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DVD Release Party & SFMM Event! Jan 19th

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Hey everyone,


We have now reached capacity for tomorrow's event. If you are still interested, please fill out the RSVP form and I will contact you today if someone drops. But as of right now we can't take any more people for the park or party.


Thanks to everyone who signed up!



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I'm currently in between the SFMM part of the day and setting up for the after partys, but I just want to say a big THANK YOU to the people at SFMM who made today's event AMAZING!


It started out with ERT on Tatsu and Viper (they threw in Viper as a bonus surprise!)


We had a great lunch at Mooseburger Lodge with a buffet of items not normally served (they did us an Italian Feast similar to what we had at Kentucky Kingdom on the TPR trip.) We were even treated to complimentary refillable cups with a T-Shirt inside!


Then it was a backstage tour of where Flashback used to be (that's right it's all gone), where Thomas Town is going, and we got to go behind the scenes at X (well, X2).


At Magic Moments Theater we had a GREAT Q&A session with Jay Thomas, Park President, Neal Thurman, Director of Operations, and Tim Burkhart, General Manager.


They told us SO MANY things awesome things that are soon to come. Some of them we were sworn to secrecy to! We got a presentation on X2 (again, stuff we can't talk about yet, but we will be able to soon!)


We then previewed Coaster Expedition Volume 9 (glad everyone liked the new DVD!)


And then on the way out of the theater, we were given a PIECE OF FLASHBACK!


How cool is that???


If this is any sign of what West Coast Bash is going to be like, then it's going to be an AWESOME event!


(Oh, BTW, the park DID confirm West Coast Bash for Sunday, March 9th - more details to come soon!)


Anyway, we will have a full photo trip report later!


I'm off to the party now!



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I'm currently in between the SFMM part of the day and setting up for the after partys, but I just want to say a big


to the team at SFMM who made todays event AMAZING!


It started out with ERT on Tatsu and Viper (they threw in Viper as a bonus surprise!)


We had a great lunch at Mooseburger Lodge with a buffet of items not normally served (they did us an Italian Feast similar to what we had at Kentucky Kingdom on the TPR trip.) We were even treated to complimentary refillable cups with a T-Shirt inside!


Then it was a backstage tour of where Flashback used to be (that's right it's all gone), where Thomas Town is going, and we got to go behind the scenes at X (well, X2).


At Magic Moments Theater we had a GREAT Q&A session with Jay Thomas, Park President, Neal Thurman, Director of Operations, and Tim Burkhart, General Manager.


They told us SO MANY things that are soon to come. Some of them we were sworn to secrecy to! We got a presentation on Thomas Town, X2, and many improvements we will see this year (again, stuff we can't talk about yet, but we will be able to soon!)


We then previewed Coaster Expedition Volume 9 (glad everyone liked the new DVD!)


And then on the way out of the theater, we were given a PIECE OF FLASHBACK!


How cool is that???


If this is any sign of what West Coast Bash is going to be like, then it's going to be an AWESOME event!


(Oh, BTW, the park DID confirm West Coast Bash for Sunday, March 9th - more details to come soon!)


Anyway, we will have a full photo trip report later!


I'm off to the party now!



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GREAT event! So much fun, thank you so much Robb and Elissa! The backstage tour was really cool and I can't wait to see all the things that we talked about in the Q&A to finally take place in the park. Once again, had a lot of fun, met some new people, and overall had a great time! Thank you so much! Can't wait for West Coast Bash!


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Although I couldn't attend the whole event, it was cool listening to all the GREAT questions (and the answers too)! It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces leaving the theater. It was great to meet a few of you, and I hope you all had a great time!

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Today's event was AMAZING!





I have always gotten the image of high-up park management that they are sort of like the "Banker" on Deal or No Deal--a silhouette, high up in some room who is very distant from the guests themselves. To be so up front with the management that sit at the helm of an entire park was an entirely personal and unique experience! I really want to thank them for doing that for us!


And naturally, a big thanks to Robb and Elissa for hosting the event as well!



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Robb and Elissa, thank you so much for the funnest day I've ever had at Magic Mountain. I am so excited about what Magic Mountain has in store for the future! I can really see it coming through, because they have such a great team! Robb, thanks for almost killing me with your wing of fiery death. It was Deathalicious! I can't WAIT for West Coast Bash!

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This was indeed a great day. I almost decided not to come, but I'm glad I did. The behind the scenes tour was better than I'd pictured it, the weather was perfect, and the crowds were relatively thin (I even got a solo ride on Superman!).


Food at the park and party was great. And I got to take home both a slice of a Flashback wheel and track section.


This year, I ought to make an effort to get to West Coast Bash.



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I'm going to post a full TR tomorrow.....but for the moment, I just want to echo what others have said: this really was an awesome event, and thanks so much to Robb & Elissa as well as everyone at SFMM for putting it all together.


I'll say this much for now, and more later: I think the park is definitely on the right track, and I predict very good things with the new management in place as well as the improvements that the park has planned for 2008!

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I was absolutely blown away by the management at SFMM, they went way above and beyond for our group yesterday. The behind the scenes tour was much better than I expected, and I couldn't believe how much information they gave us at the presentation and the Q and A. A couple times during the day I kept thinking to myself.."I'm still at Magic Mountain right?" I've never experienced the kind of treatment we recieved at any other enthusiast event. And from what I experienced and heard, SFMM is on the right track to greatness. A big thanks of course also go out to Robb and Elissa for putting on yet another great TPR event. Looks like I just might make it out to West Coast Bash this year

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I am really happy to hear everyone had such a good time. I can assure you the team and I was equally pleased with the event. It was great meeting a number of you and I look forward to seeing you all again on March 9th for the West Coast Bash.


I was so excited to share the passion our team has for this property and more importantly the ownership we are taking to restore SFMM to glory days many of you have mentioned. Theme parks to me represent an extension of the personality of those who run them… take Walt Disney himself, or Pat & Will Koch who literally created an environment based on their beliefs of higher standards with no room for tolerance. This is our direction and vision for our property, we will treat it as though we own it!


We are a changed park working towards perfection! We have elevated our goals and are demanding a since of ownership at each location in our park. IBU is the philosophy that is going to get us there and sooner rather than later. I hope you hear more about this concept in the Trip Reports from the event itself. I covered it during the Q & A session.


We are spending a great deal of money on many improvements within the park, but none more important than our investment in Human Resources. We have already made great strides in this area over the last two short months. However, a noticeable difference will be experienced by ALL this Spring.


Although time is not always on my side as I have a four year old son and wife who graciously accept the hours required of my position… I do enjoy reading your thoughts, passions, celebrations, and concerns of our property, in my spare time. I assure you that they are taken to heart.


Jahan, keep up the great work! When you are planning your next update, please shoot me an email. I would love to walk you through the back areas allowing you to better cover the improvements we are making for all on this site to see.


We realize the experience has room to improve, however great strides have been taken and changes are beginning to really take shape at our park. I hope you could see the unity our management team has and the passion we have to make a difference.


I am confident, WE WILL SUCCEED! Here is to a “phenomenal” 2008 season and an ALL NEW Six Flags Magic Mountain & Hurricane Harbor.





Jay Thomas

Six Flags Magic Mountain & Hurricane Harbor

Park President


PS. Robb & Elissa, it was great meeting both of you over the past few days! I am looking forward to a great friendship!

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^I really have to say that this post sums up what I thought about the park. Being a former employee of the park (I spoke to you after the Q&A) during the dark times I'm as big a critic of SFMM as anyone...and I have to say I was VERY impressed with everything yesterday! It's even more impressive that you came on here to reach out to the forum as a whole!


The park clearly went above and beyond to make sure we had the best possible day we could, and if that passion is how things are going to be all the time at SFMM...the future looks very bright!


Thank you to SFMM and Robb and Elissa for another great event!

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I too was very impressed with the event yesterday thanks to all who made it happen!!


It was exciting to see such enthusiasm coming from the management team. I loved the tour/Q&A portions of the event as it’s really great to know that people on the inside have the same exact concerns that us theme park fans do.


X is one of my favorite rides and I’m glad they didn’t let it rot.. I can’t wait for X2 to open. If I had kids I’d be looking forward to Thomas Town (heck even without kids I’ll definitely be checking it out). I look forward to the changes to come at Magic Mountain!

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Yeah, I'd really like to thank Jay, Neal and the park for really going far above and beyond for the group. I'm a fairly large critic of how SFMM has been mishandled over the past decade, but everything yesterday points to a huge step in the right direction. The event itself, the lunch, the tours, the Q&A, everything was amazing. You guys talked about the WOW! Factor, and I really saw it in full effect.


I wish you the best of luck implementing the IBU and making SFMM a place I want to visit repeatedly.

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^^^^Jay, it's really nice for someone in your position to take the time to post here. My only visit to SFMM was last January and there were definitely many things that needed some improvement. Based on its beautiful location, SFMM should be one of the best parks in the world. Good luck.


Oh, and replace Psyclone with an Intamin woodie, please.

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