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Hersheypark Announces Fahrenheit!

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No track or supports on site yet, but some footers have been layed down.


Wow! They really need to get track up soon. I have faith in Hershey to get it done on time, but it seems like they might be a little behind on schedule. I understand Voodoo not having any track or supports up because there isn't much track, but Fahrenheit should have some supports up by now.

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No track or supports on site yet, but some footers have been layed down.


Wow! They really need to get track up soon. I have faith in Hershey to get it done on time, but it seems like they might be a little behind on schedule. I understand Voodoo not having any track or supports up because there isn't much track, but Fahrenheit should have some supports up by now.


When I went up on Dec. 6, I do think I remember seeing something red or orangeish laying in the parking lot. It kind of looked like ride machinery or flat pieces of track.


I could be wrong though.

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Why is there a big deal about no track on site? It's only December, and some of you are acting like it's the end of the world. It takes time for a coaster to be built, and just because Behemoth is half way done means nothing. Behemoth is being built in an area that has worse weather in winter than Pennsylvania, and they want to get as much done as they can by January/February. Fahrenheit will open in 2008, but you all must be patient. For comparison that everything is fine, the Dark Knight,coasters are nowhere near completion, and no SFGAM/SFGADV/SFNE fans are concerned about it not opening on time. Just because no track has shown up for Fahrenheit does not mean that things are behind schedule.


Ok, but back to the coaster...


I will say that while I was impressed at first, I'm not as much now. I don't know how big the area is, but the coaster doesn't seem to do much. Sure it will have a cool first drop and some inversions-type inversion but the coaster doesn't seem to do much. The immelmann takes up a huge part part of the ride, and once out of the cobra roll, the train seems to wind its way back without doing much. I don't mean to say it will be a bad ride, but it could probably be better. If this was a euro-fighter I might like the ride more as their rides do so much with being relatively small. However, while I like what Intamin is doing with smaller coasters, this coaster just doesn't seem to have the same quality(for a lack of a better word) as their newer coasters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After looking at a satellite image of the park in 2007, Conestoga's old queue line might be used for Howler since it's still there behind the virtual theater.


As for Fehrenheit, at least 1 or 2 catering areas might need to be demolished. The station will be located down where Wildcat catering is and those fotters numbered 123, 124, and 125 could either be part of the cobra loop turn-around. The ride will be in Midway America even though it doesn't fit the theme. Could there be future expansion out that way?

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Well I was up at Hershey today becuase I decided to go to this boring farm show with funny looking animals. While I was there I got pictures of Fahrenheits track in the parking lot since I wanted to go to Chocolate World for maybe 30 minutes.


Well heres some pictures hope you enjoy them.






Since I live pretty close I'll try to get more pictures and I'm at Hershey at least once a month due to my Diabetes, no not for chocolate, for the doctors if you didn't know they have some of the best doctors in Pennsylvania.


I think I took some more just haven't had the time to upload them yet.


If you're wondering there might be some additional information at times at this link, I will try to post here as much as I can here though. http://www.brandonscoasters.com/rcdbhersheyfahrenheit1.htm



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^ Awesome pictures, thanks a lot! These are the first pictures I have seen of the track. I hope they have most of the footings complete so they can start on the vertical construction.


Thanks, also I do plan on getting more. I would have had them sooner but there was nothing to take pictures of.


I also hope that they have the footers to becuase I want to see track and supports up in the next few weeks. When I do I will be sure to take more photos and post them here.


I added another photo above.



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Since I live pretty close I'll try to get more pictures and I'm at Hershey at least once a month due to my Diabetes, no not for chocolate, for the doctors if you didn't know they have some of the best doctors in Pennsylvania.


That really is ironic that you have to go to Hershey, PA because of your Diabetes.

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Thanks guys, I plan on getting more pictures soon.


Also the letters are still on the kissing tower, I was surprised when I saw them to.


EDIT: And yes I do find it Ironic that I have to go to Hershey for Diabetes! HaHa, just saw that post and had to edit it in. Also since I do know there are some veterans here with diabetes, I have type 1 for anyone that knows what that means.

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After looking at a satellite image of the park in 2007, Conestoga's old queue line might be used for Howler since it's still there behind the virtual theater


Where was the Conestoga located?

Also, on a side note, I'm doing a project about Hersheypark for school, and does anyone know what the height requirement was for it.

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