along with our boat crew).


Tripsdrill's rapids ride had a whirlpool, too, but without a drop.

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and its MY signature move now.... mwahaha


Um, for all of you non-metalheads, this has been MY signature move since the 80's! I'm not sure who this "Hot Fuzz Rick" character is, but apparently he owes ME fifty dollars!


Uh, hello? I don't throw metal horns in the air. Mine is different. You can send payment to Robb through paypal that way it will cut down on the fund I owe him

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^ Oddly enough I liked the over-hyped Frog Hopper slightly better this time than when we were there. Not sure if we got a better program or if we now knew it sucks so we didn't expect much.


But I would say the water ride was just as over-hyped as the Frog Hopper.



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^^ Haha! Yep, Mark...you got the TPR nerd stamp! Congrats!




Hey Mark - lucky some coasters were down at Walibi Belgium and Walibi World - otherwise, for your Big. No. 500 you might have had Schloß Beck's Familien-Achterbahn! Or even worse - Bandit! Whew, close call... congrats on having Black Mamba for yer 500th! That was one great ride.

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And I miss Dragon Bar.


Dragon Bar was also overhyped by a mini-europe participant... a.k.a. Lou.

The Dragon bar was very nice themed, but the two waiters could not keep up with the group (around 50 persons) that visited it the first night. Some people waited an hour to get a normal draft beer. After coming from the huge themed bar in Port Royal at Heide-park the night before, this bar just did not kept up with expectations.

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^ I totally agree. Had no one told me anything about the ride or tried to set my expectations I probably would have felt exactly the same way. And next time around I'll most likely come away from it liking it more!


I think I definitely helped spoil River Quest for you, Robb - I'm sorry! As Chuck said, all of the "tricks" were new to me which made it special when I rode it. Still a fun ride, though as you say (and still one of my mini-Europe highlights) and I'm glad you got to go on it this visit anyway!



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And I miss Dragon Bar.


Dragon Bar was also overhyped by a mini-europe participant... a.k.a. Lou.


I would like to point out that if Dragon Bar had worked as it had LAST year, it would not have seemed as overhyped! Hell, even I hated it that first night this year, and yes, I was its biggest fan last year! As I said on the trip, I think the problem is that this year, there were so many of us, and so many other people, and the bar service was SO bad that night, that it just destroyed the atmosphere. Which is really what the bars are all about. Once the remaining group all stocked up on drinks in bulk and took the party outside, we had a fantastic night! But yeah, the service was shocking.


I do need to be less enthusiastic about things though, as I know I was also one of the people who hyped up River Quest to Robb. Like Chuck and others though, most of that stuff was new to me, and it's also somewhat rare to get totally drenched on a rapids tide, which we all did in 2007 and several of us did this year, so I loved that. Interestingly though, until Robb brought it up, it had never really occurred to me that yeah, it's totally wrong to call it a Rapids ride as there really aren't any rapids at all... So I guess I'll stick with "Raft Ride" from now on! That hadn't entered my thoughts before!



Phantasialand is still one of my favourite parks of all time. Not everything is "OMG AMAZING!!" (hell, I don't even particularly like Black Mamba...), but everything is consistently really effing good, the food is amazing, theming is beautiful, and they have some real stand-out attractions. I love it.

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While I'd agree that Black Mamba isn't the best B&M invert, it was nice to get on something inverted and inverting that wasn't a test of pain tolerance after SLCs three days in a row. I'd have been happier if it had been at least a skosh more intense, but that's a minor complaint, and the park was a blast--though I missed the rapids ride (not hot enough for me to get wet that day) and Talocan (I don't like Top SPins, though Talocan looked to be running a great program) and I found myself puzzled and at least a little disappointed by Mystery Castle. Winjas is awesome, and Colorado Adventure (Michael Jackson) is a fun and intense mine train, and the dark rides are fun if you're with the right people and in the right mood to sit back and let the cheese flow over you and cover you and eat away at your brain cells.

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I think that Phantasialand is a decent park, but not my favorite. It has some good rides, such as Michael Jackson and Hollywood Tour, but personally I didn't enjoy it as much as some of the other parks.


River Quest is definitely a unique ride with the drops, elevator lift, and themed rafts but it is a rapids ride without the rapids.

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Especially when a lot of the "Tricks" that people were talking about (and wouldn't tell me what they were) can be found on other water rides that I had been on (although to others River Quest was the first time experiencing those tricks.)


Illusions! A trick is something a whore does for money.

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^So, all kids who play with yo-yos and can "walk the dog" and cause their toys to "sleep" are "whores"?


Phantasialand was great. Ryan, I was also impressed with the "Hammer" vibe of Mystery Castle and River Quest.

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In my typical fashion, I'm going to play DA here and say River Quest IS a Rapids Ride!


Please consider: Walking by it on the way to watch the Soccer match, seeing it in its extra dry state, it looks like most rapids rides around the world! Concrete trough with barriers to create "rapids". Now admittedly the "rapids" that are created don't do the trick they should do here, they are there. So there!

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Congrats Mel on the #500 as well...you anti-nerd you!


Ryancrash wrote:

robbalvey wrote:

^^ Haha! Yep, Mark...you got the TPR nerd stamp! Congrats!





Hey Mark - lucky some coasters were down at Walibi Belgium and Walibi World - otherwise, for your Big. No. 500 you might have had Schloß Beck's Familien-Achterbahn! Or even worse - Bandit! Whew, close call... congrats on having Black Mamba for yer 500th! That was one great ride.


Thanks Robb...I shall wear it with great honor! Thanks Ryan...I was fairly happy it turned out to be Black Mamba, which I really liked (Hi Lou) by the way. Fun ride, great foot choppers, and loved the themeing. Fortunately #500 wasn't an SLC!

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