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Getting away with a POV...


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^No. BGW and KD are both pretty clear on their "loose items" policies.

What if you asked them in advance?

In order to obtain permission you would need to contact the Public Relations office, and they are only going to let someone film if you have a major publication, television show, etc. I don't understand why you can't just take "no" for an answer, because that's going to be your answer.

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Instead of wasting yours and the park's time, just try to film some other park footage that is aloud. I film off-ride coaster views all the time, and it is a lot of fun. You could film a bunch of off-ride views of the coasters, film the area, and combine it into one video- like a video TR. They are lots of fun to make, and they park is totally okay with doing that, (as long as you're not filming restricted areas.)

Edited by ArundelHigh Coasters
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  • 2 weeks later...

You say you don't know how to type since you're 13 and from Holland?


Anyway, I imagine they won't come back until a substantial amount of new rides have been built in the area Walibi Holland is in. There is a Scandinavia trip planned for 2014, but I don't know if they're planning on going here.

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Hey (don't look how i typ becouse i'm 13 and from Holland(-; )

When are you going to Holland again? There is a new beautiful spinning ccoaster at Toverland called: D'wervelwind (look at the youtube Url)



So please come back!!!

I do know how to type, yet i'm 11 and from Southeastern USA, it's quite suprising actually.

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Hey I just had a quick question for all of you guys!

I own a Gopro Hero camera and I also have a Chest Mount. I was wondering what parks do and don't find this mount as a loose article. My homepark is SFGAdv and I know it isnt allowed, but I see people do it and the ride operators don't care...


Just a list for my future travels!








Six Flags Great Adventure

Kings Dominion

Busch Gardens Williamsburg

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My question to the parks would be to define "loose Articles". For example you can't wear glasses unless you have a strap holding them on, so why can't you have a Go-Cam that is strapped on? Whats the Difference? To me if its secure it is not a loose article and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I bet if they changed their policy you would see less people sneaking hand held cams and cells on coasters to shoot POV's, but i guess that makes too much sense!

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My question to the parks would be to define "loose Articles". For example you can't wear glasses unless you have a strap holding them on, so why can't you have a Go-Cam that is strapped on? Whats the Difference? To me if its secure it is not a loose article and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I bet if they changed their policy you would see less people sneaking hand held cams and cells on coasters to shoot POV's, but i guess that makes too much sense!

Some parks, though, separate out "No loose items" and "no cameras", so for those parks, it's not an issue of if your camera is a loose article, they just simply don't want cameras on the ride, for whatever reason, period.


Those parks who do NOT separate those out, then I think you would have a case.



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Heres a true story that happened to me just 3 months ago. I went to a SF park and as i walked up to the metal detectors i had to place my loose articles in the little plastic box before i walk through. I had my cell, a camera and my HD video cam with me so i placed them into the box and walked through. When i got through security came up to me and said we are sorry but video cameras are not allowed in the park. I was shocked when they told me this, so i asked the head of security whats the difference between a video camera and a camera or a cell that also shoots video? They had no answer for that and still insisted that i bring the video camera back to my car. Finally the security guard called someone on his radio and gave him the OK to let me in with it!

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  • 1 month later...

If I have a GoPro Chest Mount and I bring my Club TPR member card, would they be more likely to let me film the rides? I am going to Cedar Point, Kings Island, and Canada's Wonderland over the summer and I would like to film some of the rides. Any thoughts on whether that will make them more likely to let me to film the rides?

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If I have a GoPro Chest Mount and I bring my Club TPR member card, would they be more likely to let me film the rides? I am going to Cedar Point, Kings Island, and Canada's Wonderland over the summer and I would like to film some of the rides. Any thoughts on whether that will make them more likely to let me to film the rides?



Your "Club TPR Card" does not entitle you to do anything above and beyond the park rules.


It says right on the Cedar Point website (and I know Kings Island and Canada's Wonderland are the same) that cameras are not allowed on the rides: http://www.cedarpoint.com/plan-a-visit/ride-policies-and-procedures


And I think we make it pretty clear in Rule #1 of Club TPR's Code of Conduct, which you agreed to when you became a Club TPR Member:


1. Club TPR Members MUST obey all verbal, written, and implied park rules! No exceptions! This includes, but is not limited to:


a. Bringing cameras, recording devices of any kind, or any other loose object on a ride where it is not permitted.

b. Circumventing any ride restraint system.

c. Line Jumping.

d. Visiting a park while intoxicated or under the influence of any illegal substance.

e. Trespassing into areas not allowed by guests.

f. Stripping naked and running around the park (Technically it's not posted that you can't do that, but it's implied!)


And also rules #5 and #6 also state that you can't go to a park, wave your Club TPR Card around and ask for "special treatment"

5. Club TPR members are strictly forbidden to use their Club TPR membership to act as an official representative of Club TPR or Theme Park Review, without the expressed written consent of an official "staff member" of the Club TPR or Theme Park Review. This would include, but is not limited to, participation in: media events, trade shows, or any other industry events. Also included would be: taking "official" photos, conducting interviews, writing articles, shooting videos, or corresponding with park or industry officials on Theme Park Review or Club TPR’s behalf, unless otherwise specifically requested by a staff member of Theme Park Review or Club TPR.


6. Club TPR members may not request any additional discounts or additional benefits of any park other than those outlined in the “Club TPR Membership Benefits” of the Club TPR website.


I really think you need to read the Club TPR Code of Conduct again. It concerns me that this question was even posted to begin with.

Edited by robbalvey
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My question to the parks would be to define "loose Articles". For example you can't wear glasses unless you have a strap holding them on, so why can't you have a Go-Cam that is strapped on? Whats the Difference? To me if its secure it is not a loose article and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I bet if they changed their policy you would see less people sneaking hand held cams and cells on coasters to shoot POV's, but i guess that makes too much sense!

Some parks, though, separate out "No loose items" and "no cameras", so for those parks, it's not an issue of if your camera is a loose article, they just simply don't want cameras on the ride, for whatever reason, period.


Those parks who do NOT separate those out, then I think you would have a case.



Would Diabetes equipment count as loose articles? On the PTC cars, I always put the buckle through the backpack strap. I do this since I caught a thug trying to steal medical equipment.

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^ You would have to consult the park. We are in no position to make a judgement call on medical equipment being taken on a ride. Although, I would have to say that, if when you say "Diabetes equipment" you mean a syringe, I would have to say that if a camera isn't safe to take on a ride, I'm not sure I would suggest taking needles on a wooden roller coaster!

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I'm thinking about contacting the Pleasure Pier and seeing if they would let me bring my camera on the ride. There are currently no good POV's online so I'd like to get permission to take one. The park isn't ever too busy and I often get to ride on empty trains so it shouldn't be a big deal. I'm also going to get some POV's of some of the coasters at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in a couple weeks. They don't seem to care what you bring on the ride.

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I'm thinking about contacting the Pleasure Pier and seeing if they would let me bring my camera on the ride. There are currently no good POV's online so I'd like to get permission to take one. The park isn't ever too busy and I often get to ride on empty trains so it shouldn't be a big deal.

It says right on the Pleasure Pier's website the policy for loose articles. It doesn't matter if the train is empty or not. If you bring a camera on the ride, knowing full well that they aren't allowed, you are breaking the park rules. I don't understand why you feel entitled to be "above the rules" because the train is empty.


Loose Articles are not permitted on most rides and should be left in a locker or with a non-rider. Pleasure Pier is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Loose articles of any kind (including but not limited to iPods, purses, backpacks, and beverage containers) may not be taken past the queue entrance and cannot be left on the load/unload platform. Cell phones, iPods, cameras, or other small items must be secured in cargo pockets, zippered jacket pockets, or waist packs.
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I'm thinking about contacting the Pleasure Pier and seeing if they would let me bring my camera on the ride. There are currently no good POV's online so I'd like to get permission to take one. The park isn't ever too busy and I often get to ride on empty trains so it shouldn't be a big deal.

It says right on the Pleasure Pier's website the policy for loose articles. It doesn't matter if the train is empty or not. If you bring a camera on the ride, knowing full well that they aren't allowed, you are breaking the park rules. I don't understand why you feel entitled to be "above the rules" because the train is empty.


That's why I said I was going to contact them. I would never take a POV of a coaster without direct permission from the park. If I email them and they say that I can do it then I will, but if the deny me then I won't. I've never taken any onride footage of a ride against park rules and don't plan on doing so. I was stating that it would be easier to do on an empty train but that wasn't in direct relation to topic. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

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I'm thinking about contacting the Pleasure Pier and seeing if they would let me bring my camera on the ride. There are currently no good POV's online so I'd like to get permission to take one. The park isn't ever too busy and I often get to ride on empty trains so it shouldn't be a big deal.

It says right on the Pleasure Pier's website the policy for loose articles. It doesn't matter if the train is empty or not. If you bring a camera on the ride, knowing full well that they aren't allowed, you are breaking the park rules. I don't understand why you feel entitled to be "above the rules" because the train is empty.


Loose Articles are not permitted on most rides and should be left in a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo or with a non-rider. Pleasure Pier is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Loose articles of any kind (including but not limited to iPods, purses, backpacks, and beverage containers) may not be taken past the queue entrance and cannot be left on the load/unload platform. Cell phones, iPods, cameras, or other small items must be secured in cargo pockets, zippered jacket pockets, or waist packs.

How did illegal POVs come about anyways? I don't mean to sound like an a word but aren't the 1996-99 POVs you put on YouTube illegal since it was during park operations and handheld.

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