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What Coaster Types Would Be Cool If Invented.....

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^ I'm pretty sure you'd have trouble getting a well known coaster company to put their name on the majority of the stuff in the thread so far. I would think its more the designers than the parks which limit designs. For example, if we ever see a launched flyer, I'd put money on it not being a B&M.

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I like the idea of a launched flyer, not so sure about the woodie. It would probably tear itself apart. Some of them do it without even trying. Psyclone at sfmm was a prime example of a woodie litterally tearing itself apart.




The hills and turns of a wooden coaster would be designed to tolerate the forces exerted on it at the speed the train is travelling at.


Simple example: On El Toro, the train hits the base of the first hill going at 112km/h. A train going at 112 is a train going at 122. How would the hill 'know' if a train is being launched at it, or whether it is going at that speed because it got its energy from a first drop?

How a train gets its kinetic energy doesn't change anything.


The layout would be designed just like any other woodie, the only difference is instead of a lift hill you would just put a launch in before the first element.


To be honest, im suprised Intamin havent tried marketing this, it would be quite a simple system to implement, though it would probably be better maintenance wise to use steel for the launch section, to avoid the effects of the structure settling or moving, which could move LIMs or whatever out of allignment.

For example, if we ever see a launched flyer, I'd put money on it not being a B&M.

Yeah, I'd put money on it being Vekoma myself....


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To be honest, im suprised Intamin havent tried marketing this, it would be quite a simple system to implement, though it would probably be better maintenance wise to use steel for the launch section, to avoid the effects of the structure settling or moving, which could move LIMs or whatever out of allignment.


That was my point, the launch track would be ripped apart if made of wood by the forces exerted on it during launch. Agreed a woodie can be designed for a normal course to absorb forces, maybe Psyclone was a bad example to use. If the launch track was made of steel it would be possible

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^Not really, a launch track only has the vertical force of the weight of the train at 1g and nothing else, horizontal and linear forces are negligible. Again, it would be equivalent to just a flat section of track with a train rolling along it at high speed....think about it in terms of a brake run, its really the same thing but in reverse...a train entering in fast and coming to a stop rather than a train starting from a stop and exiting fast.

I was thinking of a steel structure in terms of keeping critical launch hardware in alignment, not because the structure isn't strong enough.

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They could just make the launch section steel, like they make SOB's loop steel.


I'd like to see more Impulse coasters with layouts, rather than just going back and forth...sort of like Volcano at KD. Or even a launched B&M Invert.


I also like the idea of a launching flyer, but honestly, I think flyers are already starting to die out, they are becoming the new stand-up coasters. In my opinion, flyers are fun and all, but I think they are more uncomfortable than they are enjoyable, but that's just me.

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^Not really, a launch track only has the vertical force of the weight of the train at 1g and nothing else, horizontal and linear forces are negligible. Again, it would be equivalent to just a flat section of track with a train rolling along it at high speed....think about it in terms of a brake run, its really the same thing but in reverse...a train entering in fast and coming to a stop rather than a train starting from a stop and exiting fast.

I was thinking of a steel structure in terms of keeping critical launch hardware in alignment, not because the structure isn't strong enough.


I can see what you are getting at but doesn't slightly depend on the method of launch. If it is an LIM/LSM launch then I agree. Wouldn't it be different though if it was a hydraulic launch, not in terms of the trains increase in speed, but in terms of the machinery required to do the launch, the winches etc at the ends of the launch track. Could a wooden structure feasibly hold the machinery. That was the stresses I meant. Sorry if it is still wrong, only speculating. The best option would simply be to have a steel launch track

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I had an idea back when i was about 16 of an inverted spinner, picture the seat's of insanity at stratosphere (best thing that relates to the original idea) on a 4 person spinner car but inverted with some creative track layout. free swinging inverted spinning action over a creative terrian.


This was an idea along with an inverted loop/drop as the defunct drachen fire, slightly steeper and of course a bit larger.... hmm maybe zero gravity roll to 150+ drop.... not sure if this has been mentioned.

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A 4-D with free spinning seats, not like X. Sort of like a Zipper's seats that can randomly spin.


The only problem would be randomly flying spewage.



I've also had the fun idea of an X coaster with free spinning seats. Actually, I thought that is how one of those coasters worked to begin with.


My other thought is a coffeecup/virginia reel type of coaster, encased inside a see-through marble that rolls down troughs and tracks. Yes, as free as a bob-sled, flying turns, or more(/worse).

Also... Why no aquarium coasters? Meaning coasters that go under water, but the tunnel is clear for you to view the water around. Anyone played Riven?



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I highly doubt we will ever see it, but a spinning coaster where the trains stay locked in the beginning. The cars launch and go upside down either through a loop or an immelman, or anything else really. Afterwards, they trains will unlock and start to spin freely. If it is done right the G Forces can be kept within limits.

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Inverted stand-up? Sounds painful, really.


Also, the above could be done pretty easily in NL. I might try my hand at it. And I might not.


Haha, I actually am just finishing up a spinning coaster that does that unfortunately it doesnt spin too much, among some of the other issues it has. The main thing im worried about is how much force people would be able to take facing backwards though, does anyone know what it would be?

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^Are you talking about acceleration g's or positive/negative g's? If it's the former, then if you're facing backwards, it's the same kind of force that you would get coming to a stop while facing forwards, so you could probably comfortably withstand only about 0.5 to about 1 G for any extended period of time. The optimal way to make that work would be to use cars that spin but have passengers facing in one direction (like Reverchon's spinning mice).


As for positive/negative g's, tolerance is about the same whether you're facing forwards or backwards, as far as I know. Mindbender at Galaxyland is a very forceful coaster from what I've heard, but it's able to operate with the last car in the train facing backwards. So that shouldn't be a problem.

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