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Weird roller coasters.

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Although details are scarce and photos non-existent, on Rolling Cycle the coaster has pedals and you may indeed have to pedal through part of the course:




I love this one just for it's name and interesting location (partly on a platform in a dome) - Hyper Kid Coaster (sponsored by Ritalin?).



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^That name certainly caught my eye when I was looking at new coasters under construction on rcdb. It seems Japan doesn't have the monopoly on bizarre/funny coaster names. I can only imagine the things that would delight a dutchman, red lights and Amsterdam keep coming to mind.


At least it's a good coaster.

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When I was a kid (I think maybe 10 or 11) me and my family visited a MANUAL theme park in France! Seriously, there were no attendants or anything, you operated the rides yourself, and it was really dangerous (but in a good way ) I remember one ride was a sort of roundabout with cars that went up down as well as around and there were kids just hanging off the cars! My parents didn't get any pictures of course, and don't even remember the exact location apart from that it was in or near Luberon.

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  MattyD said:
MattyD is not liking all the third person talking! Seriously, I was enjoying this topic but it seems to have gone to 'Weird RollerCoaster Enthusiasts' rather than 'Weird Rollercoasters'!!!


The site I saw this one on said it was fully functioning and built in a school gym! I honestly can't see how this is fully functioning (you'd come off on the corners surely?!) but if it is then it must fit into the wierd rollercoasters catagory!


Hope to see some more in actual parks soon, this topic is really interesting!




According to some websites I visited, this thing is real and functioning:


"Stretching out to the corners of the gymnasium, the indoor roller coaster at Royal Oak Intermediate School appears gargantuan compared to its creators. Twenty-four feet tall at its highest point and occupying 10,000 square feet, the fully-functional ride towers over the 135 eighth-graders who are its designers, builders and decorators. Students and four teachers have spent thousands of hours measuring, sawing, constructing, painting and decorating the wooden structure over the last three weeks."




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