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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Hey guys,

I am going to go to HersheyPark for my second time this year on Sunday night (7/1) and Monday (7/2).

I am going to get credit #100! What two coasters should I do on the preview night? I already got the credit for Wildcat and Sidewinder, but what two rides should be #97 and #98 for me? I was thinking SooperDooperLooper and Comet, and the next morning, Fahrenheit for #99 and finally Storm Runner for #100. After this, I was going to hit up Lightning Racer (both sides) and RollerSoaker.

Will this work or not?


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It's better than Magnum, I think. Magnum offers quick, rough pops of ejector that might bruise your thighs. Skyrush offers insane ejector that lasts for multiple seconds at a time and also might bruise your thighs.


I would agree. Skyrush is smooth, yet powerful, "I'm going to launch you a couple hundred feet" ejector air. Magnum is obviously rough airtime.


The restraint bruised my thigh the first time. In fact, my first ride was somewhat painful (to the extent it distracted me from the ride). By my second ride, I decided to try to move my body with the ride.


Thankfully, by the third ride, there was no pain. Perhaps it was how tight the restraint was. I recall there was some space between that and my lap. In any case, I felt I got the true Skyrush experience during my last ride.

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Was just at the park today. Had a great time. Weren't any major operating problems that I saw. Sky rush was down near the end of the day, but I caught it just as it opened up and got a fantastic night ride in the front seat. I can see where the mixed opinions are coming from. I just bit the pain and enjoyed it. Maybe a bit exaggeratd but I think it might be the best steel coaster I've been on. Amazing transitions, a plethora of air, and some really intense turns. The restraints are surely fixable and Hershey has a world class coaster on their hands. Oh and sooperdooperlooper is fantastic with all the work and new trains!


Strangely enough I spotted someone in a west coast bash shirt. Haha I recognized him but couldn't put a name to it and he was off just as I recognized him!

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I wrote this on another Forum in response to someone who suggested OSTR would be better on Skyrush... thought I'd post this on here with new thoughts on Skyrush.


Trust me, you don't want OSTR on this coaster! They suck, this is the reason that I305 isn't that great. Plus, the transitions have nothing to do with any pain on Skyrush, it is ALL about the negative G's on the tops of the hills. With OTSR it would only be much worse. Having the freedom of movement on this coaster is awesome, and totally enhances the openness of the ride and the winged seats. We rode again today, I rode right winged seat 2nd to last row. It was awesome, and yes it hurt some but still ridable. My neice and son had no problems whatsoever, my daughter did complain though. I'll tell you my theory a bit on this ride though. I noticed people coming off on both our rides today and yeasterday. I had some pain, I'm overweight and the upward force on my legs is worse consider the extra weight I carry. I did hold on and pull down over every hill and it was not bad at all. My daughter is also overweight, she experienced quite a bit of thigh pain. The other lady I saw come off the train today complaining loudly was also quite overweight. My son is super thin and my neice is in pretty good shape too. I think those of us that are overweight exert a great more upward force on the bars with the extra weight we have which makes much more thigh pain. However, if you ride defensively or hold on tight it is greatly reduced. So, the least pain would come from thin people in good shape who hold on tight on the bars, and the worst pain would come form overweight people who do not. I did not hold on during a couple of hills and I did have some pain, but when I hold on tight it is greatly reduced. I would suspect that much of the GP would hold on tight and thus the thigh pain is not as big as deal amongst most of the GP. Just my observations today.


I still firmly think Skyrush is one of the finest coasters ever built. I honestly love the train design and the restraint design with the overhead lap restraints execpt for one thing. The pad is sort of at an angle when it comes down. If they made the pad more triangle shaped at the bottom so 2-3 inches came straight over then up to the rest of the restraint it would probably improve the restraints. Other than that, I would not change one thing.


Oh one other thing, my wife rode today, she does NOT like rough or painful coasters. She came off really liking it and had minimal thigh pain. She LOVED it. She said it was a bit uncomfortable but she'd ride again in a heartbeat. BTW, she's lost about 60 lbs in the last several years so I think that helped her.


A few more comments. I do agree with others that Skyrush is a bit different then other coasters I've ridden, and I've ridden a bunch but not like 1000 like some people, at at just about 500. I would compare Skyrush's airtime on the hills like the best air on some other great coasters. Like the best hills on El toro, or the most extreme hills on Bizarro SFNE, the 3rd hill on SFA's Superman, or the extreme air on Magnum in row 3 towards the end of the ride. The forces on Skyrush however, seem pretty extreme on every hill! Also, I think after riding again today, during the day in a winged seat, and last night too, that Skyrush might have the single best first drop I've experienced, it is wickedly good! I really would love to get an ERT on it, assuming I could keep the energy up to hold myself on the hills to make it through many multiple rides. It is extreme coastering at its best!


I suggest everyone go check it out, it is well worth the trip. I probably won't become my number 1, mainly because it is a bit short. If it was another 1500 or 2000 ft longer then it would be incredible...I'd think.

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I rode Sky Rush first thing again this morning just a little past 10. They're still running just 1 train, and the same is true for the past 2 days with StormRunner. I was last row left inside and didn't hate the ride. I guess I'm not a big fan of new Intamin's, and this fits that statement. That will be my last Sky Rush comment. I guess I should cut some cheese to go with my whine.

I'm sorry for not back reading, but what exactly do you not like about the ride?

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^^^I think a lot of people would disagree with you on that about I305. I305 has those because it simply could not run those transitions with lap bars, but it is still amazing. However, I do agree with you on Skyrush. It is not the type of ride that should have otsr's. They would not help with comfort that much, and they would limit the feeling of freedom. HP is doing the right thing by not going with otsr's or trims.

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I like Voyage and 305 better, but Skyrush is still my #3 steel coaster out of almost 300. 305 is #2 on my steel list, and Voyage is somewhere in the stratosphere as #1 overall. Skyrush could be a little bit longer, and that's my only real criticism of the ride. The airtime was something I've never experienced before, not on Voyage, Boulder Dash, El Toro, Bizarro, Magnum, anything.

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I'm just wondering what you guys think - do you think it's "air time" when you never actually leave the seat (because you are stapled to it)?


When El Toro opened, I remember the park referenced the ride as having extreme "uplift forces."


I've been able to get some true air time on Millennium Force and Superman (now Bizarro) at Six Flags New England, but what I experienced on I-305 I would describe as a "struggling yet persistent uplift force." It's a completely different feeling to me.


Cyclops has the craziest 2 moments of air time I have ever experienced, next to a 1989 Timberwolf and Texas Cyclone.


Another Wisconsin coaster, Zippin Pippin, has that 2nd to last speed bump from hell. It left seat belt bruises on my thighs (in the 3rd seat, of course.)

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I'm just wondering what you guys think - do you think it's "air time" when you never actually leave the seat (because you are stapled to it)?


Like every steel coaster of the last 10 years? Yes they have airtime. I think the distinction would be pedantry.

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I guess I have time to watch this, but hoping they don't trim Skyrush and just figure out a solution to the restraint. Was tentatively planning on going at the end of September.


And I know it's a totally different restraint, but me friend who is thinner and 1-2" taller than me, has the Maverick restraint dig down into his legs over the course of the ride and it kills him. YET it doesn't bother me one bit and never comes down onto my thighs. Must be since my belly prevents some of the downforce force.


Didn't know if this would be the same issue for Skyrush

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I guess I have time to watch this, but hoping they don't trim Skyrush and just figure out a solution to the restraint. Was tentatively planning on going at the end of September.


And I know it's a totally different restraint, but me friend who is thinner and 1-2" taller than me, has the Maverick restraint dig down into his legs over the course of the ride and it kills him. YET it doesn't bother me one bit and never comes down onto my thighs. Must be since my belly prevents some of the downforce force.


Didn't know if this would be the same issue for Skyrush


It has already been said that the park stated they have no desire to trim it.

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I rode Sky Rush first thing again this morning just a little past 10. They're still running just 1 train, and the same is true for the past 2 days with StormRunner. I was last row left inside and didn't hate the ride. I guess I'm not a big fan of new Intamin's, and this fits that statement. That will be my last Sky Rush comment. I guess I should cut some cheese to go with my whine.

I'm sorry for not back reading, but what exactly do you not like about the ride?


Steve, I'm not a fan. I've ridden it 10 times in the past several weeks, and this last ride yesterday was the best. I keep riding it to try to like it. I find it rough for a ride less than a month old. I guess it boils down to the fact that I'm not a fan of the new Intamin coasters. I'm just a B&M and GCI fan. The first one I didn't like was Maverick, I305 and now Sky Rush. It's the quick direction changes of the first two named at high speeds. Don't get me wrong, I do like many other Intamin rides. I don't mind Cheetah Hunt at Busch Tampa since it's slower and not painful. I find SR more vertically rough. The outside seats are really amplified by the "springboard effect." I'm always a single rider so most of the time, I'm stuck on the outside.


I love to ride with my arms up in the air, and I rode SR that way. I normally love having my body tossed around and abused by the ride, but this one isn't enjoyable for me. I love Lightning Racer, Fahrenheit, and even Storm Runner at the park. I can do and have done 15 - 30 reps on Lightning Racer a day. I only ride the Lightning side.


That's just my opinion, I know others love it. I won't be clogging up the queue line for this one.

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It has already been said that the park stated they have no desire to trim it.


Desire doesn't always win out in the end though. They will surely try everything they can before it comes down to that but I wouldn't completely rule that option out. We still don't really know how hard Hersheypark is looking into changing anything though. Everything that has been reported about potential modifications to the lapbars has been third party information, right?

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^Third-party information on the restraint modifications I think - someone said that there were Intamin reps out in the park a few weeks ago, IIRC.


Seems like the obvious changes to be made are to the lapbars - there aren't any unbearable forces or stresses being placed on riders or on the trains. The problem lies with the point of contact between the restraints and riders' thighs, and I'm sure both Hershey and Intamin know about the problem and are (hopefully) working on a solution.

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I like Voyage and 305 better, but Skyrush is still my #3 steel coaster out of almost 300. 305 is #2 on my steel list, and Voyage is somewhere in the stratosphere as #1 overall. Skyrush could be a little bit longer, and that's my only real criticism of the ride. The airtime was something I've never experienced before, not on Voyage, Boulder Dash, El Toro, Bizarro, Magnum, anything.


I pretty much agree, Skyrush will probably be somwhere between 2 and 4 for me. I305 is about 4 for me now. Voyage is also my undisputed number 1 wood, and still easily my number 1 overall.

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After my second ride on Skyrush, I actually easily ranked it above I305. It took until later that day for me to consider that it was even better than El Toro and Maverick (now 2 and 3), but my last ride at night in the back-left wing was the most insane thing I've ever experienced. Number one ride, thigh pain and all!

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Steve, I'm not a fan. I've ridden it 10 times in the past several weeks, and this last ride yesterday was the best. I keep riding it to try to like it. I find it rough for a ride less than a month old. I guess it boils down to the fact that I'm not a fan of the new Intamin coasters. I'm just a B&M and GCI fan. The first one I didn't like was Maverick, I305 and now Sky Rush. It's the quick direction changes of the first two named at high speeds. Don't get me wrong, I do like many other Intamin rides. I don't mind Cheetah Hunt at Busch Tampa since it's slower and not painful. I find SR more vertically rough. The outside seats are really amplified by the "springboard effect." I'm always a single rider so most of the time, I'm stuck on the outside.


I love to ride with my arms up in the air, and I rode SR that way. I normally love having my body tossed around and abused by the ride, but this one isn't enjoyable for me. I love Lightning Racer, Fahrenheit, and even Storm Runner at the park. I can do and have done 15 - 30 reps on Lightning Racer a day. I only ride the Lightning side.


That's just my opinion, I know others love it. I won't be clogging up the queue line for this one.


I'm with you on the quick change of directions on the newer Intamins (or QDCs as someone so elegantly coined it on the TPR Facebook Page awhile back). Just not a fan of them. Although, overall I really enjoyed Maverick, I could do without those transitions.

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About modifying Skyrush.... I could easily see Hersheypark trimming Skyrush, it is a family park after all and not known for thrills as extreme as Skyrush. Plus, it is a short ride so slowing probably won't prevent it from making it through the course to he final brake run. If they don't change the restraints, or even if they do, I predict a trim brake somewhere at the bottom of the first drop or at the rise to the 2nd hill. As much as I'd hate to see it, and I hope I'm wrong, I think it might become reality.

I305 got modified several times, so I wounldn't be surprised if Skyrush did as well.

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