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Kemah Boardwalk and Bullet Discussion Thread

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Do you think The Bullet will be a fun coaster to ride. I heard that a coaster doesnt have to reach speeds of 60-70mph to a good ride.


I think it'll be a great ride. It certainly doesn't have to be fast to be a good ride. One of my favorite wooden coasters only goes 45mph... Cornball Express at Indiana Beach.

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no one traveled to astroworld from out of town at all.

Did you poll everyone in the state? I don't recall you asking me if I ever went, and I haven't lived in or near Houston since I was 7. And, I know (and know of) a lot of people who traveled to AW from out of town.


"It seems like no one traveled..." would have been a better, more accurate statement.


(sorry guys... that just kind of hit me wrong )


I'm VERY excited about Boardwalk Bullet, and think it looks insane. Although a 50-something speed doesn't sound like much, putting that into a ride that is crammed into a small site, that criss-crosses itself in the way this does, is going to be radical. I don't think this one will be about airtime... this one will be about lateral (and positive) G's... OOHH YYEEAAHH...


Before the name was announced I called it the "Kemah Screemer" to have something to refer to it by. It was sooo difficult changing to Boardwalk Bullet (lol), but I like it; now I call it 'Bullet'.


Jason definitely provides some awesome weekly photos of the construction. He was also gracious enough to post a few of the photos I took on Jan 27 on the ACE South Central site. I went up in the tower and took a few "aerial" photos. Obviously construction is further along than this now, but thought I'd share:


More close-up view of structure...


"Back" of site (water side)...


Middle of site...


"Front" of site (street side)...


Overview of site...

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Wow great shots!!!!!!!!! I heard one of the better woodies to ride isn't even in the U.S. It's in Lisenberg and the coaster is called Balder. They say it has a lot of airtime and once had the steepest angle of descent for a coaster in 2003. It reached a speed of 56 mph.

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It's about an acre, as I recall. I think that's what is going to make it such a daredevil ride... over 3200 feet of strack twisted up in an acre of space, with headchoppers everywhere... Wooohooo!


In the photo of the site "Front" at the bottom, you can see the corner of the Saltgrass Steakhouse's front/corner facade (red brick). At the right of the photo you can see edges of the wood and some framing. The area there that can't be seen in the photo will be part of the footprint from what I can tell in the renderings. Amusement Today's article from Dec 7 shows a rendering with one of the bends sitting there.


Wow great shots!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!! Wish I could go back and get more from up there as construction progresses, but I live 4 hours away... ~sighs~

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Wow great shots!!!!!!!!! I heard one of the better woodies to ride isn't even in the U.S. It's in Lisenberg and the coaster is called Balder. They say it has a lot of airtime and once had the steepest angle of descent for a coaster in 2003. It reached a speed of 56 mph.


You'll hear a lot of love for Balder around here.

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Thanks for the aerial shots a while back, I was wondering exactly where they were squeezing it.


I know the release said "spring or early summer" but does anyone know if they have at least a tentative date yet? I'm just trying to figure out when I can go over... right now it looks like my options are Memorial Day weekend or early August (before the Fall semester).. thanks in advance for any info

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Actually I think its just an illusion. Looks like the railing is getting in the way.


They dont just slap on the 8 layers of wood. It takes time to let each layer settle a bit and conform.


That's no illusion:


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Thanks for the aerial shots a while back, I was wondering exactly where they were squeezing it.


I know the release said "spring or early summer" but does anyone know if they have at least a tentative date yet? I'm just trying to figure out when I can go over... right now it looks like my options are Memorial Day weekend or early August (before the Fall semester).. thanks in advance for any info


I'm looking at the same times to go as you. At this rate I'd doubt it'd be done by Memorial Day, and I really don't want to risk going later in the season. Knowing my luck, a hurricane would hit over Labor Day weekend.


Looks like it's coming along nicely. I'm looking forward to it.

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Appreciate the pictures! Good weather all week long 2-26 + 7 days. I wonder if they will paint the track white? probably not, keeping with the "western theme" and ride name.

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